- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘志红主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509178232
- 页数:635 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
医学高峰的眺望者——记国际著名肾脏病学专家、中国工程院院士刘志红 3
第二部分 学术贡献 21
一、刘志红院士的学术成就与学术思想 23
二、刘志红院士的主要学术论文 34
(一)肾脏病学的发展 34
Nephrology in China 35
中国肾脏病诊治三十年回顾与展望 40
系统生物学——推动肾脏病临床研究的新动力 46
转化医学:医学模式的转化,医学发展的方向 49
(二)IgA肾病 51
Epidemiologic Data of Renal Diseases from a Single Unit in China: Analysis Based on 13 519 Renal Biopsies 52
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Allele: Is It a Genetic Link between Henoch-Schonlein Nephritis and IgA Nephropathy? 58
Long-term Renal Survival and Related Risk Factors in Patients with IgA Nephro- pathy: Results from a Cohort of 1155 Cases in a Chinese Adult Population 63
A Multicenter Application and Evaluation of the Oxford Classification of IgA Nephropathy in Adult Chinese Patients 72
Corticosteroid Therapy in IgA Nephropathy with Minimal Change-like Lesions: a Single-centre Cohort Study 80
MiR-223 Downregulation Promotes Glomerular Endothelial Cell Activation by Upregulating Importin α4 and α5 in IgA Nephropathy 86
Long-Term Outcome of IgA Nephropathy Patients with Recurrent Macroscopic Hematuria 99
(三)狼疮性肾炎 106
Multitarget Therapy for Induction Treatment of Lupus Nephritis A Randomized, Controlled Trial 107
Sex Differences in Estrogen Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Its Association with Lupus Nephritis in Chinese 118
Epistatic Effect of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 and β-Fibrinogen Genes on Risk of Glomerular Microthrombosis in Lupus Nephritis 124
Association of Interleukin-10 Gene—592 A/C Polymorphism with the Clinical and Pathological Diversity of Lupus Nephritis 133
Evaluation of Renal Vascular Lesions Using Circulating Endothelial Cells in Patients with Lupus Nephritis 139
Circulating Thrombomodulin and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 and Renal Vascular Lesion in Patients with Lupus Nephritis 146
Peritubular Capillary C4d deposition in Lupus Nephritis Different from Antibody-mediated Renal Rejection 152
Effects of Mycophenolic Acid on Endothelial Cells 157
(四)糖尿病肾病 165
Glucose Transporter (GLUT1) Allele (Xba Ⅰ-) Associated with Nephropathy in Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus 166
Amylin Deposition in the Kidney of Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy 171
Rhein Protects Pancreatic β-Cells from Dynamin-Related Protein-1-Mediated Mitochondrial Fission and Cell Apoptosis Under Hyperglycemia 178
Evaluation of Podocyte Lesion in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy: Wilms'Tumor-1 Protein Used as a Podocyte Marker 189
Rhein Improves Renal Lesion and Ameliorates Dyslipidemia in db/db Mice with Diabetic Nephropathy 196
Combined Therapy of Rhein and Benazepril on the Treatment of Diabetic Nephro- pathy in db/db Mice 203
Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F Extract: a Prospective,Randomized,Controlled Clinical Trial 209
Treatment of db/db Diabetic Mice with Triptolide: a Novel Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy 218
Renal Histologic Changes and the Outcome in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy 228
(五)肥胖相关性肾病 238
Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy: Insights from Gene Expression Profiles of the Glomeruli Derived from Renal Biopsy Samples 239
Podocyte Lesions in Patients with Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy 247
Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy in China: a Case Series of 90 Patients 253
Roles of Mast Cells and Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in the Renal Injury of Obesity-related Glomerulopathy 260
Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy: Body Mass Index and Proteinuria 266
(六)足细胞及足细胞病 276
Downregulation of MicroRNA-30 Facilitates Podocyte Injury and Is Prevented by Glucocorticoids 277
Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor Antibody in Membranous Nephropathy 284
Triptolide Protects Podocytes from Puromycin Aminonucleoside Induced Injury in vivo and in vitro 291
Triptolide Reduces Proteinuria in Experimental Membranous Nephropathy and Protects Against C5b-9-induced Podocyte Injury in vitro 300
Etiology and Clinical Characteristics of Membranous Nephropathy in Chinese Patients 309
Long-term Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Idiopathic Membranous Nephro- pathy in the Chinese Population 317
Mercury-Induced Membranous Nephropathy: Clinical and Pathological Features 326
Thromboembolic Complications in Membranous Nephropathy Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome-a Prospective Study 332
The Clinical Course and Long -Term Outcome of Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Chinese Adults 338
Evaluation of MicroRNAs miR-196a,miR-30a-5P,and miR-490 as Biomarkers of Disease Activity among Patients with FSGS 346
Relationship between Serum Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor Level and Steroid Responsiveness in FSGS 354
Plasma Micro RNA-186 and Proteinuria in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis 363
(七)遗传性肾病 375
Spectrum of Clinical Features and Type Ⅳ Collagen α-Chain Distribution in Chinese Patients with Alport Syndrome 376
Quantitative Analysis of Type Ⅳ Collagen Subchains in the Glomerular Basement Membrane of Patients with Alport Syndrome with Confocal Microscopy 386
A Complete Genomic Analysis of the Apolipoprotein E Gene in Chinese Patients with Lipoprotein Glomerulopathy 397
Fabry Disease: Renal Biopsy-Proven Cases from China 402
(八)血液净化和肾移植 410
Influence of CYP3A5 and MDR1 Polymorphisms on Tacrolimus Concentration in the Early Stage after Renal Transplantation 411
Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis: Improved by Continuous Blood Purification Therapy 416
Recipient-Derived Cells in the Tissue Repair of Renal Allografts 423
Improvement of Monocyte Function and Immune Homeostasis by High Volume Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis 427
三、刘志红院士的主要学术著作 434
中国肾脏病学(上、下册) 434
肾脏病临床集锦——精选病例100例 436
Podocytopathy 439
慢性肾脏病矿物质与骨异常诊治指导 442
肾脏病科普丛书(一套四册) 444
四、刘志红院士的重要学术报告 447
脂蛋白肾病:新的疾病,新的启迪 448
马兜铃酸肾病:一个虽被认识 但未解决的问题 451
积极应对继发性肾脏病带来的挑战 455
局灶节段性肾小球硬化的诊断:摆脱组织形态学束缚的努力 457
足细胞病的治疗:免疫抑制剂,还是足细胞保护 460
重视系统性淀粉样变性的诊断和治疗 463
急性肾损伤:提高认识,加强防治 466
重视慢性肾脏病-矿物质和骨异常的诊断和治疗 469
五、刘志红院士学术年表 472
刘志红院士论文目录 472
刘志红院士主编的重要学术著作 534
刘志红院士医疗、教学、科研成果目录 535
刘志红院士获奖目录 537
第三部分 治学之道 539
学问为天下之公器 541
打造一流临床中心 推进医学科技创新——在国家临床医学研究中心启动会上的讲话 543
梅花香自苦寒来——刘志红院士科研团队推进我国首个肾脏病国家重点基础科研计划项目纪实 545
架起展翅飞翔的双翼——刘志红院士创建国际标准化肾脏疾病生物样本库、开展队列研究纪实 550
直挂云帆济沧海 553
心系苍生谋福祉——刘志红院士领导编撰《CKD-MBD诊治指导》纪实 556
天道酬勤有志人 558
临床医学科学家的诠释者 560
唯有精神才能够认识精神 565
求善、求真、求实 567
传道、授业、解惑 569
第四部分 大师风范 571
在南京大学医学院2012级新生开学典礼暨医学生白大衣授予及宣誓仪式上的讲话 573
自省 专注 悲悯 仁爱——《我的名字叫医生》《我的名字叫护士》征文集序言 575
科学求索、民族精神、社会责任 577
一位临床医学科学家的战略视野——记刘志红院士的育才之道 581
走向世界医学之巅的那抹红 584
大医之道——护理人员心目中的刘志红院士 587
创新意识,严谨作风,刻苦精神 596
一片冰心在玉壶 598
谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 602
医学苦海中的一座灯塔 604
第五部分 社会影响 607
一个女人、母亲、学者和学科带头人——记我印象中的刘志红院士 609
刘志红院士与中华肾脏病学会 613
加强国际交流合作 展现中国学者风采 616
第六部分 人生风采 619
医疗科研 621
学术交流 624
教书育人 629
重要时刻 631
珍贵合影 634
工作之余 635
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