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计算机专业英语教程  第3版
计算机专业英语教程  第3版

计算机专业英语教程 第3版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:金志权,张幸儿编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7505397680
  • 页数:388 页
《计算机专业英语教程 第3版》目录


Lesson 1 Hardware Ⅰ 1

1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and Primary Storage 1

1.2 Bus Interconnection 6

1.3 Integrated Circuit Moore’s law 10

1.4 CISC and RISC 15

1.5 Comp uter Architectures 17

Lesson 2 Hardware II 25

2.1 Optical Storage Media:High-Density Storage 25

2.1.1 Optical Laser Disks 25

2.1.2 Digital Video Disc 26

2.2 USB Universal Serial Bus 30

2.3 RAIDTechnology 34

2.4 The External Interface:SCSI and FireWire 39

3.1 C++ and Object-Oriented Programming 45

Lesson 3 Programming 45

3.2 Programming Language FORTRAN 90 51

3.3 Int roduction to Java 55

3.4 Advanced Visual C++ Features 58

3.5 Parallelism and Compiler 65

Lesson 4 Operating System 69

4.1 SummaryofOS 69

4.2 Window Managers 72

4.3 Mvths of UNIX 75

4.4 Using Linux in Embedded and Real-time Systems 77

Lesson 5 Computer Networks 84

5.1 Internet 84

5.2 Int ranet 89

5.3 Browser/Server Computing 95

5.4 Extending Your Markup:An XMLTutorial 98

5.5 Network Protocols 105

5.5.1 Protocol Hierarchies(Reading Material) 105

5.5.2 WAP The Wireless Application Protocol 112

Lesson 6 Network Communication 118

6.1 Two Approaches to Network Communication 118

6.2 Carrier Frequencies and Multiplexing 120

6.3 Wavelength Division Multiplexing:Ultra High Speed Fiber Optics 124

6.4 Gigabit Ethernet:From 100 to 1000Mbps 129

6.5 Wireless network 138

6.6 Geuing to 3G(Reading Material) 141

Lesson 7 Database 147

7.1 An Overview of a Database System 147

7.2 Introduction to SQL 151

7.3 Object-Oriented Database Management Systems 153

7.4 The Oracle DBMS 158

7.5 About Data Warehouse 164

7.5.1 Data Warehouse 164

7.5.2 Knowledge Modeling——Translate Data Mining Results into Real-World Terms Actions 168

7.6 Universal Data Access(UDA)Overview 170

Lesson 8 Multimedia 176

8.1 Introduction 176

8.1.1 Main Properties of a Multimedia System 176

8.1.2 Multimedia 177

8.2 Audio 179

8.2.1 Computer Representation of Sound 181

8.2.2 Audio Formats 182

8.3 Video Compression 184

8.4 Synchronization 191

8.5 An Introduction to Desktop Conferencing(Reading Material) 193

Lesson 9 Artiticial Intelligence 196

9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence 196

9.2 About Expert System 199

9.3 AI Programming Languages PROLOG 203

9.4 Computer Recognition of Speech 207

9.5 Neural Networks 210

9.6 Industrial Robotics(Reading Material) 216

Lesson 10 Data Structure and Algorithms 222

10.1 Abst ract Data Types 222

10.2 Heterogeneous Linked Lists 225

10.3 Block Sorting Algorithms:Parallel and Distributed Algorithm 229

10.4 Divide-and-Conquer 233

10.5 NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems(Reading Material) 235

Lesson 11 Fundamentals of the Computing Sciences 239

11.1 Predicates 239

11.2 Basic Concepts of Modern Algebra 243

11.2.1 Partially Ordered Sets(Posets) 243

11.2.2 Semigroups and Groups 248

11.3 Languages and Grammars 254

11.4 Finite-State Machines 258

11.5 Primitive Recursive Functions 263

12.1 Computer-Aided Design 267

Lesson 12 Computer Applications Ⅰ 267

12.2 Introduction to CAM 270

12.3 Introductory Overview of CIM 275

12.4 Management Information System(MIS) 280

12.5 Geographic Information Systems(GIS):A New Way to Look at Business Data 282

Lesson 13 Computer ApplicationsⅡ 287

13.1 Distance Education Technological Models 287

13.2 What is“Electronic Business”? 291

13.3 The Virtual Reality Responsive Workbench 297

Lesson 14 Software Development 304

14.1 Overview of Software Engineering 304

14.2 UML in Action 307

14.3 Overview of the Capability Maturity Model 310

14.4 Rapid Application Prototyping(RAP) 316

14.5 Requirements for the Next Generation Methods and Case Environments 319

Lesson 15 Miscellaneous 325

15.1 What Do I Need to Know about Viruses? 325

15.2 Modern Cryptography-Data Encryption 327

15.3 Firewalls and Proxies 331

15.4 Computer Control Abstracts 335

参考译文 343

1.3 集成电路 摩尔定律 343

1.4 CISC和RISC 344

2.2 通用串行总线 344

2.3 廉价磁盘机冗余阵列 346

3.2 程序设计语言 FORTRAN 90 347

3.5 并行性和编译程序 349

4.3 UNIX的神话 350

4.5 在嵌入式和实时系统中使用Linux 351

5.2 内部网 354

5.3 浏览器/服务器计算 355

6.1 网络通信的两种方法 356

6.5 无线网络 357

7.1 数据库系统概述 358

7.6 通用数据访问(UDA)概述 359

8.3 视频图像压缩 361

8.5 桌面会议介绍 363

9.2 专家系统 364

9.5 神经网络 365

10.4 分治法 368

11.1 谓词 369

11.5 原始递归函数 371

12.2 CAM介绍 373

12.5 地理信息系统(GIS):查看事务数据的新方法 374

13.3 虚拟现实响应工作台 376

14.2 UML在运转 378

14.5 下一代方法和CASE环境的需求 379

15.2 现代密码学 数据加密 381

15.3 防火墙和代理 383

Bibliography 386
