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积极英语阅读教程  1
积极英语阅读教程  1

积极英语阅读教程 1PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)Neil J. Anderson著;王立非导读 相德宝,高晓妹注释
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7560033962
  • 页数:172 页
《积极英语阅读教程 1》目录

1.Food andHealth食物与健康Page 1

1.Food Facts食物事实 1

2.Food That MakesYou Feel Good美食ScanningDeveloping ReadingFluencyAntonymsWord FamiliesReading FoodLabels 1

2.Where Does ItCome From?刨根问底Page 11

1.Paper Inventions纸的发明 11

2.The Most UsefulInventions最有价值的发明PredictingDeveloping ReadingFluencyThe Prefixes com- andcon-The Suffixes -ful and-lessDictionary Usage:Parts of Speech 11

3.StudyingOverseas海外留学Page 21

1.Choosing to StudyOverseas选择海外留学 21

2.My Travel Journal留学日记Using Subtitles toPredict ContentDeveloping ReadingFluencyCompound WordsAdjectives Ending in-edWriting an EnglishJournal 21

2.My Money我的钱Skimming for the MainIdeaDeveloping ReadingFluencyThe Prefixes in- and ex-Organizing VocabularyUnderstandingBank Statements 31

1.A Student Budget一位学生的预算 31

4.Money andBudgets生活理财Page 31

5.Is It Real?这是真的吗?Page 41

1.Believe It...orNot?信不信由你 41

2.April Fool!愚人节ScanningDeveloping ReadingFluencySynonymsPrepositions of Time:in,on,atDates for YourDiary 41

6.Education andLearning教育与学习Page 51

1.The World s OldestUniversity世界上最古老的大学 51

2.Lifelong Learning终生学习Recognizing Sequenceof EventsDeveloping ReadingFluencyWord WebsNumbers and CountingCampus Life 51

7.Look into theFuture占卜未来Page 61

1.What s Your Sign?你的星相是什么? 61

2.The Art of Palmistry手相的艺术Identifying Main Ideaswithin ParagraphsDeveloping ReadingFluencyAntonymsJob-Related NounsUsing-erUnderstandingPunctuation 61

1.Gadgets for Workand Play工作、休闲用品 71

2.The History of theInternet互联网的历史Skimming for the MainIdeaDeveloping ReadingFluencyPhrasal VerbsWord WebsReadingInstructionManuals 71

8.Technology现代科技Page 71

9.Sports andGames运动与比赛Page 81

1.Let s Play Ball!让我们一起玩球 81

2.Soccer and theWorld Cup足球与世界杯ScanningDeveloping ReadingFluencyIrregular Past TenseVerbsOrganizing VocabularyReading the SportsPage 81

10.Wonders ofthe World世界奇观Page 91

1.The Seven AncientWonders古文明七大奇观 91

2.The ModemWonders现代奇观PredictingDeveloping ReadingFluencySuperlative AdjectivesAdjectives of SizeSurvey Types 91

11.AnimalMagic动物奇观Page 101

1.What s That Sound?那是什么声音? 101

2.Animal Actors动物演员Identifying Main Ideaswithin ParagraphsDeveloping ReadingFluencyThe Root Word signSensory VerbsReading a ZooMap 101

2.Which English DoYou Speak?你讲哪种英语?Skimming for the MainIdeaDeveloping ReadingFluencyLoan WordsNorth American andBritish English SynonymsBritish andAmerican Spellings 111

1.The History ofEnglish英语的历史 111

12.The EnglishLanguage英语语言Page 111

13.Holidays andFestivals节日一瞥Page 121

1.How Do YouCelebrate?你怎样庆祝新年? 121

2.Labor Day五一劳动节ScanningDeveloping ReadingFluencyWord FamiliesThe Prefix inter-Reading TouristInformation 121

14.Growing Older成长的烦恼Page 131

1.The Age of Adulthood成年 131

2.Firsts in Life生活中的第一次PredictingDeveloping ReadingFluencyThe Prefix trans-The Prefix sub-Dictionary Usage:Choosing theRight Word 131

15.NonverbalCommunication无声的交际Page 141

1.Actions Speak LouderThan Words事实胜于雄辩 141

2.Talking with YourHands手语对话Skimming for the MainIdeaDeveloping ReadingFluencyUsing AdverbsTwo-Part Verbs with offReading Signsand Symbols 141

16.Sleep andDreams睡眠与梦Page 151

1.A Good Night s Sleep甜甜入梦 151
