construction management in a market economyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)丹尼·麦乔治,安琪拉·保玛著;邹小伟译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国建筑工业出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7112060281
- 页数:200 页
1 Introduction 1
The book's contens 2
2 Benchmarking 7
Introduction 7
Definition of benchmarking 9
Historical development 10
Types of benchmarking 11
The process of benchmarking 14
The benchmarking team 28
Benchmarking Code of Conduct 29
Legal considerations 30
Benchmarking:the major issues 30
Current research 32
A case study 34
Conclusion 34
3 Reengineering 39
Introduction 39
Origins of reengineering 40
Reengineering in a construction industry context 41
The goals of reengineering 42
Reengineering methodology 45
Pitfalls of reengineering 51
Information technology and reengineering 54
Reengineering from a European perspective 57
A case study of a process reengineering study in the Australian construction industry 58
Conclusion 68
4 Partnering 71
Introduction 71
The origins of partnering 71
Partnering in a construction industry context 72
The goals of partnering 73
Categories of partnering 74
Project partnering 74
Partnering Charter 81
Strategic or multi-project partnering 86
Legal and contractual implications of partnering 89
Dispute resolution 92
Conclusion 92
5 Value management 97
Introduction 97
Historical development 97
Function analysis 102
Organisation of the study 110
Who should carry out the study? 111
Who should constitute the team? 111
The format of the study 113
Where should the study be carried out? 114
The timing of the study 114
How should alternatives be evaluated 115
Value management as a system 117
The American system 117
A case study of value management in the United States 118
The British system 120
A case study of value management in the UK 120
The Japanese system 124
A case study of value management in Japan 124
Why are the systems different? 126
The relationship between value management and quantity surveying 128
Conclusion 128
6 Constructability 133
Introduction 133
Origins 133
The goals of constructability 134
Implementing constructability 137
Constructability in practice 140
Constructability and the building product 142
Good and bad constructability 146
Quantifying the benefits of constructability 151
Conclusion 152
7 Total quality management 155
Introduction 155
Definition of TQM 157
What is quality? 158
Historical development of TQM 161
The need for a paradigm shift 163
A change in the culture of the construction industry 165
Customer focus 167
Integration 168
The all-embracing nature of TQM 174
Continuous improvement 174
Quality costs and the cost of quality 175
Universal standards of quality such as ISO 9000 176
Change management 177
The methods of TQM 177
How to implement TQM 178
Kaizen 179
Current research into TQM in the construction industry 179
Conclusion 180
8 Current construction management issues in Western and Chinese construction industries 183
Introduction 183
Cultural trends 185
Current issues 186
Emerging issues 189
Future directions 191
Conclusion 193
Bibliography 195
Benchmarking 195
Reengineering 195
Partnering 197
Value Management 198
Constructability 198
Total Quality Management 199
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