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聚焦与变奏  《尤利西斯》的美学研究
聚焦与变奏  《尤利西斯》的美学研究

聚焦与变奏 《尤利西斯》的美学研究PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈豪著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海三联书店
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787542648099
  • 页数:179 页
《聚焦与变奏 《尤利西斯》的美学研究》目录

前言 1

Acknowledgments 1

Abstract 1

List of Abbreviations 1

Introduction 1

Ⅰ.The Aesthetic Achievement ? 1

Ⅱ.A Review of Aesthetic Criti? 5

Ⅲ.The Main Argument and th? the Book 10

Chapter One Formal Aesthetics in Ulysses 17

Ⅰ.A Gestalt Paradigm:The Textual Structure 20

Ⅱ.A Synthesized Patchwork:The Narrative Mode 42

Ⅲ.Transformation and Confluence:The Character Configuration 59

Chapter Two Linguistic Aesthetics in Ulysses 70

Ⅰ.The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Style 71

Ⅱ.The Sensuality and Obscurity of Rhetoric 95

Ⅲ.The Fission and Fusion of Meaning 112

Chapter Three Reception Aesthetics in Ulysses 129

Ⅰ.The Complementary Unity of Joyce's Aesthetic Conception 130

Ⅱ.The Merging of Different Visions:The Implied Readers in Ulysses 139

Ⅲ.Controversy and Consensus in the Aesthetic Reception of Ulysses 151

Conclusion 161

Bibliography 168

Appendix 175
