在语境中教语言 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)AliceOmaggioHadley著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787560036069
- 页数:498 页
1 On Knowing a Language 1
Introduction 1
Defining Language Proficiency 2
Proficiency and Language Acquisition Theory 19
Some Research Findings about Oral Proficiency 21
Issues in Language Proficiency Assessment:Caveats,Clarifications,and New Directions 27
Defining the Content of Instruction:The Standards for Foreign Language Learning 34
Summary:On Knowing a Language 41
Activities for Review and Discussion 42
References 44
2 On Learning a Language 51
Introduction 51
Exploring Theories of Language Learning 52
The Role of Individual Learner Factors in Second-Language Learning 75
Relating Theory to Practice:Some Considerations 77
Summary:On Learning a Language 80
Activities for Review and Discussion 80
References 81
3 On Teaching a Language 86
Orienting Instruction toward Proficiency 89
The Proficiency Orientation of Existing Methodologies:A Preliminary Appraisal 105
Three "Traditional" Methods 106
Reactions to Audiolingualism:Two Mentalist Perspectives 113
A Functional Approach:Communicative Language Teaching 116
Modern Adaptations of the Direct Method 118
Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching 123
Summary:On Teaching a Language 129
Activities for Review and Discussion 130
References 131
4 The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning 139
The Importance of Context and Background Knowledge in the Comprehension Process:Some Theoretical Considerations 144
Research on the Role of Context in Comprehension 149
The Role of Computers in Providing Richer Contexts for Language Learning 163
Integrating Language and Content:Immersion and Content-Based Instruction 164
Summary:The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning 169
Activities for Review and Discussion 169
References 170
5 A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading 176
A Rationale for Teaching Listening and Reading 176
Similarities in Listening and Reading 179
Differences between Spoken and Written Discourse 180
Integrating Listening,Reading,and the Productive Skills:The Vision of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning 182
Teaching Listening Comprehension 184
Sample Formats for Listening Comprehension 192
Teaching Reading Comprehension 203
Sample Formats for Reading Comprehension 210
Summary:A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading 225
Activities for Review and Discussion 225
References 226
6 Developing Oral Proficiency 230
The Nature of Interlanguage 232
Planning Instruction for the Development of Oral Proficiency 235
Responding to the Learner 258
Summary:Developing Oral Proficiency 271
Activities for Review and Discussion 272
References 273
7 Becoming Proficient in Writing 280
Approaches to Teaching Writing at the Lower Levels of Proficiency 283
Expressive Writing at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels:Approaches to Teaching the Composing Process 310
Summary:Becoming Proficient in Writing 337
Activities for Review and Discussion 338
References 338
8 Teaching for Cultural Understanding 345
Introduction 345
Problems in the Teaching of Culture 346
Definitions,Models,Inventories,and Frameworks:Capturing the Essence of"Culture" 349
Strategies for Teaching Culture 358
Summary:Teaching for Cultural Understanding 384
Activities for Review and Discussion 384
References 385
9 Classroom Testing 390
Introduction 390
The Case for Hybrid Classroom Tests 396
Characteristics of Test Items and Item Types 398
Listening Comprehension Formats 401
Reading Comprehension Formats 408
Writing and Mixed-Skills Formats 414
Guidelines for Creating Contextualized Paper-and-Pencil Tests 429
Testing Oral Skills 431
Summary:Classroom Testing 447
Appendix 448
Activities for Review and Discussion 451
References 451
EPilogue Planning Instruction for the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom 456
Setting Goals for a Proficiency-Oriented Program 457
Guidelines for Planning Lessons 462
Increasing Focus on Students' Interests 464
In Conclusion 465
Activities for Review and Discussion 466
References 466
Appendix A ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines—Speaking Revised 1999 469
Appendix B Sample Foreign Language Media Evaluation Criteria 477
Appendix C Samples of Error Coding Procedures for Written Work 485
Text Permissions 489
Index 490
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