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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李正栓主编;刘露溪,李圣轩副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787302424468
  • 页数:521 页

Poetry 3

Part 1 English Poetry Before Renaissance Period 3

Chapter 1 Anglo-Saxon Poetry 3

Chapter 2 Anglo-Norman Poetry:The Romance 5

Chapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer 6

The General Prologue 7

Chapter 4 The Fifteenth-century Poetry 11

Robin Hood and the Bishop 12

Part 2 English Poetry in the Renaissance Period 22

Chapter 1 Sir Thomas Wy 22

Farewell,Love 23

Chapter 2 Henry Howard,Earl of Surrey 25

Love,That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought 26

Chapter 3 Edmund Spenser 28

Sonnet 34 29

Sonnet 75 31

Chapter 4 Sir Walter Raleigh 32

The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 33

Chapter 5 Sir Philip Sidney 36

The Nightingale 37

Chapter 6 Christopher Marlowe 39

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 40

Chapter 7 William Shakespeare 43

Sonnet 1 44

Sonnet 18 46

Sonnet 29 48

Chapter 8 Ben Jonson 50

Song:To Celia 51

Part 3 English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century 55

Chapter 1 Metaphysical Poets(1):John Donne 55

The Flea 56

Song 59

Death,Be Not Proud 61

Chapter 2 Metaphysical Poets(2):George Herbert 63

Virtue 64

Easter Wings 65

Chapter 3 Metaphysical Poets(3):Andrew Marvell 68

To His Coy Mistress 68

Chapter 4 Cavalier Poets(1):Robert Herrick 73

To the Virgins,to Make Much of Time 73

Chapter 5 Cavalier Poets(2):Sir John Suckling and Richard Lovelace 75

The Constant Lover 76

To Lucasta,Going to the Wars 78

Chapter 6 John Milton 80

Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint 81

Paradise Lost 83

Part 4 English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century 87

Chapter 1 Alexander Pope 87

An Essay on Criticism 88

Chapter 2 Thomas Gray 93

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 93

Chapter 3 Oliver Goldsmith 104

The Deserted Village 105

Chapter 4 William Blake 108

The Chimney Sweeper 109

London 112

Chapter 5 Robert Burns 114

A Man's a Man for a'That 115

A Red,Red Rose 118

Part 5 English Poetry of the Romantic Period 122

Chapter 1 William Wordsworth 122

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 123

The Solitary Reaper 124

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 127

Chapter 2 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 130

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 131

Chapter 3 George Gordon Byron 137

When We Two Parted 138

The Isles of Greece 141

Chapter 4 Percy Bysshe Shelley 145

Ode to the West Wind 145

Chapter 5 John Keats 153

On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 154

To Autumn 156

Ode to a Nightingale 159

Part 6 English Poetry of the Victorian Period 168

Chapter 1 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 168

Sonnet 14 169

Sonnet 43 170

Chapter 2 Alfred Tennyson 172

Break,Break,Break 173

Chapter 3 Robert Browning 175

My Last Duchess 176

Home-Thoughts,from Abroad 181

Chapter 4 Matthew Arnold 183

Dover Beach 184

Part 7 English Poetry of the Twentieth Century 190

Chapter 1 Thomas Hardy 190

The Darkling Thrush 191

Chapter 2 Gerard Manley Hopkins 194

God's Grandeur 195

Chapter 3 Alfred Edward Housman 196

When I Was One-and-Twenty 197

Loveliest of Trees 199

Chapter 4 William Butler Yeats 200

When You Are Old 201

The Lake Isle of Innisfree 203

Chapter 5 Thomas Stearns Eliot 204

The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 205

Chapter 6 Wystan Hugh Auden 217

Petition 218

Chapter 7 Philip Larkin 220

Going 220

Chapter 8 Dylan Thomas 222

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 222

Chapter 9 Ted Hughes 225

Hawk Roosting 225

Chapter 10 Seamus Heaney 228

Digging 229

Exposure 232

Novel 240

Part 1 The Rise and Development of the English Novel 240

Chapter 1 English Novel ofthe Sixteenth Century 240

Chapter 2 English Novel of the Seventeenth Century 241

Chapter 3 John Bunyan 241

The Pilgrim's Progress 243

Part 2 English Novel of the Eighteenth Century 255

Chapter 1 Daniel Defoe 255

Robinson Crusoe 257

Chapter 2 Jonathan Swift 262

Gulliver's Travels 264

Chapter 3 Samuel Richardson 272

Clarissa or,the History of a Young Lady 274

Chapter 4 Henry Fielding 278

Tom Jones 281

Chapter 5 Laurence Sterne 286

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy,Gentleman 288

Chapter 6 Oliver Goldsmith 294

The Vicar of Wakefield 296

Part 3 English Novel of the Nineteenth Century 303

Chapter 1 Jane Austen 303

Pride and Prejudice 304

Chapter 2 Walter Scott 310

Ivanhoe 312

Chapter 3 Charles Dickens 319

Great Expectations 322

Oliver Twist 328

Chapter 4 William Makepeace Thackeray 335

Vanity Fair 336

Chapter 5 Charlotte Bront? 342

Jane Eyre 343

Chapter 6 Emily Bront? 354

Wuthering Heights 355

Chapter 7 George Eliot 366

Middlemarch 367

Chapter 8 Thomas Hardy 373

Tess of the D'Urbervilies 375

Chapter 9 Other Novelists 382

Part 4 English Novel of the Modern Age 387

Chapter 1 John Galsworthy 387

In Chancery 388

Chapter 2 Joseph Conrad 395

Heart of Darkness 397

Chapter 3 William Somerset Maugham 403

Chapter 4 Virginia Woolf 404

Mrs.Dalloway 406

Chapter 5 James Joyce 412

Chapter 6 David Herbert Lawrence 413

Sons and Lovers 415

Chapter 7 Doris May Lessing 426

The Golden Notebook 428

Chapter 8 Other Novelists 431

Drama 434

Part 1 English Drama Before and During the Renaissance 434

Chapter 1 Medieval English Drama 434

Chapter 2 Christopher Marlowe 438

The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus 439

Chapter 3 William Shakespeare 443

Hamlet 445

Chapter 4 Ben Jonson 448

Part 2 English Drama of the Eighteen Century 450

Chapter 1 Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan 450

The School for Scandal 452

Part 3 English Drama of the Nineteenth Century 457

Chapter 1 Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde 457

Part 4 English Drama of the Twentieth Century 464

Chapter 1 Bernard Shaw 464

Mrs.Warren's Profession 465

Chapter 2 Samuel Barclay Beckett 474

Chapter 3 John James Osborne 476

Chapter 4 Harold Pinter 477

Essay 483

Part 1 English Essay of the Renaissance Period 483

Chapter 1 Francis Bacon 483

Of Marriage and Single Life 484

Of Studies 486

Part 2 English Essay of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century 490

Chapter 1 Joseph Addison and Richard Steele 490

Chapter 2 John Dryden 491

An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 492

Part 3 English Essay of the Nineteenth Century 497

Chapter 1 Charles Lamb 497

Dream Children:A Reverie 498

Chapter 2 William Hazlitt 503

Chapter 3 Thomas Penson De Quincey 504

Chapter 4 John Ruskin 505

The Seven Lamps of Architecture 506

Part 4 English Essay of the Twentieth Century 513

Chapter 1 David Herbert Lawrence 513

Why the Novel Matters 513

参考文献 520
