take aback 3
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bucket about 8
come about 9
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cast about(for) 9
carvort about 9
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dance about 10
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ferret about 11
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thrash〔thresh〕about 28
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wander about 29
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go abroad 31
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cut across 34
come across 34
put...across 35
pass...across 35
go across 35
lean across 35
slip across 36
go〔run〕aground 38
surge ahead 40
plan ahead 40
get ahead 40
go ahead 40
think ahead 41
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bowl along 44
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come along 45
chug along 45
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jog along 50
inch along 50
pant along 51
nip along 51
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step along 55
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stride along 56
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trudge along 57
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zigzag along 58
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go amiss 60
come amiss 60
V+AMOK〔AMUCK〕 6lrun amok〔amuck〕 62
(not)lead anywhere〔lead nowhere〕 64
(not)get(...)anywhere 64
(not)belong anywhere 64
fall apart 66
drift apart 66
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tell...apart 68
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arse around 72
boss...around 73
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be around 73
beetle round 73
cast around(for) 74
bucket around 74
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come around(to) 75
clown around 75
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drop around〔round〕 76
dot...around 76
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fox around 78
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hunt around 82
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kid aound 84
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monkey around 86
mill round〔around〕 86
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pal around 88
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noise...around 88
nose around〔round〕 88
poke around 89
plays around〔round〕 89
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prance around 90
politic 90
around 90
potter round 90
ring...round 91
rally round 91
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queen it around 91
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scout around 92
root around 92
rummage around 92
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shop around(for) 93
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stand around 95
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smell around 95
sneak around 95
snoop around〔round〕 95
strut around 96
stop round(by) 96
stay around 96
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work around 100
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stand aside 104
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thrust...aside 105
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sweep...aside 105
V+AWAY 106
bail away 109
back away 109
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ask away 109
babble away 109
beaver away 110
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bang away 110
barter...away 110
blaze...away 111
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blast away 111
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click away 118
away 119
curse 119
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crumble away 119
donkey away 120
die away 120
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dance away 120
dawdle...away 120
dream...away 121
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doze...away 121
drag...away 121
drive(...)away 122
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eat...away 123
ease...away 123
drop away 123
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edge away 124
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face away(from) 125
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fall away 126
faint away 126
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onder...away 143
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scribble away 151
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shoot away 152
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shut...away 153
shuffle away 153
shovel(...)away 153
shred away 153
shrink away(from) 153
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shy away(from) 154
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squirrel...away 160
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spirit...away 160
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store...away 163
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stream away 164
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type away 170
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away 171
veer away 171
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wait away 171
walk 171
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wheel...away 173
wheedle...away(from) 173
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weather...away 173
whistle away 174
whisk...away 174
while...away 174
whip away 174
whir away 174
wither away 175
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willow away 175
wing away 175
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write away 176
work away 176
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wrench...away 176
zoom away 177
zigzag away 177
yawn away 177
V+AWRY 178
go awry 179
V+BACK 180
come back 182
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draw back 183
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live...back 188
look back 188
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rake back 189
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put...back 189
set...back 190
sauce...back 190
take...back 191
snap back 191
shout back 191
sit back 191
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think back(to) 192
talk back 192
wind...back 193
welcome...back 193
leave...behind 195
lag behind 195
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follow behind 195
run behind 196
V+BY 197
flash by 198
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brush by 198
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drag by 198
appen by 199
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get by 199
sidle by 200
put...by 200
lay by 200
pass(...)by 200
stand by 201
speed by 201
sit by 201
slip 201
by 201
tick by 202
stop by 202
V+DOWN 203
back down 209
arrow down 209
anchor...down 209
argue...down 209
batter...down 210
batten...down 210
bang(...)down 210
bear(...)down 211
bed(...)down 212
beat(...)down 212
blip down 213
blaze down 213
belt down 213
bend down 213
bind...down 213
boil(...)down 214
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bolt...down 215
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bring down 217
buckle down 219
bucket down 219
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bundle...down 220
bunk down 220
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change down 221
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clmb down 222
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chill down 222
choke...down 222
chop...down 222
colour...down 223
dose(...)down 223
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come down 224
comb...down 224
copy...down 226
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crack down(on) 227
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cosy down 227
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crumple down 228
crash down 228
crouch down 228
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dig down 230
diet down 230
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drench down 233
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duck down 234
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fine(...)down 236
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force...down 237
flag...down 237
fling...down 237
flop down 237
get(...)down 238
gentle...down 238
gaunt...down 238
go down 240
gobble...down 242
grunt down 243
grind...down 243
grass...down 243
hammer...down 244
hack...down 244
gulp...down 244
gun... 244
down 244
hem...down 245
have...down 245
hand...down 245
hound...down 246
hose...down 246
hold...down 246
hurl down 247
hunt...down 247
huddle down 247
hunker down 247
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jot...down 248
ice...down 248
idle down 248
jam down(on) 248
Jew〔jew〕...down 248
kip down 249
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kneel down 250
lay...down 251
lash down 251
knuckle down 251
let...down 253
lean...down 253
be laid down(with) 253
lie down 254
level(...)down 254
look down 255
load...down(with) 255
lift...down 255
live...down 255
make down 256
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mow...down 257
mosey down 257
melt...down 257
nail...down 258
mute...down 258
pack down 259
note...down 259
narrow(...)down 259
notch...down 259
pay...down 260
pat...down 260
pare...down 260
pin...down 261
pelt down 261
peg...down 261
plank...down 262
plane down 262
pinch down 262
pinion...down 262
pipe down 262
pound...down 263
plunk...down 263
plaster...down 263
play...down 263
plump down 263
put...down 264
pull...down 264
pour down 264
rain(...)down 267
quiet(en)(...)down 267
read(...)down 268
reach down 268
ram...down 268
rub(...)down 269
rope...down 269
ride...down 269
roll...down 269
run(...)down 270
saddle...down 271
scrib-ble...down 272
screw...down 272
salt...down 272
sand...down 272
scale...down 272
send...down 273
seed...down 273
scrub...down 273
scythe...down 273
seal...down 273
set...down 274
shake(...)down 275
settle(...)down 275
shoot(...)down 276
shine down 276
shell...down 276
shut(...)down 277
shout...down 277
down 278
sit(...) 278
sift down 278
simmer down 278
sink down 278
sleek...down 279
slap...down 279
slam...down 279
smash...down 280
slow(...)down 280
slim(...)down 280
slip down 280
sober(...)down 281
soap...down 281
smooth(...)down 281
snuggle down 281
spiral down 282
spell...down 282
soften(...)down 282
soothe...down 282
stand...down 283
squat down 283
splash down 283
stay down 284
step down 285
steady(...)down 285
strike...down 286
stream down 286
stick...down 286
stomp down 286
strap...down 286
suck...down 287
stuff...down 287
string...down 287
strip...down 287
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swoop down 288
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swig...down 288
switch...down 288
talk...down 289
take...down 289
tear...down 290
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teem down 291
tie...down 292
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thump down 292
toss...down 293
topple down 293
tone(...)down 293
tramp...down 294
track...down 294
touch down 294
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tumble down 295
trample...down 295
tread...down 295
trim...down 295
vote...down 296
wave...down 297
water...down 297
wash...down 297
weigh...down 298
wear(...)down 298
whittle...down 299
weight...down 299
wipe...down 300
wing down 300
wind...down 300
write...down 301
wolf...down 301
wire...down 301
V+FAR 302
go far 303
bring...forth 305
break forth 305
blast...forth 305
blazon...forth 305
go forth 306
give...forth 306
burst forth 306
call...forth 306
let...forth 307
hold forth 307
gush forth 307
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sally forth 308
pour...forth 308
put...forth 308
stand forth 309
shadow...forth 309
ease...forward 312
come forward 312
bring...forward 312
put forward 313
look forward 313
edge forward 313
go forward 313
inch forward 313
step forward 314
meet...halfway 316
V+HOME 317
drive...home 318
come home(to sb) 318
bring...home(to sb) 318
V+IN 320
barge in 323
ask...in 323
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allow...in 323
box...in 324
book(...)in 324
bash...in 324
blow(...)in 324
break(...)in 325
butt in 326
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breathe(...)in 326
cash(...)in 327
call...in 327
chime in 328
check in 328
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climb in 329
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chip in 329
come in 330
clue...in 330
clock in 330
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crowd in 332
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dub...in 334
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edge...in 335
duff...in 335
ease in 335
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fence...in 336
fall in 336
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gather in 338
fly...in 338
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hem...in 340
head in 340
happen in 340
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include in 341
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hop in 341
horn(...)in 341
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join in 342
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lay...in 343
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lock...in 344
muscle in 345
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move in 345
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nose in 346
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pitch in 347
pile in 347
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pop in 348
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rake...in 350
radio in 350
roll in 351
ring...in 351
reel...in 351
rein(...)in 351
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rub(it)in 352
roof...in 352
rope...in 352
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sail in 353
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start in 357
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suck in 358
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tuck(...)in 361
trade in(A for B) 361
usher...in 362
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weigh...in 363
want in 363
vote...in 363
wall...in 363
work(...)in 364
wind(...)in 364
whale in 364
zoom in(on) 365
zero(...)in 365
V+OFF 367
back off 372
auction...off 372
act his head off 372
angle off 372
be off 373
barricade...off 373
balance off 373
bear off 374
beg(...)off 375
beetle off 375
beat off 375
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bicycle off 376
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block...off 377
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blink off 377
branch off 378
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blunder off 378
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boom off 378
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brass off 379
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bugger off 381
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bump...off 382
buy...off 383
bustle...off 383
bunk off 383
bum(...)off 383
bury...off 383
cap it off 384
call...off 384
buzz off 384
carry...off 385
caper off 385
cast(...)off 386
cart...off 386
chalk...off(as) 387
chain...off 387
catapult...off 387
cheese...off 388
check...off 388
charge(...)off 388
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chug off 390
clean...off 390
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clock off 391
click(...)off 391
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come off 392
clump off 392
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conk off 393
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divide...off 399
dodge off 399
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drool off 402
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drowse off 403
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fall off 405
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edge...off 405
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fan...off 406
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fend...off 407
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fly off 409
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foist off 410
fork off 410
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go off 414
glance off 414
hare off 415
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goof off 415
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have it off 416
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hasten off 416
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jog off 420
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kill...off 421
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laugh...off 423
know off(by heart) 423
lead off 424
lay(...)off 424
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leave off 425
learn...off(by heart) 425
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lop...off 427
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lever...off 427
lift(...)off 427
mark...off(from) 428
make off 428
lumber off 428
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marry...off 429
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nip off 430
mike off 430
mope off 430
nibble...off 430
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pace...off 431
number(...)off 431
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palm off 432
pad off 432
pair(...)off 432
pay(...)off 433
pass(...)off 433
pension...off 435
peel(...)off 435
pedal off 435
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poison...off 437
off 437
play off 437
plod 437
pop(...)off 438
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prise...off 439
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push(...)off 440
put...off 441
rattle...off 442
ricochet off 443
reel...off 443
read...off 443
rip...off 444
rinse...off 444
ring...off 444
roll off 445
rub...off 446
round...off 446
rope...off 446
run(...)off 447
rule(...)off 447
scare...off 448
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sail off 448
scrub...off 449
screen...off 449
scram off 449
scrape...off 449
seal...off 450
scurry off 450
send...off 451
sell...off 451
see...off 451
set(...)off 452
shake...off 453
shade(...)off 453
sheer off 454
shear...off 454
shave...off 454
shog off 455
ship...off 455
shift off 455
shoot(...)off 456
shoo...off 456
show(...)off 457
shove(...)off 457
shoulder...off 457
shrug...off 458
shut...off 459
shunt...off 459
shuffle off 459
size...off 460
siphon...off 460
shy off 460
sign(...)off 460
slacken off 461
slack(...)off 461
skip off 461
slip(...)off 462
slink off 462
slam off 462
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slice...off 462
slough...off 463
slouch off 463
slope off 463
snap(...)off 464
sound off 465
sod off 465
sneak off 465
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soak...off 465
speed off 466
spark...off 466
spout off 467
sponge...off 467
spiel off 467
spirit...off 467
split(...)off 467
stall...off 468
stalk off 468
square(...)off 468
start(...)off 469
stand...off 469
steam off 470
stave...off 470
starve...off 470
strain...off 471
storm off 471
steer...off 471
stop off 471
strike...off 472
streak off 472
sugar(...)off 473
stump off 473
strip...off 473
tail(...)off 474
switch(...)off 474
swear off 474
take(...)off 475
talk sb's ear off 477
tell...off 478
tear...off 478
taper(...)off 478
throw...off 479
thaw...off 479
tick...off 480
toss...off 481
top...off(by,with) 481
tip...off 481
trade...off 482
towell...off 482
touch... 482
off 482
trim...off 483
trigger...off 483
trail off 483
turn(...)off 484
trundlev...off 484
troop off 484
trot off 484
waddle off 485
veer off 485
twist...off 485
ward...off 486
wall...off 486
walk...off 486
wave...off 487
wash(...)off 487
warn...off 487
whip...off 488
wear(...)off 488
work...off 489
wire...off 489
whiz...off 489
wipe(...)off 489
write...off 490
wrench...off 490
worry...off 490
yank...off 491
zoom off 492
zip off 492
yell one's head off 492
zigzag off 492
V+ON 493
carry(...)on 495
button...on 495
bring...on 495
buckle...on 495
catch on 496
come on 497
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hang on 502
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plod on 505
pull...on 505
rattle on 507
sign(...)on 508
rub...on 508
run on 508
set...on 508
steady on 509
slip...on 509
soldier on 509
speak on 509
spur...on 509
take(...)on 510
stop on 510
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tie...on 511
wear on 512
try...on 512
turn...on 512
V+OUT 514
allow...out 517
act...out 517
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angle out 518
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bail...out 519
back out 519
bale...out 520
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battle(it)out 521
balloon(...)out 521
bar...out 521
barge out 521
bear...out 522
bawl...out 522
be out(to do) 522
bed...out 523
beat...out 523
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belch(...)out 524
belly(...)out 524
blank(...)out 525
black out 525
blaze out 526
blanket...out 526
blare(...)out 526
blot...out 527
blink out 527
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blossom out 527
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blow...out 528
bomb...out 529
blurt...out 529
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book...out 530
boom(...)out 530
branch out 531
bottom out 531
bow(...)out 531
break out 532
brazen it out 532
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breathe out 533
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budget...out 534
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brown...out 534
brush...out 534
bubble out 534
burn...out 535
bug out 535
bull(-)doze...out 535
bunch out 535
call out 536
burst out 536
butt out 536
buy...out 536
cancel(...)out 537
camp out 537
cast...out 538
carry...out 538
chalk...out 539
catapult(...)out 539
catch...out 539
censor...out 539
check(...)out 540
choose...out 541
chew...out 541
chicken out 541
(be)clapped out 542
chuck...out 542
churn...out 542
dear(...)out 543
clean...out 543
close...out 544
click...out 544
clock out 544
comb...out 545
cloud...out 545
coax...out 545
come out 546
conk out 547
copy...out 548
contract out 548
cop(...)out 548
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corbel...out 549
cough...out 549
crop...out 550
crap out 550
crowd...out 551
cross(...)out 551
cut(...)out 552
cry(...)out 552
deal...out 553
die out 554
deck...out 554
dish...out 555
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dine out 555
dole...out 556
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do...out 556
dodge out 556
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drop out 558
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dry...out 559
drown...out 559
edge(...)out 560
duck out 560
ease(...)out 560
eat out 560
ake...out 561
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elbow...out 562
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fall out 564
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farm...out 565
fan(...)out 565
fight it out 566
ferret...out 566
fathom...out 566
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file out 567
figure...out 567
fill(...)out 568
finish...out 569
find(...)out 569
fit out 570
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fink out 570
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flare out 571
flake out 571
fizzle out 571
flesh...out 572
flatten out 572
flash out 572
fluff(...)out 573
flood...out 573
flicker out 573
flip out 573
fly(...)out 574
flush...out 574
flunk out 574
fork...out 575
force...out 575
follow...out 575
freak(...)out 576
frazzle(...)out 576
foul out 576
fray out 576
get(...)out 577
gasp...out 577
freeze...out 577
gin(...)out 578
give...out 579
gouge...out 580
go out 580
gruff...out 581
grind...out 581
hammer...out 582
gutter out 582
gush(...)out 582
hatch(...)out 583
hasten...out 583
hand...out 583
hang(...)out 583
have...out 584
haul...out 584
hide(...)out 585
help(...)out 585
hear...out 585
hit out 586
hire(...)out 586
hold(...)out 587
hoist...out 587
include...out 588
hound...out 588
hollow...out 588
hoof...out 588
iron...out 589
iris out 589
invalid...out 589
invite...out 589
kick...out 590
keep...out 590
jut out 590
knock...out 591
knob out 591
kit...out 591
ladle...out 592
last out 593
lash out 593
lay...out 594
launch out 594
laugh out 594
laugh out loud 594
leave...out 596
lean out 596
leaf out 596
leak out 596
let...out 597
lengthen(...)out 597
level(...)out 598
line...out 599
light out 599
lever...out 599
lock...out 600
loan out 600
live...out 600
lose out 601
look(...)out 601
make(...)out 602
lunge out 602
luck out 602
map...out 604
meaure...out 605
make...out 605
miss...out 606
mind out 606
mete...out 606
neaten out 607
muck(...)out 607
mop...out 607
move out(on sb) 607
nose...out 608
nip out 608
need out 608
open(...)out 609
coze out 609
pack out 610
pace...out 610
opt out(of) 610
order...out 610
parcel...out 611
parachute...out 611
paint...out 611
pan out 611
pay...out 612
pass out 612
peep〔peer〕out 613
peck...out 613
peg out 614
pick...out 615
phase...out 615
persuade...out 615
peter out 615
plank...out 616
plan...out 616
piece...out 616
pile out 616
play...out 617
plant...out 617
point...out 618
plump...out 618
pluck...out 618
pop out 619
poop out 619
poke out 619
print...out 620
pour...out 620
portion...out 620
pound...out 620
prove(...)out 621
prise〔prize〕...out 621
pnll(...)out 622
puff...out 622
psych...out 622
punch...out 623
pump...out 623
put(...)out 624
push...out 624
purge...out 624
puzzle...out 627
put oneself out(to do) 627
rasp...out 628
rap...out 628
quarry...out 628
rain out 628
rake...out 628
reach(...)out 629
ray out 629
ration...out 629
ravel...out 629
reckon...out 630
reason...out 630
read...out 630
rig...out 631
ride...out 631
reel...out 631
roar out 632
rip...out 632
ring out 632
rinse...out 632
rollick out 633
roll(...)out 633
round...out 634
rough...out 634
root...out 634
rule...out 635
rub...out 635
rout...out 635
sally out 636
sack out 636
run out 636
rush out 636
scour...out 637
score...out 637
scent...out 637
scheme...out 637
scoop...out 637
sculpt...out 638
scrub...out 638
scram out 638
scratch...out 638
scream(...)out 638
screen...out 638
seep out 639
seek...out 639
search...out 639
see(...)out 639
send...out 640
sell(...)out 640
serve...out 641
separate...out 641
set(...)out 642
shake(...)out 643
shag...out 643
seven out 643
shell...out 644
share...out 644
shape...out 644
ship(...)out 645
shephered...out 645
shoot(...)out 646
shoo...out 646
show...out 647
shovel...out 647
short(...)out 647
shout(my heart)out 647
sigh out loud 648
sift...out 648
shuffle out 648
shut...out 648
siphon...out 649
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sign out 649
signal...out 649
sing(...)out 649
skin out 650
sketch...out 650
sit(...)out 650
slip out 651
sleep(...)out 651
slam out 651
sluice...out 652
slug it out 652
slog(it)out 652
smooth...out 653
smoke...out 653
slump out 653
smell...out 653
sniff...out 654
sneak out 654
smuggle...out 654
snap...out 654
sob...out 655
snuff(...)out 655
snow...out 655
sort...out 656
space...out 657
sound(...)out 657
spell...out 658
speak...out 658
span...out 658
spill(...)out 659
spew...out 659
spin...out 660
spoon...out 661
splay...out 661
spit...out 661
spy...out 662
spurt out 662
spread(...)out 662
squeeze out 663
stammer...out 664
stake...out 664
squirt(...)out 664
stand out 665
stamp...out 665
stare...out 666
stay(...)out 667
starve...out 667
start out 667
stick(...)out 668
steal out 668
stink...out 669
straighten...out 670
stop out 670
strike(...)out 671
stretch(...)out 671
streak out 671
stream out 671
string(...)out 672
suss...out 673
stump out 673
stub...out 673
sweep...out 674
sweat(it)out 674
swab...out 674
swear...out 674
switch...out 675
swill...out 675
swell...out 675
take...out 676
tag...out 676
tap...out 677
talk...out 677
tear out 678
tea out 678
tape...out 678
taxi out 678
thicken out 679
thaw(...)out 679
tempt...out 679
test...out 679
think...out 680
thin(...)out 680
throw...out 681
thrash〔thresh〕...out 681
think out loud 681
thump...out 682
tire...out 683
tiptoe out 683
thunder out 683
tip...out 683
total...out 684
tot out 684
tog...out 684
top out 684
toss...out 684
trick...out 685
tread...out 685
tough...out 685
track...out 685
try...out 686
trot...out 686
trickle out 686
tune...out 687
tucker...out 687
turn(...)out 688
turf...out 688
usher...out 691
type...out 691
twang...out 691
wait...out 692
wade out 692
vacuum...out 692
venture out 692
vote...out 692
wangle...out 693
walk out 693
warp...out 694
want(...)out 694
watch out 695
wash...out 695
wear(...)out 696
wave...out 696
weigh...out 697
weep...out 697
weary...out 697
weed...out 697
whip...out 698
wheeze...out 698
wheel...out 698
will out 699
wiggle out 699
whisk out 699
widen out 699
wig out 699
winkle...out 700
wink out 700
win out 700
wing it out 700
wipe...out 701
winnow...out 701
work(...)out 702
wonder out loud 702
wring...out 704
wriggle out 704
worm...out 704
worry...out 704
yell(...)out 705
yank...out 705
write...out 705
be zonked out 706
V+OVER 707
bind...over 709
bend over 709
beckon...over 709
bowl(...)over 710
boil over 710
blow over 710
call...over 711
bring...over 711
brim over 711
cloud over 712
change over 712
double over 713
count...over 713
coat...over 713
come over 713
fall over 714
ease over 714
drop over 714
give(...)over 715
get...over 715
fold over 715
frost over 715
go over 716
gloss...over 716
be hung over 717
hand...over 717
keel over 718
heel over 718
hash...over 718
have...over 718
lean over 719
knock...over 719
keep...over 719
make...over 720
look...over 720
leave...over 720
lie over 720
paper...over 721
mull(...)over 721
mist over 721
pass(...)over 722
put...over 723
pull over 723
pay...over 723
pick...over 723
reach over 724
rake...over 724
run...over 725
ruffle...over 725
read...over 725
roll over 725
smooth...over 726
slur...over 726
send...over 726
stay over 727
start over 727
spill over 727
stand... 727
over 727
take(...)over 728
swap...over 728
stop over 728
throw...over 729
thrash...over 729
talk...over 729
think...over 729
tide...over 730
tick over 730
turn(...)over 731
topple over 731
tip(...)over 731
work...over 733
win...over 733
wave...over 733
well over 733
go places 736
serve...right 739
filter through 741
fall through 741
carry(...)through 741
come through 741
help...through 742
go through 742
follow(...)through 742
get through 742
run...through 743
put...through 743
pull(...)through 743
win through 744
wear through 744
see...through 744
show through 744
V+TO 746
fall to 748
draw(the door)to 748
come to 748
set to 749
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heave(...)to 749
lay to 749
stand(...)to 750
shut(...)to 750
belong together 752
band together 752
go together 753
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bring together 753
club together 753
collogue together 753
hold(...)together 754
herd together 754
hang together 754
patch...together 755
knock together 755
huddle together 755
keep together 755
pull oneself together 756
pig together 756
piece...together 756
rub...together 757
rough...together 757
put...together 757
string together 758
stick together 758
scrape...together 758
stand together 758
tie(...)together 759
throw...together 759
take〔catch〕...unawares 761
knuckle under 763
keep...under 763
go under 763
suck...under 764
snow...under 764
V+UP 765
add(...)up 771
age...up 771
act up 771
back up 772
ante...up 772
anger...up 772
answer up 772
ball...up 773
balance...up 773
bag...up 773
bait up 773
bank(...)up 774
bandage...up 774
balls...up 774
bear(...)up 775
bash...up 775
bar...up 775
beef...up 776
beat...up 776
belt up 777
belly up(to) 777
black...up 778
bitch...up 778
bid...up 778
bind...up 778
blow(...)up 779
bloody...up 779
blaze up 779
block...up 779
bob up 780
board...up 780
bolster...up 781
bollix...up 781
boil(...)up 781
book...up 782
bone up 782
bolt up 782
bottle...up 783
botch...up 783
be boozed up,booze it up 783
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brass up 784
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brace(...)up 784
brew(...)up 786
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brim up 787
brick...up 787
brighten(...)up 787
brisk...up 788
buck(...)up 789
bubble up 789
bruise...up 789
brush...up 789
build(...)up 790
bugger...up 790
buckle up 790
buddy(...)up 790
bump up 791
bung...up 792
bundle(...)up 792
bunch(...)up 792
burn(...)up 793
buoy...up 793
butcher...up 794
bust...up 794
buy...up 795
buttress...up 795
butter...up 795
button(...)up 795
call(...)up 796
cage...up 796
cash...up 797
carve...up 797
chain...up 798
cede...up 798
cast...up 798
catch(...)up 798
change up 799
chalk(...)up 799
chat...up 800
chase...up 800
char...up 800
charge...up 800
chew...up 801
cheer(...)up 801
check...up 801
chop...up 802
choose...up 802
chirk...up 802
choke(...)up 802
churn(...)up 803
chum up 803
chuck...up 803
clean(...)up 804
clam up 804
cinch...up 804
clog(...)up 805
clock...up 805
clear(...)up 805
clown it up 806
cloud up 806
close(...)up 806
cocker...up 807
cobble...up 807
clue...up 807
clutter...up 807
coal up 807
coke...up 808
coil(...)up 808
cockle(...)up 808
coddle...up 808
code...ud 808
come up 809
colour up 809
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connect(...)up 811
conjure...up 811
corn...up 812
cork...up 812
cook...up 812
coop...up 812
cord...up 812
count...up 813
cough...up 813
cosy〔cozy〕up 813
crack...up 814
cover(...)up 814
crate...up 815
crap...up 815
cramp(...)up 815
crank...up 815
crop up 816
crook up 816
craze...up 816
crease(...)up 816
crinkle up 816
crock(...)up 816
crumple(...)up 817
crumble up 817
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crowd up 817
cuddle up 818
crust(...)up 818
crush...up 818
cut up 819
cushion...up 819
curl(...)up 819
curve up 819
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den up 822
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date...up 822
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dial...up 823
divvy...up 824
divide...up 824
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doll...up 826
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draw oneself up 828
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dress(...)up 829
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drop up 830
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fill(...)up 837
figure...up 837
fetch up 837
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fine up 838
fish...up 839
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fire up 839
fizz up 840
fix...up 840
fit...up 840
flood up 841
flash up 841
flame up 841
flare up 841
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up 842
fluff...up 842
foam up 842
fog(...) 842
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fork(...)up 844
freshen(...)up 845
freeze(...)up 845
foul...up 845
gag it up 846
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fuck...up 846
fudge...up 846
gather...up 847
gas...up 847
gang up 847
gen...up 848
gee up 848
gear...up 848
get up 849
give up 851
girth...up 851
gimmick...up 851
ginger...up 851
go up 854
glam...up 854
goof(...)up 856
gollop...up 856
gobble...up 856
grind...up 857
grim up 857
goose...up 857
grease...up 857
grow up 858
groom...up 858
gussy...up 859
gum...up 859
grub...up 859
gulp...up 859
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hammer...up 860
guy...up 860
hack...up 860
ham...up 860
harness...up 861
harden(...)up 861
hang(...)up 861
have...up(for) 862
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hatch...up 862
head(...)up 863
hawk...up 863
heave(...)up 864
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heal(...)up 864
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hike...up 865
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helix up 865
be het up 865
hitch...up 866
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hold(...)up 867
hoke...up 867
hoard...up 867
hop(...)up 868
hook...up 868
hole up 868
hummock up 869
huddle(...)up 869
hot(...)up 869
house up 869
hush(...)up 870
hurry(...)up 870
hump(...)up 870
hunch...up 870
hunt...up 870
jack...up 871
invite...up 871
ice(...)up 871
immure...up 871
jazz...up 872
jam...up 872
jumble...up 873
jolly(...)up 873
join up 873
keep(...)up 874
kick up 875
key...up 875
kneel up 876
kit...up 876
kilt...up 876
knock...up 877
knit...up 877
lap...up 878
land up 878
knot(...)up 878
lace(...)up 878
lay(...)up 879
la dy up 879
let up 880
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lie up 881
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lever...up 881
lick...up 881
limber(...)up 882
light(...)up 882
line(...)up 883
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link(...) 884
up 884
liquor...up 884
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load(...)up 885
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look(...)up 886
log...up 886
loop...up 887
loom up 887
louse...up 888
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make(...)up 889
love...up 889
mark...up 891
mangle...up 891
marry...up 892
measure...up 893
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mash...up 893
mat...up 893
mew...up 894
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meet up(with) 894
mend...up 894
mop(...)up 895
moor...up 895
mince...up 895
mist up 895
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move(...)up 896
mouth...up 896
mount up 896
muddle...up 897
muck...up 897
muss...up 898
munch...up 898
muffle...up 898
mug...up 898
offer...up 899
notch...up 899
muster...up 899
nail...up 899
neaten...up 899
nerve...up 899
open(...)up 900
oil(...)up 900
pack(...)up 902
own up 902
order....up 902
parcel...up 903
paper...up 903
pad...up 903
pal up(to,with) 903
pay up 904
patch...up 904
party it up 904
pass...up 904
pep(...)up 905
pen...up 905
peacock...up 905
peg...up 905
pick(...)up 906
phone(...)up 906
perk(...)up 906
pile...up 910
pitch(...)up 911
piss...up 911
pin...up 911
pipe up 911
play(...)up 912
plaster...up 912
plump...up 913
plug...up 913
plough...up 913
pluck...up(courage,heart,spirits etc.) 913
polish(...)up 914
poke...up 914
pocket...up 914
point...up 914
post...up 915
pop up 915
pony...up 915
pretty...up 916
prank...up 916
power...up 916
praise...up 916
primp...up 917
prime...up 917
prick up one's ears 917
prop...up 918
prize...up 918
prink...up 918
print...up 918
puff...up 919
puddle...up 919
prove up(on) 919
pucker(...)up 919
pump...up 920
pull(...)up 920
push(...)up 921
purse...up 921
punch...up 921
put(...)up 922
queue up 925
rake...up 926
raise...up 926
quirk...up 926
rack...up 926
ready...up 927
read...up 927
range...up 927
reach(...)up 927
rein(...)up 928
redden up 928
rear...up 928
teckon...up 928
rig...up 929
ride up 929
render...up 929
rest(...)up 929
rev(...)up 929
ring(...)up 930
rile...up 930
roll(...)up 931
rod...up 931
rip...up 931
rise up 931
rope...up 933
root...up 933
round...up 934
rough...up 934
rot...up 934
ruffle...up 935
ruck(...)up 935
rub...up 935
rust up 936
run...up 936
rug...up 936
sane up 937
saddle(...)up 937
rustle...up 937
scare...up 938
say...up 938
save...up 938
saw...up 938
scratch...up 939
scrap...up 939
scoop...up 939
scramble up 939
screw(...)up 940
scuff...up 941
scrub...up 941
scrounge...up 941
send...up 942
sell(...)up 942
seal...up 942
seize up 942
serve...up 943
set(...)up 944
settle(...)up 947
sew...up 948
shake...up 949
shack up(with) 949
sex...up 949
shape up 950
shift up 951
shelve up 951
sharpen...up 951
shoot(...)up 952
shinny up 952
shovel...up 953
shore...up 953
shrink up 954
shred...up 954
show(...)up 954
shut(...)up 955
shush...up 955
shrivel(...)up 955
sign(...)up 956
sidle up 956
sick(...)up 956
sit(...)up 957
single...up 957
silt(...)up 957
size...up 958
slap...up 959
slice...up 959
slack up 959
slip up 960
slow(...)up 960
slurp...up 961
smarten(...)up 961
sludge up 961
smoke...up 962
smooth...up 962
smell...up 962
smash...up 962
snap...up 963
snarl...up 963
be snowed up 964
snuff...up 964
sneak up 964
snatch...up 964
soak...up 965
soap...up 965
sober(...)up 966
soften...up 966
speed(...)up 967
sing up 967
speak up 967
sop...up 967
soup...up 967
sour...up 967
spiral up 968
spice...up 968
spew...up 968
split(...)up 969
up 969
splash(...)up 969
be〔get〕spliced 969
spring up 970
spoon...up 970
squash...up 971
square(...)up 971
spruce(...)up 971
stand(...)up 972
stack(...)up 972
start(...)up 973
steam(...)up 974
steady(...)up 974
stay up 974
stew...up 975
step...up 975
stiffen(...)up 976
stick...up 976
stitch...up 977
stir...up 977
stink...up 977
stop...up 978
stoke(...)up 978
stock(...)up 978
straighten(...)up 979
store...up 979
stopple...up 979
string...up 980
strike(...)up 980
stump...up 981
stuff...up 981
study(...)up 981
sum...up 982
suit up 982
suck...up 982
surface up 983
sup...up 983
summon...up 983
sweeten...up 984
sweep...up 984
surge up 984
swallow...up 984
tack...up 985
swot...up 985
swell up 985
switch...up 985
take(...)up 986
tally...up 989
talk up 989
tape...up 990
tank(...)up 990
tangle...up 990
tear...up 991
team up 991
tart...up 991
thicken up 992
tense(...)up 992
tee...up 992
tell(...)up 992
throw(...)up 993
throttle up 993
think...up 993
ticket...up 994
tick up 994
thud up 994
tie(...)up 995
tidy(...)up 995
tickle...up 995
tighten(...)up 996
tip...up 997
top...up 998
tool up 998
tog(oneself)up 998
tone...up 998
tot...up 999
toss(...)up 999
toughen(...)up 1000
touch...up 1000
total...up 1000
train...up 1001
trade...up 1001
tower up 1001
trump...up 1002
trip...up 1002
trim...up 1002
tuck...up 1003
truss...up 1003
turn(...)up 1004
tune(...)up 1004
tucker...up 1004
twist(...)up 1005
twiddle...up 1005
use...up 1006
ugly...up 1006
wake(...)up 1007
wait up 1007
vacuum...up 1007
visa...up 1007
warm(...)up 1008
wall...up 1008
walk up 1008
wash...up 1009
well up 1010
weld...up 1010
weigh...up 1010
whip...up 1011
whoop it〔things〕up 1012
up 1012
whistle...up 1012
whiz(z)... 1012
wind(...)up 1013
wire...up 1014
wipe...up 1014
wolf...up 1015
wither(...)up 1015
wise...up 1015
wisp...up 1015
work(...)up 1016
wool up 1016
wrap(...)up 1018
write...up 1019
wrinkle up 1019
wreck...up 1019
- 《元曲鉴赏辞典》傅德岷,余曲主编 2017
- 《唐宋八大家鉴赏辞典》刘洪仁,刘细涓编著 2018
- 《密码学辞典》朱甫臣编 2020
- 《上海作家辞典》上海市作家协会编 1994
- 《佛学大辞典 简体横排版 4》丁福保编 2017
- 《佛学大辞典 简体横排版 2》丁福保编 2017
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- 《中医方剂大辞典 第1册》彭怀仁等主编 2015
- 《中外舞蹈知识百科辞典》陈冲主编 2018
- 《中国市场经济学大辞典》赵林如编著 2019
- 《日本庭园 简约 宁静 和谐》(美)吉塔·K.梅塔,(日)多田君枝 2019
- 《新日本语能力考试N2文字词汇精讲精练》陈露主编;多田真由美,康婷,许寅编 2013
- 《哮喘 最新疗法·确保健康度过每一天》(日)多田宽主编;张中华,王玲译 2014
- 《砌体结构》蒋建清,郭光玲主编;王赟,夏多田副主编 2014
- 《日本昭和经济史 1925-1989》(日)中村隆英著;刘多田译 1992
- 《北京地名志》(日)多田贞一著;张紫晨译 1986
- 《大家的经济学》(日)竹中平蔵著;朱瑀等译 2004
- 《日本神妖博物志》多田克已著 2009
- 《多样的植物种子》(日)多田多恵子著;张梦思,雨晴译 2017
- 《日本如何应对超高龄社会 医疗保健·社会保障对策》赵林,(日)多田罗浩三,桂世勋主编 2014