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通用专业英语  热能动力工程建筑环境与设备工程轮机工程
通用专业英语  热能动力工程建筑环境与设备工程轮机工程

通用专业英语 热能动力工程建筑环境与设备工程轮机工程PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王犹建,张红主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787566110916
  • 页数:344 页
《通用专业英语 热能动力工程建筑环境与设备工程轮机工程》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Thermal Sciences 1

1.1 Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 2

1.2 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 23

1.3 Fundamentals of Heat Transter 48

References 63

Words and Expressions 64

Notations 66

Exercises 67

Chapter 2 Thermal Energy Storage System 68

2.1 Introduction 68

2.2 Energy Demand 70

2.3 Energy Storage 71

2.4 Energy Storage Methods 72

2.5 Hydrogen for Energy Storage 99

2.6 Comparison of ES Technologies 101

References 103

Words and Expressions 104

Notations 105

Exercises 106

Chapter 3 Solar Energy 108

3.1 Introduction 109

3.2 Sun-Earth Geometric Relationship 110

3.3 Equation of Time 129

3.4 Solar Spectral Distribution 130

3.5 Solar Constant 131

3.6 Thermal Application of Solar Energy(Greenhouse) 133

References 154

Words and Expressions 156

Notations 157

Exercises 158

Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Combustors 159

4.1 Early Combustor Developments 160

4.2 Basic Design Features 165

4.3 Combustor Requirements 166

4.4 Combustor Types 167

4.5 Diffuser 170

4.6 Primary Zone 171

4.7 Intermediate Zone 172

4.8 Dilution Zone 173

4.9 Fuel Preparation 174

4.1 0 Wall Cooling 176

4.11 Combustors for Low Emissions 178

4.12 Combustors for Small Engines 181

4.13 Industrial Chambers 182

References 186

Words and Expressions 187

Notations 187

Exercises 188

Chapter 5 Combustion and Incineration Process 190

5.1 Selected Topics on Combustion Processes 191

5.2 Incineration Systems for Municipal Solid Wastes 209

5.3 Incineration Systems for Hazardous Wastes 239

References 259

Words and Expressions 259

Notations 260

Exercises 261

Chapter 6 HVAC Equipment and Systems 263

6.1 Heating Systems 263

6.2 Air Conditioning Systems 281

6.3 Ventilation and Air Handling Systems 304

References 338

Words and Expressions 339

Notations 340

Exercises 341

Keys to Exercises 342
