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中国对外贸易问题的一般均衡建模与模拟  英文
中国对外贸易问题的一般均衡建模与模拟  英文

中国对外贸易问题的一般均衡建模与模拟 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:东艳,李春顶,(加)沃利著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787516160138
  • 页数:361 页
《中国对外贸易问题的一般均衡建模与模拟 英文》目录

List of Publications 1

Part A Trade and Climate Change GE Modelling and Simulation 3

How Large are the Impacts of Carbon Motivated Border Tax Adjustments?&Yan Dang and John Whalley 3

Carbon,Trade Policy and Carbon Free Trade Areas&Yan Dong and John Whalley 43

Carbon Motivated Regional Trade Arrangements:Analytics and Simulations&Yan Dong and John Whalley 75

Joint Non-OPEC Carbon Taxes and the Transfer of OPEC Monopoly Rents&Yan Dong and John Whalley 106

Optimal Tariff Calculations in Tariff Games with Climate Change Considerations&Yan Dong and John Whalley 127

Part B China's Trade Policy Related GE Modelling and Simulation 137

Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China's Trade Related Policies&Yan Dong and John Whalley 137

Gains and Losses from Potential Bilateral US-China Trade Retaliation&Yan Dong and John Whalley 156

China's Potential Future Growth and Gains from Trade Policy Bargaining:Some Numerical Simulation Results&Chunding Li and John Whalley 188

Rebalancing and the Chinese VAT:Some Numerical Simulation Results&Chunding Li and John Whalley 224

Part C Regional Trade Agreement Related GE Modelling and Simulation 247

China and the TPP:A Numerical Simulation Assessment of the Effects Involved&Chunding Li and John Whalley 247

Part D Other Fields and Methodologies 285

Chinese Firm and Industry Reactions to Antidumping Initiations and Measures&Chunding Li and John Whalley 285

Foreign Affiliate Sales and the Measurement of Trade in Both Goods and Services&Chunding Li,John Whalley and Yan Chen 316

The Productivity Paradox of Chinese Export Firms:Review and Assessment&Chunding Li and Xiangshuo Yin 345
