课外英语 课外英语 英语下午茶 英语知识小品PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:天星,尘影编
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:远方出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7805959811
- 页数:196 页
1.Diamonds in the United States 1
美国的钻石 1
2.The Necktie through Thick and Thin 2
领带的沧桑 3
3.Who First Made Ice Cream 3
谁是冰淇淋的首创者 4
4.Earthworms that Help Improve the Soil 5
帮助改良土壤的蚯蚓 6
5.The Three Ways of Man to Preserve Meat 6
人类储存肉的三种方法 7
6.How the Hawaiian Is lands Were Built 8
夏威夷群岛是怎样形成的 9
7.A Giraffe that Did Not Believe in Himself 9
一头不相信自己的长颈鹿 10
8.The Antarctic,a Desert of Ice All Year Round 11
南极——终年冰封的不毛之地 12
9.The Small Black Ants,Nature's Clean—up Crew 12
小黑蚁——大自然的清道夫 13
10.Sen Otters off the Coast of California 14
加利福尼亚近海的海獭 15
11.A Temperature Change on the Moon 15
月球上的气温变化 16
12.How the Falls of Iguassu Was Discovered 17
伊瓜苏瀑布是怎样被发现的 18
13.The Hognose Snake,One of Nature's Clowns 18
猪鼻蛇——自然界的一名丑角 19
14.A Tornado that Makes Red Rain 20
制造红雨的龙卷风 21
15.If George Washington Could Visit the United States Now 21
假如乔治·华盛顿能参观今日的美国 23
16.Licorice Good for Both Man and Beast 23
对人畜两利的甘草 24
17.The Moldy Hardtack and the Hunyry Soldiers 25
发霉的硬饼干和饥肠辘辘的士兵 26
18.Where Did the New Life Come from 27
新的生命来自何方 27
19.How a Hunter Captures a Monkey 28
猎人是怎样逮住猴子的 29
20.Climbing Out of a Space ship onto the surface of the Moon 29
从宇宙飞船登上月球表面 31
21.The Egyptians First Played Ball Games 31
埃及人首先开展球类运动 32
22.Iceberg Season of Newfoundland and the Steamship Titanic 33
纽芬兰的冰山季节和轮船泰坦尼克号 34
23.Copper,the First Metal that Man Learned to Make 34
铜,人类学会冶炼的第一种金属 36
24.How Americans Showed Their Respect for Edison 36
美国人怎样表达他们对爱迪生的敬意 37
25.A Large Lake of Asphalt on the Is—land of Trinidad 38
特立尼达岛上的大沥青湖 39
26.Man's First Real Invention 40
人类第一项真正的发明 41
27.An Old Legend about Cheese 41
关于乳酪的一个古老传说 42
28.Strong and Gentle Shetlands 43
壮实、温顺的设得兰矮种马 44
29.Hancock's Signature 45
汉考克的签字 46
30.The Last Part of This Century,an Age of Exploration 46
本世纪的末叶——探险的时代 47
31.Army Life in the American Civil War 48
美国南北战争中的军旅生活 49
32.The Dugout in the Side of a Hill 50
山坡上的窝棚 51
33.Time Zonesand the International Date Line 51
时区和国际日期变更线 52
34.Ballet,a Combination of Four Arts 53
芭蕾舞——四门艺术的结晶 54
35.From Land Animal to King of the Sea 55
从陆上动物到海中之王 56
36.Columbus that Made Four Voyages to the West 56
四次西航的哥伦布 57
37.When People Began to Eat With the Fork 58
人们何时开始用叉进餐 59
38.On the Beaches of Block Island 60
在布洛克岛的海滨 61
39.A Cub Reporter,the Important Step towards a Career in Newspaper Reporting 62
实习记者——通向新闻生涯的重要一步 63
40.Cookware during the Reign of Edward Ⅲ of England 63
英国爱德华三世在位时的炊具 64
41.A Baboon that Has Learned to Count 65
学会了数数的狒狒 66
42.The Air—cushioned Vehicle that Travels Clear Out of Sea and Land 66
脱离海面和陆地行驶的气垫船 68
43.America's Dead Sea 68
美国的死海 69
44.Growing Plants Know Right from Left 70
生长中的植物能分辨左右 71
45.The Badger,a Courageous Fighter 72
獾——勇猛的斗士 73
46.The Shooting of a British Pig that Almost Started a War 74
险些引起一场战争的枪击英国猪事件 75
47.The Patient and the Ship Owner 76
病人和船主 77
48.The United States in about 23 Million Years 78
2,300万年后的美国 79
49.The Best Season for Thinking 80
思考的最佳季节 81
50.A Dream Laboratory at the Unlversity of Chicago 81
芝加哥大学的梦幻实验室 83
51.The Grand Banks,the Richest Fishing Ground in the World 84
大浅滩——世界上鱼量最丰富的渔场 85
52.The American Museum of Natural History 85
美国自然史博物馆 87
53.The Tundra of the Arctic Regions 88
北极地区的苔原 89
54.The Height of Chivalry during the Middle Ages 89
中世纪骑士精神的极致 91
55.The Paintings and Bronze Statues of Charles Marion Russel 92
查理·马里恩·罗素的画和铜像 93
56.A Chinese Junk's Voyage to London 94
一艘中国平底帆船的伦敦之行 95
57.A Stamp Worth of$16,800 96
一枚价值1.68万美元的邮票 97
58.IS a Silver Dollar Worth a Dollar 98
一块美国银元值1美元吗 99
59.If You Sneeze Three Times 100
假如你打三次喷嚏 101
60.Henry the Navigator that Never Went to Sea 101
从未航过海的航海者亨利 103
61.The Perilous Tour de France 104
充满风险的环法自行车赛 105
62.Think with Muscles and Listen with Bodies 106
用肌肉思考,用身体聆听 107
63.How the word Radar Was Coined 108
“雷达”一词是怎样创造出来的 109
64.A Species of Black Spider on the Slopes of Mount Qomolangma 110
珠穆朗玛峰山坡上的黑蜘蛛 111
65.The Guyots,a Geophysical Puzzle 112
海底平顶山,地球物理学之谜 113
66.The Fiddler Crab,a Living Clock 114
招潮蟹——活的时钟 115
67.Are There Animals on the Galapagos Islands 116
加拉帕戈斯群岛上有动物吗 117
68.The USAF Thunderbirds 118
美国空军的雷鸟飞行队 120
69.The Ancient Romans that Neglected Philosophy and Pure Mathematics 121
忽视哲学和纯数学的古罗马人 122
70.The Monsoon in India 123
印度的雨季 124
71.The Horse Latitudes and the Spanish Adventurers 125
回归线无风带和西班牙冒险家 127
72.Meteorite Worship 128
陨星崇拜 129
73.Europe's One and Only Atomic City 130
欧洲独一无二的原子城 131
74.The Metric System Used Today the World Over 132
当今世界上使用的米制 134
75.The Aswan High Dam on the Nile River 135
尼罗河上的阿斯旺高坝 136
76.Wegener and His Floating Continents Theory 137
韦根纳和他的大陆漂移理论 138
77.Ballet Training in Russia 139
俄国的芭蕾舞训练 141
78.Boxing in Early Days 142
早期的拳击运动 143
79.The Sediment Layer Over the Bottom of the Seas 144
海底的沉积物层 146
80.Mirages that Have an Effect on History 147
对历史产生影响的海市蜃楼 148
81.What,Exactly,Is a Totem Pole 149
图腾柱究竟是什么 151
82.Carson McCullers,Author of the BookClock Without Hands 152
《没有指针的钟》一书的作者 153
83.Ancient Sagas that Have Real Basis 154
确有真实背景的古代英雄传奇 156
84.A Century of Hard Work to Reestablish the Reputation of the Bloodhounds 157
百年艰苦努力,重振警犬声誉 158
85.Leprosy Is No Longer a Mystery 159
麻风病不再是奥秘 161
86.A Solemn Duty after Twenty—first Birthday of Young Aus-traians 162
澳大利亚年轻人21岁生日后的一项庄严使命 163
87.The Flight of Americans from the Central City to the Sub-urbs 165
美国人从都市向郊区飞速迁移 166
88.The Atomie Clock that Gives Promise of More Precise Time keeping 167
可望更精确计时的原子钟 169
89.Speech,the Act of Uttering Sounds to Convey Meaning 169
说话——发出声音表达意思的动作 171
90.The Songs of Colonial America 172
美国的早期歌曲 174
91.America and the Winter Olympics 175
美国和冬季奥运会 176
92.Liberia and Its Rubber Industry 177
利比亚和它的橡胶工业 179
93.The Primitive Currency in the Santa Cruz Islands 180
圣克鲁斯群岛的原始货币 182
94.The Trumpet Fish in the Waters near the Cape Verdes Islands 182
佛得角群岛附近水域的管口鱼 184
95.The Two Maior American Film Forms—the Slapstic Comedy and the Western 185
美国的两大电影体裁——滑稽喜剧片和西部片 187
96.The Zinjanthropus that Roamed the Earth Over a Million Years 188
100万年前在地球上游荡的东非人 190
97.Can You Draw an Exact Line between Wit and Humor 190
你能精确地区分机智和幽默吗 192
98.Easyto Make Out,but Difficult to Explain—What an Artist Is Trylug to Teach Us 193
不难意会,却难言传——一个艺术家想让我们知道什么 195
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