英美诗歌名篇选读 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄宗英编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:7040411768
- 页数:629 页
Part OneExperiencing British and American Poetry 1
Chapter 1 Reading Poetry with Case Studies 2
1.1 Poetry Delights and Instructs 2
1.2 Poetry Communicates Experience 3
1.3 Saying Much in Little 5
1.4 Deceptive Simplicity 7
1.5 Lucid Symbolism 8
1.6 Sound and Sense 9
1.7 Dark Side of Robert Frost 12
Chapter 2 The Elements of Poetry 13
2.1 Types of Poetry:Lyric,Narrative and Dramatic 13
2.2 Rhythm and Meter 15
2.3 Figurative Language 17
2.4 Allegory and Symbol 20
2.5 Stanza Forms 21
2.6 Reading Poetry 24
Chapter 3 How to Use This Book 25
3.1 As a Textbook for English Poetry-reading Courses 25
3.2 Features of This Book 27
3.3 Tentative Syllabi for English Poetry-reading Courses 30
Part TwoSelected Readings in British and American Poetry 37
1.Geoffrey Chaucer(1343-1400) 38
Tbe Canterbury Tales 41
From The General Prologue 41
2.Thomas Wyatt(1503-1542) 48
The Long Love,That in My Thought Doth Harbor 50
3.Henry Howard,Earl of Surrey(1517-1547) 55
Love,That Doth Reign and Live within My Thought 56
4.Edmund Spenser(1552-1599) 59
Tbe Faerie Queene 60
The First Booke 60
Amoretti 66
Sonnet 75 66
5.William Shakespeare(1564-1616) 69
Sonnet 18 74
Sonnet 73 78
Sonnet 116 81
6.Thomas Campion(1567-1620) 85
There Is a Garden in Her Face 87
7.Psalms 88
Psalm 1 91
Psalm 23 95
8.John Donne(1572-1631) 98
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning 101
Holy Sonnet Ⅶ 107
Holy Sonnet Ⅹ 110
9.Ben Jonson(1572-1637) 113
On My First Son 115
Song:To Celia(Ⅰ) 117
Song:To Celia(Ⅱ) 118
10.Robert Herrick(1591-1674) 120
To the Virgins,to Make Much of Time 121
11.George Herbert(1593-1633) 122
Virtue 124
12.John Milton(1608-1674) 125
When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 128
Paradise Lost(The Invocation) 134
13.Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) 138
To My Dear and Loving Husband 140
The Author to Her Book 141
14.Andrew Marvell(1621-1678) 143
To His Coy Mistress 145
15.Edward Taylor(ca.1642-1729) 150
Meditation 8(fobn 6.51.I am tbe Living Bread.) 152
16.Thomas Gray(1716-1771) 158
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 160
17.William Blake(1757-1827) 169
The Lamb(From Songs of Innocence) 171
The Tyger(From Songs of Experience) 174
London(From Songs of Experience) 178
18.William Wordsworth(1770-1850) 180
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 183
Composed upon Westminster Bridge,September 3,1802 187
Lines(Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey on Revisiting the Banks ofthe Wye During a Tour,July 13,1798) 188
19.Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834) 202
Kubla Khan Or a Vision in a Dream.A Fragment 204
20.Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) 210
Ozymandias 213
Ode to the West Wind 214
21.John Keats(1795-1821) 222
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 225
Ode to a Nightingale 229
Ode on a Grecian Urn 240
To Autumn 247
22.Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) 250
Each And All 254
Concord Hymn(Sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument,July 4,1837) 259
Brahma 265
Days 268
23.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882) 271
A Psalm of Life 274
24.Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) 278
To Helen 280
The Raven 282
Annabel Lee 291
25.Alfred,Lord Tennyson(1809-1892) 294
Break,Break,Break 296
The Eagle Fragment 298
Crossing the Bar 299
26.Robert Browning(1812-1889) 301
Meeting at Evening 303
Parting At Morning 304
My Last Duchess 305
27.Walt Whitman (1819-1892) 310
One's-Self I Sing 315
Song of Myself[Sections 1-2,5-6,10-11,24] 318
O Captain!My Captain! 342
28.Mathew Arnold(1822-1888) 346
Dover Beach 348
29.Emily Dickinson(1830-1886) 352
I'm Nobody!Who Are You?(260) 354
"Hope"is the Thing With Feathers(314) 356
The Soul Selects Her Own Society(409) 358
Because I Could Not Stop for Death(479) 360
This is My Letter to the World(519) 363
I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died(591) 365
Tell All the Truth but Tell it Slant-(1263) 367
My Life Closed Twice Before It's Close(1773) 368
30.Thomas Hardy(1840-1928) 370
Hap 373
The Darkling Thrush 376
Ah,Are You Digging On My Grave? 380
31.A.E.Housman(1859-1936) 384
Loveliest of Trees,the Cherry Now 385
To an Athlete Dying Young 387
When I Was One-and-Twenty 391
32.William Butler Yeats(1865-1939) 393
Easter 1916 395
The Second Coming 402
Sailing to Byzantium 406
33.Robert Frost(1874-1963) 411
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 414
The Road Not Taken 418
Mowing 420
Mending Wall 424
Home Burial 427
34.Carl Sandburg(1878-1967) 437
Chicago 440
Cool Tombs 444
The People,Yes 447
35.Wallace Stevens(1879-1955) 450
The Snow Man 451
The Emperor of Ice Cream 453
Anecdote of the Jar 455
36.William Carlos Williams(1883-1963) 456
Spring and All 458
The Red Wheelbarrow 461
This Is Just To Say 463
From Paterson 464
Preface 464
37.Ezra Pound(1885-1972) 469
In a Station of the Metro 473
From Tbe Cantos 476
38.H.D.(Hilda Doolittle)(1886-1961) 481
Sea Rose 483
Pear Tree 484
Oread 486
Helen 488
39.T.S.Eliot(1888-1965) 490
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 492
40.e.e.cummings(1894-1962) 504
l(a 506
[old age sticks] 508
41.Hart Crane(1899-1932) 511
Paraphrase 513
Voyages Ⅱ 516
42.Langston Hughes(1902-1967) 520
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 522
Harlem 523
43.W.H.Auden(1907-1973) 526
As I Walked Out One Evening 530
Musée Des Beaux Arts 534
44.Charles Olson(1910-1970) 538
45.Elizabeth Bishop(1911-1970) 553
Brazil,January 1,1502 555
46.Robert Lowell(1917-1977) 560
For the Union Dead 562
47.Allen Ginsberg(1926-1997) 568
A Supermarket in California 569
48.Anne Sexton(1928-1974) 574
The Black Art 576
The Sun 578
Oysters 580
49.Ted Hughes(1930-1998) 583
Hawk Roosting 585
50.Gary Snyder(1930- ) 589
Anasazi 591
51.Sylvia Plath(1932-1963) 594
Mirror 596
Daddy 599
52.Don Byrd(1944- ) 604
The Last Day of the War 606
53.Perrie Joris(1946- ) 611
This Afternoon Dante 613
Reference 617
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- 《系统故障 诗歌与影像》(中国)梁小曼 2019
- 《诗歌为道》刘畅著 2019
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