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宇宙学  第2版  影印本
宇宙学  第2版  影印本

宇宙学 第2版 影印本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)哈里森(EDWARD HARRISON)著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:7510029752
  • 页数:567 页
《宇宙学 第2版 影印本》目录

Introduction 1


1 What is cosmology? 13

The Universe 13

Cosmology 15

The magic universe 17

The mythic universe 17

The anthropometric universe 19

Cosmology and society 20

Reflections 21

Projects 25

Further reading 26

Sources 26

2 Early scientific cosmology 28

The beginning of western science 28

Plato's universe 29

Three cosmic systems of the ancient world 29

The Aristotelian universe 30

The Epicurean universe 33

The Stoic universe 34

The mystery religions 34

The medieval universe 35

The heliocentric universe 37

The infinite universe 38

Reflections 42

Projects 45

Further reading 46

Sources 46

3 Cartesian and Newtonian world systems 49

The decline of Aristotelian science 49

The Cartesian world system 51

The Newtonian world system 54

Newton and the infinite universe 60

The atomic theory 61

Reflections 61

Projects 63

Further reading 64

Sources 64

4 Cosmology after Newton and before Einstein 66

Hierarchical universes 66

The nebula hypothesis 70

Cosmical islands 70

The new astronomy 73

The Victorian universe 77

The age problem 78

Fall of the Victorian universe 80

Reflections 81

Projects 83

Further reading 83

Sources 84

5 Stars 87

The distant stars 87

A forest of stars 89

Inside the stars 93

Nuclear energy 95

Birth of stars 100

The star is dead!Long live the star! 103

Reflections 105

Projects 110

Further reading 111

Sources 112

6 Galaxies 113

Our Galaxy 113

The distant galaxies 119

Birth of galaxies 123

Radio galaxies and quasars 126

Reflections 129

Projects 131

Further reading 132

Sources 132

7 Location and the cosmic center 134

The location principle 134

The isotropic universe 137

The cosmological principle 138

Perfect cosmological principle 140

Reflections 141

Projects 145

Further reading 145

Sources 145

8 Containment and the cosmic edge 147

The containment principle 147

The cosmic edge 149

Containment of space and time 153

Design argument 155

Many physical universes 156

Theistic and anthropic principles 157

Whither the laws of nature? 159

Containment riddle 161

Reflections 162

Projects 166

Further reading 167

Sources 167

9 Space and time 169

Space 169

Space and time 171

Time 172

The"now" 176

Time travel 178

Atomic time 179

Reflections 180

Projects 184

Further reading 185

Sources 185

PART Ⅱ 185

10 Curved space 189

Euclidean geometry 189

Non-Euclidean geometry 190

Measuring the curvature of space 194

The"outstanding theorem? 196

Riemannian spaces 198

Reflections 199

Projects 203

Further reading 204

Sources 204

11 Special relativity 206

New ideas for old 206

The strangeness of spacetime 207

Travels in space and time 210

Reflections 214

Projects 218

Further reading 218

Sources 219

12 General relativity 220

Principle of equivalence 220

A closer look 222

Geometry and gravity 224

Tidal forces 225

Theory of general relativity 228

Tests of general relativity 233

Mach's principle 236

Reflections 239

Projects 243

Further reading 244

Sources 245

13 Black holes 246

Gravitational collapse 246

Curved spacetime of black holes 248

Rotating black holes 253

Superholes 257

Miniholes 258

Black-hole magic 259

Hawking radiation 260

Black holes are heat engines 263

Reflections 264

Projects 267

Further reading 268

Sources 268

14 Expansion of the universe 270

The great discovery 270

The expanding space paradigm 275

The expanding rubber sheet universe 275

Measuring the expansion of the universe 285

The velocity-distance law 287

Accelerating and decelerating universes 289

Classifying universes 290

Reflections 292

Projects 299

Further reading 300

Sources 300

15 Redshifts 302

Cosmic redshifts 302

The three redshifts 306

Two basic laws 307

Distances and recession velocities 309

Cosmological pitfalls 309

Redshift curiosities 311

Refections 314

Projects 320

Sources 321

16 Newtonian cosmology 323

Static Newtonian universe 323

Expanding cosmic sphere 326

Cosmological constant 331

Why does Newtonian cosmology give the same answer? 332

Reflections 333

Projects 336

Further reading 337

Sources 337

17 The cosmic box 339

The universe in a nutshell 339

Particles and waves 341

Thermodynamics and cosmology 344

Where has all the energy gone? 348

Reflections 350

Projects 353

Sources 353

18 The many universes 355

Static universes 355

De Sitter universe 358

Friedmann universes 359

Oscillating universes 362

Friedmann-Lema?tre universes 363

Classification of universes 365

Universes in compression 368

Universes in tension 369

Worlds in convulsion 371

Kinematic relativity 373

Continuous creation 374

Scalar-tensor theory 376

Reflections 379

Projects 383

Further reading 384

Sources 384

19 Observational cosmology 387

Introduction 387

Cosmography 387

Local observations 388

Intermediate-distance observations 397

Large-distance observations 400

Is the universe open or closed? 403

Reflections 404

Projects 407

Further reading 408

Sources 408

PART Ⅲ 413

20 The early universe 413

The primeval atom 413

The last fifteen billion years 415

The first million years 416

The first second 419

The first hundred microseconds 422

Grand unified era 427

Reflections 428

Projects 435

Further reading 436

Sources 436

21 Horizons in the universe 438

What are cosmological horizons? 438

Horizons in static universes 439

The horizon riddle 441

The horizon problem 442

Hubble spheres 443

Reception and emission distances 444

The photon horizon in cosmology 446

The particle horizon 447

Conformal diagrams 449

Event horizons 451

Reflections 454

Projects 457

Sources 457

22 Inflation 458

Perfect symmetry 458

The monopole problem 458

Discovery of inflation 459

Cosmic tension 459

Inflation 460

Inflation solves the monopole problem 463

Inflation solves the flatness problem 463

Inflation solves the horizon problem 465

Nonluminous matter 467

The origin of galaxies 468

Reflections 470

Projects 472

Further reading 472

Sources 473

23 The cosmic numbers 474

Constants of nature 474

The cosmic connection 479

Magic numbers 480

Solving the cosmic connection 483

Reflections 486

Projects 490

Further reading 490

Sources 490

24 Darkness at night 491

The great riddle 491

Two interpretations 493

Halley's shells 494

Bright-sky universes 497

The paradox resolved 499

"The golden walls of the universe" 502

The celebrated hypothesis 503

Expansion and darkness 503

Reflections 506

Projects 513

Further reading 513

25 Creation of the universe 515

Cosmogenesis Ⅰ 515

Creation myths 515

Genesis 518

Cosmogenesis Ⅱ 519

Cosmogenesis Ⅲ 520

Fitness of the universe 522

Fitness and creation 523

Theistic theories 523

Anthropic theories 524

Spontaneous creation theories 524

Natural selection theories 525

Eschatology 526

Reflections 528

Projects 532

Further reading 532

Sources 533

26 Life in the universe 535

Origin of life on Earth 535

The exuberant Earth 537

The evolution of life 538

Natural selection 540

Intelligent life 542

What is life? 542

Life beyond the Earth 543

Epilogue 547

Reflections 547

Projects 551

Further reading 552

Sources 553

Appendix-Fundamental quantities 555

Index 557
