- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(印度)马图拉主编
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513008655
- 页数:164 页
PART Ⅰ Maritime Anthropology:Relevance of Empirical/Action Research 3
1.Humanity Development and Cultural Diversity among the Fisherfolk&P.R.G.Mathur 3
2.The Marine Fisherfolk:the Unique People:the Indian Scenario&P.K.Misra 17
3.Globalization and Fisheries Development in Tamil Nadu,South India&Eberhard Weber 24
4.Factors Contributing to the Integration and Survival of a Traditional Fishing Community in Modern Bangladesh&Md.Anwar Hussain 43
5.Baffling Development Stratagem:the Case of Fishing Communities of Loktak Lake&M C Arunkumar 52
6.Jatka Conservation Program and its Implications for the Riverbank Fishermen in Bangladesh:a Case Study&Md. Anwar Hussain 65
PART Ⅱ Ecology,Economy,Culture and Survival Strategies/Technologies 79
7.A Study on Local Health Tradition of Communities Living in the Coastal Belt I ncluding the Fisher Folk of Kerala & Lakshadweep(India)&Sreedharan Nair Rajasekharan & Palpu Pushpangadan 79
8.Fisherwomen Participation in Coastal Eco-System of Andhra Pradesh,Karnataka,Kerala&Tamil Nadu for Socio Economic Empowerment&Vijaya Khader 89
9.Management of Maritime Resources among the Marine Fisherfolk-Kolis of the Raigarh District of Maharashtra&Samit Ghosal and Shri R.B. Thakre 104
10.Cultural Diversity and Development among the Kharvi:a Fishing Community in Westem Coast of India&H.M. Maralusiddaiah Patel 116
11.Family Structure,Cultural Diversity and Economic Behaviors of the 80s Generation Born in City of China&Bai Yun 124
12.Urgent Tutelage of Cultural Diversity of Indigenous Peoples by Applied Anthropology of the Environmental Culture&Antonia Bertocchi 131
13.Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development in Egyptian Oases&Aleya Hussien Hassan 142
14.Development and Cultural Diversity among the Muslims of Andhra Pradesh&S.A.A. Saheb 153
List of Contributors 165
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