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Analyzing Language and Discourse as Intercultural and Intracultural Mediation
Analyzing Language and Discourse as Intercultural and Intracultural Mediation

Analyzing Language and Discourse as Intercultural and Intracultural MediationPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:曾铭裕主编
  • 出 版 社:国立中山大学人文研究中心;国立中山大学文学院
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9789860369571
  • 页数:230 页
《Analyzing Language and Discourse as Intercultural and Intracultural Mediation》目录

Introduction&Ming-Yu Tseng 1

How to Express Disagreement: A Cross-cultural Study&Ya-Ting Yang, Yu-Fang Wang, Huifen Lin and David Treanor 5

Western-Derived Allusive Intertexts in the Eyes of Taiwanese Teachers of English&Jian-Shiung Shie 35

Kuso Videos as a Genre for Meaning Negotiation and Identity Contextualization:Toward a Social-Semiotic Multimodal Analysis&Ro-Ning Chiang and Ming-Yu Tseng 59

It-Clefts in an English Text and Shi...(de) in Its Mandarin Translation&Shu-ing Shyu 109

中、英空间描述感知差异&蔡美智 133

英语作为国际共通语的音韵核心知识之评析&欧淑珍 151

闽语果摄字群的韵读层次分析&杜佳伦 165

达悟鱼名的生态体现和认知语意&胡正恒、何德华 187

Index 229
