国际贸易法 理论与实务 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘亚军主编;师怡副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787811349788
- 页数:208 页
第一章 国际贸易法概述 1
第一节 国际贸易法的概念与范围 1
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to International Trade 1
Ⅱ.Defination of International Trade Law 5
Ⅲ.History of International Trade Law 6
第二节 国际贸易法的渊源 12
Ⅰ.Sources of International Law 12
Ⅱ.Sources of International Trade Law 13
第三节 国际贸易法的主体与基本原则 16
Ⅰ.Subjects of International Trade Law 16
Ⅱ.Fundamental Principle of International Trade Law 18
第二章 国际货物买卖合同 23
第一节 导论 23
Ⅰ.Sources of The Law of Contract for The International Sale of Goods 23
Ⅱ.Application of Law to the Contract for the International Sale of Goods 25
第二节 国际贸易术语 27
Ⅰ.Defination of Incoterms 27
Ⅱ.The Terms in Incoterms 2000 28
第三节 《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》概述 34
Ⅰ.Brief History of The CISG 34
Ⅱ.Main Structure of The CISG 35
Ⅲ.The Sphere of Application of the CISG 37
第四节 国际货物买卖合同的订立 40
Ⅰ.The Offer 40
Ⅱ.The Acceptance 43
第五节 买卖双方的义务 54
Ⅰ.The Obligations of the seller 54
Ⅱ.Buyer's Obligations 57
第六节 违约救济 60
Ⅰ.Fundamental Breach of Contract and Anticipatory Breach of Contract 61
Ⅱ.Remedies for Breach of Contract by the Seller 63
Ⅲ.Remedies for Breach of Contract by the Buyer 66
第七节 风险转移 67
Ⅰ.Defination of Risk 67
Ⅱ.Legal Consequences of Passing of Risk 68
Ⅲ.Guiding Principle of Passing of Risk 68
第八节 货物保全 72
Ⅰ.Duties of Preserve the Goods 72
Ⅱ.Measures of Preservation of Goods 73
第三章 国际货物运输 83
第一节 国际海上货物运输 83
Ⅰ.Bill of Lading 83
Ⅱ.Legal Framework of the Laws Governing B/L 86
Ⅲ.Carrier's Responsibilities 90
Ⅳ.Liabilities and Immunities of the Carrier 92
Ⅴ.New Developments in the Carriage of Goods by Sea—United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea(The Rotterdam Rules) 95
Ⅵ.Charter Party 98
第二节 国际航空货物运输 101
Ⅰ.Defination of International Carriage of Goods by Air 101
Ⅱ.Conventions Governing International Carriage by Air 102
Ⅲ.Document of Carriage 104
Ⅳ.Cargo Liability Rules 106
第三节 多式联运 111
Ⅰ.Defination of Multimodal Transport 111
Ⅱ.Laws Governing International Multimodal Transport 112
Ⅲ.International Multimodal Transport Document 118
第四章 国际货物运输保险 125
第一节 国际海上货物保险 125
Ⅰ.Contract of Marine Insurance 125
Ⅱ.Certain Terminologies in Cargo Insurance 126
Ⅲ.Basic Principles of Marine Insurance 128
Ⅳ.Marine Insurance Policy 131
Ⅴ.Perils and Losses Covered by Marine Insurance 134
Ⅵ.Picc Ocean Marine Cargo Clause 137
Ⅶ.London Institute Cargo Clause(ICC) 139
第二节 国际航空货物保险 143
Ⅰ.Marine Clauses 143
Ⅱ.Air Waybill Cover 147
第五章 国际贸易支付法 153
第一节 国际贸易支付中的票据 153
Ⅰ.Defination of Negotiable Instruments 153
Ⅱ.Types of Negotiable Instruments 154
Ⅲ.Unification of the National Laws on Negotiable Instruments 156
Ⅳ.Acts on Negotiable Instruments 157
第二节 汇付 161
Ⅰ.Defination of Remittance 161
Ⅱ.Types of Remittance 162
第三节 托收 165
Ⅰ.Defination of Collection 165
Ⅱ.Types of Collection 166
Ⅲ.Procedure of Documentary Collection 167
Ⅳ.Disclaimers in Collection 169
第四节 信用证 171
Ⅰ.Defination of Letter of Credit(L/C) 171
Ⅱ.Parties Involved in L/C Payment 171
Ⅲ.Relations Between the Parties in L/C Payment 173
Ⅳ.Principles in the Payment of L/C 174
Ⅴ.Types of L/C 176
Ⅵ.The Procedury of Payment by L/C 177
Ⅶ.Disclaimer in the L/C Payment 178
第六章 国际贸易争端解决方式 187
第一节 诉讼 187
Ⅰ.International Court of Justice 188
Ⅱ.Dispute Settlement in National Courts 189
Ⅲ.Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 190
第二节 仲裁 191
Ⅰ.Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration 191
Ⅱ.National Arbitral Law 192
Ⅲ.Arbitration Agreement 193
Ⅳ.Formation of Arbitral Tribunal 195
Ⅴ.Arbitration Proceedings 198
Ⅵ.Arbitral Awards 199
Ⅶ.Recognition and Enforcement of Awards 201
第三节 争议解决的替代方式 204
Ⅰ.Negotiations and Consultations 204
Ⅱ.Mediation,Good Offices,Conciliation and Inquiry 206
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