口译教程 教师用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨柳燕,苏伟主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544638050
- 页数:107 页
Unit 1 Getting the Message through Listening 1
Ⅰ.Teachingplans 2
Listening for keywords 2
Listening for logic 2
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 3
3.2 技能训练(3)逻辑的纵向分析 3
3.3 技能训练(4)逻辑的横向分析 3
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 4
3.对话口译:从事旅游业 4
4.1 工业村导游词 5
4.2 做旅行家,不做游客 5
4.3 An introduction to the Great Wall 6
4.4 Speech at a tourism forum 7
Unit 2 Extracting the Gist 9
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 10
Distinguishing layers of information 10
Gist exaction and interpreting 10
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 11
2.2 技能训练(1)概括大意 11
3.2 技能训练(2)主旨的提炼与口译 11
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 12
3.对话口译:世界能源展望 12
4.1 寻求可持续能源之路 14
4.2 能源创新 15
4.3 The changing world energy landscape 16
4.4 Reshaping China's energy mix 18
Unit 3 Memory in Interpreting 21
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 22
Logical memorization techniques 22
Visualization techniques 22
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 23
2.2 技能训练(1)逻辑记忆 23
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 24
3.对话口译:向索马里海盗学管理 24
4.1 成功管理者的三大特质 25
4.2 如何成为优秀的企业公民 26
4.3 Economic globalization and managerial strategies of Chinese businesses 26
4.4 Managerial competencies 27
Unit 4 Public Speaking Skills 29
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 30
Public speaking skills(1) 30
Public speaking skills(2) 30
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 31
3.2 技能训练(3)站姿的视觉呈现 31
3.3 技能训练(4)坐姿的视觉呈现 31
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 32
3.对话口译:戒烟行动 32
4.1 留意婴儿期的自闭症迹象 34
4.2 中国H7N9疫情通报 34
4.3 Watching out for illnesses and disorders associated with mobile phone use 35
4.4 A brief introduction to acupuncture 36
Unit 5 Note-taking 39
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 40
Note-taking(1) 40
Note-taking(2) 40
Note-taking(3) 41
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 41
4.2 技能训练(5)笔记简略练习 41
4.3 技能训练(6)笔记综合练习 42
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 45
3.对话口译:个人理财 45
4.1 投资成功的秘诀 47
4.2 为中国富人理财 48
4.3 Choosing wealth management products 49
4.4 Comments on China's shadow banking system 50
Unit 6 Interpreting Figures 53
Ⅰ.Teachingplans 54
Skills for interpreting figures 54
Interpreting information involving figures 54
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 55
3.2 技能训练(3)含数字信息的口译 55
3.3 技能训练(4)图表解读与口译 57
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 57
3.对话口译:中国企业海外并购 57
4.1 全球外商直接投资流动情况 59
4.2 城市化发展与大城市的兴起 59
4.3 Development of some Free Trade Areas 60
4.4 Emerging issues in China's economy 61
Unit 7 Discourse Analysis for Interpreting 63
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 64
Discourse analysis for interpreting(1) 64
Discourse analysis for interpreting(2) 64
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 65
2.2 技能训练(1)话语特点描述 65
3.2 技能训练(2)语境分析 65
3.3 技能训练(3)衔接手段对比分析 65
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 66
3.对话口译:中国经济不平衡现象 66
4.1 我们要大胆前进 68
4.2 亚洲梦 69
4.3 China's economic growth in the past five years 70
4.4 Opening address at Summer Davos 71
Unit 8 Reformulation Skills 73
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 74
Principle of fidelity 74
Reformulation skills(1) 74
Reformulation skills(2) 75
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 75
2.2 技能训练(1)信息忠实原则口译练习 75
3.2 技能训练(2)语言表达重组练习 76
3.3 技能训练(3)语法结构重组练习 76
3.4 技能训练(4)逻辑衔接重组练习 78
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 78
3.对话口译:中美食品安全问题及对策 78
4.1 进口乳制品拉响警报 80
4.2 食品安全问题与消费者信心 81
4.3 China performed well on food safety indicators 82
4.4 An economic analysis of food safety problems 83
Unit 9 Intercultural Analysis 85
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 86
Intercultural analysis(1) 86
Intercultural analysis(2) 86
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 87
3.2 技能训练(2)口译的跨文化交际策略 87
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 88
3.对话口译:粮食安全 88
4.1 地球一小时 89
4.2 低碳发展之路 90
4.3 Environmental sustainability 91
4.4 On biodiversity 93
Unit 10 Coping Tactics 95
Ⅰ.Teaching plans 96
Coping tactics for comprehension 96
Coping tactics for reproduction 96
Ⅱ.Guide to skills practice 97
2.2 技能训练(1)理解中的应对策略训练 97
3.2 技能训练(2)表达中的应对策略训练 98
Ⅲ.Reference translations for interpreting texts 99
3.对话口译:中国的区域经济合作 99
4.1 美国的贸易政策 102
4.2 亚洲区域经济合作的新发展和新趋势 103
4.3 Promoting China-ASEAN cooperation 104
4.4 China's FTA development 105
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