Prayer and Praise 1
A little talk with Jesus 1
Testimony 2
Able to save to the ut-termost 2
All the way to Calvary 3
Redemption 3
And I shall see Him 4
Second Advent 4
Invitation and Response 5
Are you conscious of sin 5
Battle and Victory. 6
Armour of God 6
Ask the Saviour to help you 7
Be pure be perfect 8
Consecration 8
Believe in Jesus 9
Build on the Rock 10
The Bible 10
Children 11
Children of China 11
Cleanse my heart 12
Come and hear the Gospel 13
Come let us return 14
Come let us return 14
Come unto Me 15
Coming home 16
Complete dedication 17
Confess with thy mouth 18
Constantly abiding 19
Count your blessings 20
Crown Him Lord of all 21
Don t stop praying 22
Except a man be born again 23
Faithful saying 24
Faith overcomes the world 25
Faith and Guidance 25
Faith overcomes the world 25
Fear not only preach 26
Fight the good fight 27
Follow,follow I will 28
For He is Almighty 29
For me 30
For the Lion of Judah 31
For the mountains shall depart 32
The Mountains shall depart 32
Free,Free 33
From death to life 34
Give me a heart like Thine 35
Glorious freedom 36
Glory to God in the Highest 37
Glory to Jesus 38
Go ye into all the world 39
God commends His love 40
God hath given eternal life 41
God s Holy eyes 42
God so loved the world 43
God will take care of you 45
Grace before meals 46
Grant us Thy peace 47
Vespers and Grace 47
Hallelujah saving grace 48
Hallelujah. Yes tis heaven 49
Happy Day 50
He came unto His own 51
He can break every fetter 52
He saves to the utter-most 53
He that believeth 54
He was wounded for our 55
He will hold me fast 56
Herein is love 57
His anger endureth but 58
His grace is sufficient 59
I m so glad (Glory Song) 60
I am the Resurrection 61
I believe God answers prayer 62
I hide Thy Word 63
I know the Lord will make a way 64
I love Jesus 65
I will take the cup of s. 66
I will arise 67
I will lift up mine eyes 68
I will make you fishers of men 69
If we confess 70
If any man thirst 71
I m feeding on the Living Bread 72
I m living on the mountain 73
In my heart 74
Is anything too hard for the Lord 75
Jesus blood cleanses me 76
Jesus died for me 77
Jesus is all ths world to me 78
Jesus knows all about 79
Jesus loves me,Jesus saves me 80
Jesus loves the little children 81
Jesus wept and died for me 83
Joy Joy Joy 84
Just the same 85
Keep thy heart 86
Kept by the power of God 87
Leading men to Jesus 88
Lest I forget Gethse-mane 89
Lest I forget Gethse-mane 89
Let Jesus come into your heart 90
Let not your heart 91
Let the beauty of Jesus 92
Light that groweth not pale 93
Little bird,little lamb 94
Little Friends repent repent 96
Living with Jesus 97
Living with Jesus 97
Lord Crucified 98
Love won on Calvary 99
Made sin for us 100
Moment by moment 101
None other Name 102
Not by might 103
Not I but Christ 104
Now none but Christ 105
Now none but Christ 105
Oh,the love that sought 106
Oh tis Jesus guides 107
Oh,yes I know 108
Oh,yes I know 108
Once for all 109
Once I was blind 110
One door and only one 111
Only believe 112
Open mine eyes that 113
Open Thou mine eyes 114
Praise God from Whom 115
Praise His Holy Name 116
Prayer brings victory 117
Prayer brings victory 117
Redemption ground 118
Rejoioe Rejoice thy King is 119
Return Return Im-manuel 120
Running over 121
Salvation to Jesus 122
Search me O God 123
Search mo O God 123
Showers of blessing 124
Sin shall not have do-minion 125
Sound the Battle cry 126
Spirit of the Living God 127
Step by step 128
Suffer little children 129
Surely every man walketh 130
The day is gently 131
The good Shepherd 132
The heart of man 133
The Lord is my Shepherd 134
The Lord our God is one God 135
Tho prodigal s return 136
The return of Christ 137
The true Vine 138
The Word became flesh 139
They that are whole 140
Trust and obey 141
Two little eyes 142
Under the blood 143
Union with Christ 144
Victory,Victory 145
We are building 146
What manner of Love 147
What must I do to be saved 148
Whatsoever things are pure 149
When the Lord turned again 150
Where He leads me 151
Whom have I in heaven 152
Whosoever will 153
Wide wide as the ocean 154
Wounded for me 155
Ye are the light 156
Ye must be born again 157
Yesterday today forever 158
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