- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭翀本册编著
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:远方出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7805959013
- 页数:241 页
校园风貌 1
1.The Courses in American High Schools 1
2.Semester Break 3
3.Let's Have a Party 4
4.The Best Way to Learn a Language 7
5.How to Pass an Exam? 9
6.Talk Turkey 11
7.Meaningful Colours 13
8.Rose Can Smile in Chinese 15
人文科普 17
1.Why Should We Rise Early? 17
2.Dry Ice 19
3.The Sky 21
4.Robot 23
5.Trash or Treasure 26
6.Can You See a Horse with Wings? 29
7.The New Way to Eat 31
8.Air 34
9.ESP 36
处世点拨 39
1.A Clever Man 39
2.On Making Friends 41
3.Ways of Invitation 43
4.Good-bye 45
5.Keeping Pleasant 48
6.The Rich Man's Sons(Ⅰ) 50
7.The Rich Man's Sons(Ⅱ) 54
8.John,a Lazy Boy 57
1.Beijing 59
写景状物 59
2.The States in the United States 61
3.The Sahara 62
4.The Amazon 64
5.Internet 66
6.Seasons 68
7.Why Is the White House White? 70
8.Dreamland—Cheju Island 72
人物逸事 75
1.Churchill and a Taxi-Driver 75
2.A Lovely Old Gentleman 77
3.A School Teacher 79
4.Henry and Susan 82
5.Sun Shuwei—A World Champion in Diving 83
6.My English Teacher 85
7.Marco Polo 87
8.Henry Ford 90
9.Mr.Mason 92
10.Was He a Good Doctor? 94
家庭情趣 97
1.Mother's Birthday 97
2.Standing in Hot Water 99
3.My Grouchy Grandpa 101
4.The Follower 105
5.Drawing Pictures 107
动物世界 109
1.A Horse No Bigger than a Cat 109
2.The Frog That Changes Color 111
3.A Tiger 114
4.Dog—the Best Friend of People 116
5.It Must Be a Man! 119
社会观察 121
1.View in Death Dates 121
2.Language 123
3.City Hospital and Country Hospital 125
4.A Strange Will 127
5.Do You Ever Wear a Mask? 129
6.Cell Phone 132
7.Walking,Talking Ads 134
8. The Food 136
异域风情 139
1.Having a Picnic 139
2.The Summer Vacation 141
3.Weekly Allowance 143
4.Driving Regulations 145
5.The Eskimos 147
6.Country Music 149
7.Commonest Topic in England 150
8.Farming in Britain 152
9.Seeing a Doctor in England 155
10.Moving Pictures 157
11.The Football Games 159
幽默小品 161
1.The Earl of Sandwich 161
2.Play Outside 163
3.Two Coats 165
4.The Gift 169
5.A Bad Foot 172
6.The Policeman and the Thief 175
7.A Clever Answer 178
8.Name Them 180
9.In My Birthday Suit 182
10.A Mistake 184
11.Three Old Men 186
12.Watching the Door All the Time 190
13.Mahizeit 192
14.A Clever Question 195
15.Please Come Back 197
16.How Many People Work in Your Department? 198
17.It's No Use for You 200
寓言童话 203
1.The Tongue-Cut Sparrow 203
2.The Princess and the Pea 206
3.Androcles and the Lion(Ⅰ) 209
4.Androcles and the Lion(Ⅱ) 212
5.Androcles and the Lion (Ⅲ) 215
6.Aesop and the Traveler 217
7.The Sun and the Wind 219
8.The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs 221
9.A Man Who Wanted to Buy a Pair of Shoes 223
10.A Girl and Her Milk Pail 225
应用文苑 229
1.A Letter of Invitation 229
2.A Diary 231
3.A Letter to a Friend 233
4.A Letter from a Friend 235
附 录 237
附录 237
英语常用谚语 237
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