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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)佩莱格里尼(ThomasR.Pellegrine)著;张中倩译
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7030148118
  • 页数:200 页

目录 1

【前言】成功谈判·商场无败 1

Chapter 1 Daily Negotiations 日常谈判 1

Chapter 2 Sometimes It's Fast and Easy 快速、简单的谈判 15

Chapter 3 Playing Fair 公平交易 29

Chapter 4 Honesty is the Best Policy 诚实是上策 41

Chapter 5 Motivation 动机 47

Chapter 6 Lawyers As Professional Negotiators 谈判专家——律师 57

Chapter 7 Asking the Right Questions 恰当提问 69

Chapter 8 The Non-Dealer 谈判傀儡 87

Chapter 9 Preparing for the Negotiation Session 准备谈判 101

Chapter 10 Increase the Quantity 增加数量   113

Chapter 11 Modify the Delivery Date 修改交货日期 119

Chapter 12 Alter the Point of Delivery 改变交货地点 123

Chapter 13 Alter the Schedule of Payments 改变付款日期 131

Chapter 14 Alter the Time Frame 改变时间日程 137

Chapter 15 Dream Chips or Give Away Chips 虚张声势的谈判筹码 145

Chapter 16 Countering Give Away Chips 回应虚张型筹码 167

Chapter 17 Negotiations Staff Who to Bring 谈判成员的筛选 179

Chapter 18 Friendly Helpful Lawyers 友善助人的律师 195
