国际新闻报道教程 经典新闻作品深度阅读PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:章晓英,翟峥编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国传媒大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787565711657
- 页数:232 页
Unit One 突发新闻报道 1
Part One: Preparing to explore 1
Part Two: Exploring the text 2
Part Three: Further exploring the text 10
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 13
Unit Two 国内报道 21
Part One: Preparing to explore 21
Part Two: Exploring the text 22
Part Three: Further exploring the text 36
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 40
Unit Three 专题报道 48
Part One: Preparing to explore 48
Part Two: Exploring the text 49
Part Three: Further exploring the text 60
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 63
Unit Four 国际报道 70
Part One: Preparing to explore 70
Part Two: Exploring the text 71
Part Three: Further exploring the text 80
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 83
Unit Five 调查性报道 87
Part One: Preparing to explore 87
Part Two: Exploring the text 89
Part Three: Further exploring the text 103
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 107
Unit Six 特稿写作 108
Part One: Preparing to explore 108
Part Two: Exploring the text 110
Part Three:Further exploring the text 115
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 118
Unit Seven 解释性报道 148
Part One: Preparing to explore 148
Part Two: Exploring the text 150
Part Three: Further exploring the text 160
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 163
Unit Eight 专栏评论 186
Part One: Preparing to explore 186
Part Two: Exploring the text 187
Part Three: Further exploring the text 190
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 194
Unit Nine 社论写作 200
Part One: Preparing to explore 200
Part Two: Exploring the text 202
Part Three: Further exploring the text 206
Part Four: Exploring beyond the text 209
Unit Ten 文艺批评 221
Part One: Preparing to explore 221
Part Two: Exploring the text 222
Part Three: Further exploring the text 224
Part Four:Exploring beyond the text 227
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