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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)哈里·泰特尔鲍姆(Harry Teitelbaum)原著;孙明智,张辉译编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7532735907
  • 页数:140 页

ContentsPreface 1

全书导读 1

本章导读 4

Chapter One:The Thesis Paper vs.the Research Paper 6

第一章:主题论文与研究论文Why Research Papers? 6

Types ofResearch 7

Finding the Right Topic 8

HowDoILimitMyTopic? 8

本章导读 11

Chapter Two:TheLibrarySearch 13

第二章:文献研究Card Catalog 14

General Indexes 18

Using Computer Terminals for Research 19

Reference Books 20

Reserve Books 21

Evaluating Sources 21

本章导读 23

Chapter Three:The Working Bibliography 24

第三章:在用的参考文献Reasons for a Working Bibliography 24

Procedure 24

Sample Bibliography Cards 27

本章导读 30

Chapter Four:Note Taking 32

第四章:记笔记Thesis Statement 32

Preliminary Outline 33

Note Card Format 35

Types of Notes 37

Sample Types of Note Cards 40

本章导读 42

Chapter Five:Writing the Paper 44

第五章:论文的写作Working from Note Cards 44

The First Draft 44

Coherence and Unity 46

Point of View 46

Some Aspects of Style 47

Proofreading and Revision 52

本章导读 53

Chapter Six:The Format of the Thesis Paper 55

第六章:主题论文的格式Materials Preceding the Text 56

The Text 58

References and Appendices 59

Pagination 60

Titles and Subtitles 60

本章导读 62

Chapter Seven:Quotations 63

第七章:引证When to Quote 63

Direct Prose Quotations 64

Poetry Quotations 65

Ellipses 66

Incorporating Quotations into Your Words 67

Punctuating Quotations 67

Interpolation 67

Footnoting Quotations 68

Secondary Source Quotations 68

Ethics of Quoting 69

本章导读 70

Chapter Eight:Documenting Sources 72

第八章:标注文献Purpose of Documenting Sources 72

Reference Notes 72

Content Notes 73

MLA Style 73

University of Chicago Style 75

Placing and Numbering Footnotes 75

Punctuating Footnotes 76

First Mention of a Reference 76

Publication Facts 77

Footnote Entries for First Reference to a Source 77

Second or Later Mention of a Reference 80

Quick Tips to Remember 83

本章导读 84

Chapter Nine:The Bibliography 85

第九章:参考文献Bibliographical Order 85

Spacing 86

Contents of Bibliographical Entries 86

Annotation 89

Sample Bibliography 90

本章导读 91

Tables 92

Chapter Ten:Tables,Graphs,Illustrations 92

第十章:表格、图表和图解说明Placement 92

Graphs 97

Illustrations 97

本章导读 98

Chapter Eleven:The Final Manuscript 99

第十一章:论文终稿General Directions 99

Collating 101

本章导读 102

Chapter Twelve:The ShorterTheme 103

第十二章:小主题论文Topic Limitation 103

Outlining 104

Paragraphing 106

Development 111

Introductory Paragraph 111

Concluding Paragraph 113

Unity and Coherence 113

Title 113

Appendix One 114

附录一Sample Research Paper University ofChicago Style 114

MLA Style 126

Appendix Two 136

附录二Sample Table of Contents 136

Sample List of Tables 138

Appendix Three 139

附录三Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Footnotes and Bibliographies 139
