中国人民银行最新金融规章制度 中英文对照读本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何建雄主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国金融出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7504932116
- 页数:324 页
中华人民共和国外资金融机构管理条例 1
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Financial Institutions 9
中华人民共和国外资金融机构管理条例实施细则 21
Rules for Implementing the Regulations of the People's Republic of China On Administration of Foreign-funded Financial Institutions 41
金融机构撤销条例 70
Regulations on Closure of Financial Institutions 76
外资金融机构驻华代表机构管理办法 84
Rules on Administration of Representative Offices of Foreign Financial Institutions in the People's Republic of China 91
金融机构反洗钱规定 102
Rules for Anti-money Laundenng Efforts by Financial Institutions 106
人民币大额和可疑支付交易报告管理办法 111
Administrative Rules for the Reporting of Large-Value and Suspicious RMB Payment Transactions 115
金融机构大额和可疑外汇资金交易报告管理办法 121
Administrative Rules for the Reporting of Large-Value and Suspicious Foreign Exchange Transactions by Financial Institutions 127
中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法 135
Administrative Rules of the People's Bank of China for the Seizure and Verification of Counterfeit Currency 139
人民币银行结算账户管理办法 145
Administrative Rules for RMB Bank Settlement Accounts 158
外汇指定银行办理结汇、售汇业务管理暂行办法 177
Provisional Procedures for Designated Bank's Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange 185
外币代兑机构管理暂行办法 196
Provisional Administrative Rules for Foreign Currency Exchange Agencies 200
信托投资公司管理办法 205
Administrative Rules for Trust and Investment Companies 214
信托投资公司资金信托管理暂行办法 225
Provisional Rules on Management of Entrusted Funds by Trust and Investment Companies 229
商业银行设立同城营业网点管理办法 234
Regulations on Governing the Establishment of Intra-city Business Offices by Commercial Banks 238
商业银行信息披露暂行办法 244
Provisional Rules on Information Disclosure of Commercial Banks 248
股份制商业银行公司治理指引 254
Guidance on Corporate Governance of Joint Stock Commercial Banks 264
股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引 279
Guidance on Independent Directors and External Supervisors of Joint-Stock Commercial Banks 284
银行贷款损失准备计提指引 291
Guidance on Provisioning for Loan Losses 293
贷款风险分类指导原则 296
Guidelines on Risk-Based Loan Classification 300
金融统计管理规定(2002修正) 305
Administrative Rules for Financial Statistics(Revised 2002) 313
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