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英语阅读突破书系  掌握词汇5000
英语阅读突破书系  掌握词汇5000

英语阅读突破书系 掌握词汇5000PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杜瑞清总主编;甄建明主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506245396
  • 页数:260 页
《英语阅读突破书系 掌握词汇5000》目录

Unit 1 1

Text Ⅰ A New You 全新的你 1

Text Ⅱ Snip,Suction,Stretch and Truss 缝合,吸脂,拉皮和隆鼻 6

Reading For Fun Planned Life 设计好的生活 10

A Barking Wife 大喊大叫的太太 10

Unit 2 11

Text Ⅰ The Right to Control One s Leaming 对自己学习的主控权 11

Text Ⅱ TV Can t Educate 电视不能传授知识 17

Reading For Fun The Name of a Poet 诗人的名字 21

Puberty 青春期 21

Unit 3 22

Text Ⅰ The Girl s Room 闺房 22

Text Ⅱ The Dying Famlly 正在消亡的传统式的家庭 27

Reading For Fun A Girl Just Like Mother 和母亲一样的女朋友 31

What Are The Two Words 您说的是哪两个字 31

Unit 4 32

Text Ⅰ How to Overcome Your Spending Tendency 如何克服消费倾向 32

Text Ⅱ Analyzing Consumer s Motives 分析顾客购物动机 39

Reading For Fun What Was It She Wanted 她需要什么 44

I Am Glad 我很高兴 44

Unit 5 45

Text Ⅰ Music Video and Madonna 音乐电视和麦当娜 45

Text Ⅱ Pictures at a High Price 索价高昂的照片 50

Reading For Fun A London Fog 伦敦的大雾 55

Unit 6 56

Text Ⅰ The Pattems of Eating 吃饭的规矩 56

Text Ⅱ As for Clothing 就服装而论 62

Reading For Fun You Are Paying for It 你得付钱 67

Class and Ass 班级和驴子 67

Unit 7 68

Text Ⅰ Kick Off Your Heels 去掉你的高鞋跟 68

Text Ⅱ Spiffing Up The Urban Heritage 使古旧城市建筑焕然一新 74

Reading For Fun Picture and Word 绘画与文字 79

Unit 8 80

Text Ⅰ In Defense of Diego Maradona 为迭戈申辩 80

Text Ⅱ China Dragon 中国龙 86

Reading For Fun The Bells 钟声 89

Our Tails 人类的尾巴 89

Unit 9 90

Text Ⅰ Death and Justice:How Capital Punishment Affirms Life 死亡与公正:死刑怎样肯定生命 90

Text Ⅱ The Byan White Story 怀特的故事 96

Reading For Fun Good Intentions 好主意 99

Who Was the First Man 谁是第一人 99

Unit 10 100

Text Ⅰ Something Good 良知尚存 100

Text Ⅱ Shrinking Shores 退缩的海岸 105

Reading For Fun Interesting Knowledge 有趣的知识 110

What Happened Thirty Years Ago 不要归罪于三十年前 110

Unit 11 111

Text Ⅰ Stealthy Epidemic of Exhaustion 悄然传播的疲劳综合征 111

Text Ⅱ Students and Drugs 学生与毒品 115

Reading For Fun A Rich Father 富有的爸爸 118

I Had Forgotten Who It Was 我忘了“谁”是“他” 118

Unit 12 119

Text Ⅰ Splendid China in the USA 锦绣中华在美国 119

Text Ⅱ The New Whiz Kids 新一代神童 124

Reading For Fun A Useful Lesson 有益的经验 129

What Is a Traitor 什么叫叛徒 129

Unit 13 130

Text Ⅰ Can This Marriage be Saved(Part Ⅰ:Kate Talks First) 这个婚姻是否还能挽救第一部分:凯特的故事 130

Text Ⅱ Can This Marriage be Saved(Part Ⅱ:Peter s Turn to Talk) 第二部分:彼得的故事 135

Text Ⅲ Can This Marriage be saved(Part Ⅲ:The Counselor Speaks) 第三部分:顾问的说法 138

Reading For Fun Dr.Swift and the Boy 医生和男孩 142

Unit 14 143

Text Ⅰ Do Lie Detectors Lie?All Too Often 测谎仪是否也撒谎?很平常 143

Text Ⅱ The Difference Between a Brain and a Computer 人脑与电脑的区别 149

Reading For Fun Can t Make the Difference 不懂门道 152

Visual Training 视力测试 152

Unit 15 153

Text Ⅰ On the Past and Future of Science Fiction 科幻小说的过去和将来 153

Text Ⅱ How to Tell a Story 怎样讲故事 158

Reading For Fun The Joke 最好笑的笑话 161

I Didn t Know That I Was So Far Back Already 我竟逃了这么远 161

Unit 16 162

Text Ⅰ My Adidas! “我的阿迪达斯” 162

Text Ⅱ Pretty Women 漂亮女人 167

Reading For Fun The Hat 帽子 172

The Emperor Of Russia 俄罗斯皇帝 172

Unit 17 173

Text Ⅰ Our Picture of the Universe 我们描画的宇宙 173

Text Ⅱ Astrology 占星术 179

Reading For Fun A Cure for a Headache 治头痛 183

Winston Churchill 温斯顿·邱吉尔先生 183

Unit 18 184

Text Ⅰ Review of Cyberpunk 评《网际旁客》 184

Text Ⅱ Dreaming the Impossible at MIT 在马萨诸塞州科技研究院梦想成真 189

Reading For Fun A Mysterious Letter 一封神秘来信 193

参考译文 194

练习答案 254
