广安年鉴 2014PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中共广安市委,广安市人民政府编;何斌主编
- 出 版 社:北京:方志出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787514414080
- 页数:472 页
特载 1
加快追赶跨越步伐 走在改革开放前列 为迈入全省发展第一方阵全面建成小康社会而奋斗——市委书记侯晓春在市委四届六次全体会议上的报告(2013年7月18日)To speed up the pace of catch-up across,walking in the forefront of reform and opening up,in order to enter into the province's development of the first ma-trix of a comprehensive well-off society and struggle——Hou Xiaochun of secretary of municipal Party com-mittee of municipal Party committee report in the four ses-sion of the six plenary meeting(July 18,2013) 1
政府工作报告 10
在广安市第四届人民代表大会第五次会议上广安市人民政府市长 罗增斌(2014年3月25日)The government work report In the fourth Guang'an Municipal People's Congress on the Fifth Conference Mayor of Guang'an Municipal People's government Luo Zengbin(March 25,2014) 10
2013年广安成就In 2013 the Guang'an achievement 20
2013年广安十大新闻Guang'an in 2013 the top ten news 22
大事记Chronicle of Events 25
1月January 25
2月February 27
3月March 29
4月April 30
5月May 32
6月June 35
7月July 37
8月August 39
9月September 41
10月October 43
11月November 45
12月December 47
政区与自然Administrative areas and natural 51
政区Administrative Region 51
自然环境The natural environment 54
气候Climate 58
政治Politics 60
中国共产党广安市委员会Guang'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party China 60
中共广安市第四届委员会会议The Communist Party of China Guang'an City,the fourth session of the committee meeting 60
工作综述Job summary 61
市委办公室工作Municipal Party committee office work 64
纪检监察The discipline inspection and supervision 67
组织工作The work of the organization 69
老干部工作Veteran cadre work 71
宣传工作The propaganda work 72
精神文明建设The construction of spiritual civilization 74
农村工作The rural work 77
统战工作The United Front Work 79
市直机关党建Organs directly under the party building 81
党校工作The work of the Party School 82
党史研究Party History Research 84
机构编制工作The preparation of working mechanism 85
信访工作The work of handling letters and visits 86
保密工作Confidential work 88
督查工作Supervision and inspection work 88
绩效考核Performance appraisal 90
广安市人民代表大会常务委员会The Standing Committee of Guang'an Municipal People's Congress 91
第四届人民代表大会会议The Fourth People's Congress meeting 91
工作综述Job summary 93
广安市人民政府The people's Government of Guang'an City 95
第四届人民政府会议The fourth session of the people's government meeting 95
工作综述Job summary 97
政府办公室工作The government office work 99
法治政府建设The construction of legal government 100
政务服务Government affairs service 102
档案工作Archives work 104
外侨港澳台工作Aliens in Hong Kong and Taiwan Work 105
地方志工作The work of Local Chronicles 106
公共资源交易Public resource transaction 107
应急管理Emergency management 108
金融工作Financial work 111
中国人民政治协商会议广安市委员会China Guang'an City People's Political Consultative Conference Com-mittee 112
市政协第四届委员会会议Fourth CPPCC Committee meet-ing 112
工作综述Job summary 114
民主党派·工商联The democratic parties,federations of industry and Commerce 117
中国国民党革命委员会广安市委员会Chinese Kuomin-tang Revolutionary Committee of Guang'an Municipal Committee 117
中国民主同盟广安市委员会China Democratic Alliance of Guang'an Municipal Committee 119
中国民主建国会广安市委员会Chinese Democratic Na-tional Construction Association of Guang'an Municipal Committee 121
中国民主促进会四川省委员会广安直属支部China As-sociation for promoting democracy Sichuan Province Com-mittee of Guang'an directly under the branch 122
广安市工商业联合会Guang'an City Federation of industry and Commerce 123
群众团体Mass organizations 126
广安市总工会Guang'an City Federation of trade unions 126
共青团广安市委Guang'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League 127
广安市妇女联合会Guang'an city women's Federation 130
中国国际贸易促进委员会广安市委员会Chinese Interna-tional Trade Promotion Committee of Guang'an Municipal Committee 131
广安市科学技术协会Guang'an City Association for sci-ence and technology 132
广安市社会科学界联合会Guang'an Federation of social science circles 135
广安市文学艺术界联合会Guang'an City Federation of lit-erary and Art Circles 136
广安市红十字会Guang'an City Red Cross 138
广安市保险行业协会Guang'an Insurance Industry Associ-ation 139
军事Military 140
广安军分区Guang'an military sub district 140
武警广安市支队Armed police detachment of Guang'an City 143
广安市公安消防支队Guang'an City Police Fire Brigade 144
人民防空People's air defense 146
交通战备Traffic combat readiness 147
政法Politics and law 148
政法委工作The work of the Committee of political science and law 148
司法行政The judicial administrative work 150
公安Public security work 151
检察The procuratorial work 154
法院Court 155
经济Economic 158
经济管理Economic management 158
发展和改革Development and reform 158
国有资产管理State owned asset management 161
国土资源管理Land and resources management 162
工商行政管理The industry and Commerce administration 165
质量技术监督Quality and technology supervision manage-ment 167
食品药品监督管理The food and drug supervision and management 169
安全生产监管The supervision and administration of pro-duction safety 171
审计The audit work 172
国家调查The national survey 173
统计Statistical work 175
农村经济Rural economy 177
农业Agriculture 177
林业Forestry 184
畜牧业Animal Husbandry 185
水务Water 186
农机机械Agricultural machinery 188
气象服务Meteorological Service 190
工业经济Industrial economy 192
经济和信息化Economic and information 192
广安经济技术开发区Guang'an economic and Technologi-cal Development Zone 194
国家电网广安供电公司State Grid Guang'an power supply company 197
四川广安发电有限责任公司Sichuan Guang'an Power Generation Co.Ltd 199
四川华蓥山广能(集团)有限责任公司Sichuan Huayings-han Guangneng(Group)Co.,Ltd 200
四川爱众发展集团有限公司Sichuan love all the Develop-ment Group Limited 201
华油天然气广安有限公司Huayou Natural Gas Co.Ltd. of Guang'an 203
城建交通Urban traffic 204
住房和城乡规划建设Housing and urban and rural plan-ning and construction 204
城乡规划Urban and rural planning 206
房产管理Real estate management 207
园林绿化Landscaping 208
市政环卫Municipal Environmental Sanitation 210
城管执法Urban management and law enforcement 213
环境保护Environmental protection 216
交通运输Transportation 219
公路管理Highway management 221
公路运输管理Highway transportation management 222
高速公路管理The expressway management 224
航务海事管理Maritime Management 225
四川广安承平港务有限公司Sichuan Guang'an Pacific Port Company Limited 227
广安发展建设集团有限公司The development of Guang'an Construction Group Co.,Ltd 227
邮政通信Postal communication 230
邮政管理Postal management 230
邮政经营The postal business 230
电信Telecom 231
移动通信Mobile communication 232
联合通信Joint communications 233
商贸旅游Business tourism 234
商务管理Commercial management 234
招商引资Attract investment 236
枣山物流商贸园区Zaoshan commercial logistics park 238
粮油管理Grain and oil management 240
供销合作Supply and marketing cooperation 242
烟草专卖管理Tobacco monopoly administration 243
盐政管理Salt management 244
石油销售Oil sales 245
旅游Traveling 246
协兴生态文化旅游园区Xiexing eco Cultural Tourism Zone 249
财政税务The finance and taxation 253
财政The financial 253
国家税务The State Administration of taxation 255
地方税务The local tax 257
金融保险Finance and insurance 259
中国人民银行广安市中心支行Guang'an central sub branch of the people's Bank of China 259
中国银行业监督管理委员会广安银监分局China Bank-ing Regulatory Commission Guang'an branch banking 260
中国农业发展银行广安市分行China Agricultural Devel-opment Bank of China Guang'an branch 263
中国农业银行股份有限公司广安分行Agricultural Bank of China Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 264
中国建设银行股份有限公司广安分行China Co truction Bank Corp Guang'an branch 266
中国工商银行股份有限公司广安分行Industrial Commer-cial Bank of China Ltd Guang'an branch 268
中国银行股份有限公司广安分行China bank Guang'an branch of Limited by Share Ltd 270
中国邮政储蓄银行广安市分行Chinese postal savings bank branches in Guang'an 271
成都银行股份有限公司广安分行Chengdu bank Guang'an branch of Limited by Share Ltd 272
广安恒丰村镇银行Guang'an Hengfeng bank villages and towns 273
四川省农村信用社联合社广安办事处Rural credit coop-eratives in Sichuan Province,the office of Guang'an 274
华西证券有限责任公司广安营业部Huaxi Securities Co.,Ltd.Guang'an Sales Department 276
山西证券股份有限公司广安思源大道证券营业部Shanxi securities Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an Siyuan Road Securities Sales Department 276
中国人民财产保险股份有限公司广安市分公司Peoples Insurance Company of China Guang'an branch 277
中华财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司The Chi-nese property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 279
中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Chi-na Pacific Property Insurance Co Guang'an branch 280
安邦财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Anbang property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 281
中国平安财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司China Ping An Property Insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 282
华农财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Huanong property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 282
锦泰财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Kam prop-erty insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 283
信达财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司XinDa property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 283
中国大地财产保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Chi-nese earth property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 284
中国人寿保险股份有限公司广安市分公司Chinese life insurance Guang'an branch of the Limited by Share Ltd 284
新华人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Xinhua Life Insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 285
泰康人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Taikang Life Insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 286
农银人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Agricultural Bank and insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 287
中国人民人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司China people's life insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 288
合众人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Union life insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 288
中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司Chi-na Pacific Life Insurance Co Guang'an branch 289
太平人寿保险有限公司广安中心支公司Taiping Life In-surance Co.,Ltd.Guang'an branch 289
长城人寿保险股份有限公司广安中心支公司The Great Wall life insurance Limited by Share Ltd Guang'an branch 290
文化Culture 291
邓小平故里Deng Xiaoping's hometown 291
重要活动Important activities 291
故里建设与管理Home construction and management 293
文化体育Cultural and sports 295
文化事业Cultural undertakings 295
广播影视Radio,film and television 299
新闻出版Press and publication 299
文化馆Cultural Center 300
文馆所The College 301
图书馆Library 302
四川新华发行集团公司广安市管理中心Management center of Guang'an City Sichuan Xinhua Publishing Group Company 304
广播电视台Radio and TV station 304
四川省有线广播电视网络股份有限公司广安分公司Si-chuan Province cable radio and television Network Inc Guang'an branch 306
广安日报社Guang'an Daily News 307
体育事业Undertakings of physical culture and sports 309
教育科技The educational technology 311
教育Education 311
广安职业技术学院Guang'an Vocational and Technical College 316
广播电视大学Radio and TV University 318
四川省广安友谊中学Sichuan Province Guang'an friend-ship middle school 319
四川省广安中学Sichuan Province Guang'an middle school 320
科学技术Science and technology 323
社会Society 325
社会保障Social security 325
人力资源和社会保障Human resources and social security 325
就业管理Employment management 329
社会保险Social insurance 331
医疗保险管理Medical insurance management 332
民政Civil administration 334
老龄工作The work of aging 337
扶贫和移民工作Poverty alleviation and resettlement work 338
残疾人事业The cause of the disabled 340
住房公积金管理Housing provident fund management 341
消费者权益保护Protection of consumers'rights and inter-ests 342
民族宗教工作The national and religious work 344
医疗卫生Medical and health work 345
卫生Hygiene 345
人口和计划生育Population and family planning 351
广安市疾病预防控制中心Guang'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention 352
广安市妇幼保健院MCH Hospital of Guang'an City 355
广安市中心血站Guang'an Blood Center 356
广安市人民医院Guang'an People's Hospital 357
县(市、区)概述County(city,district)overview 360
广安区Guang'an District 360
前锋区Qianfeng District 365
华蓥市Huaying City 369
岳池县Yuechi County 373
武胜县Wusheng County 376
邻水县Linshui County 380
人物People 385
广安市领导简历Guang'an city leaders resume 385
全国见义勇为英雄司机The driver do boldly what is righteous hero 398
第三届四川省道德模范广安人物The third session of Si-chuan Province,Guang'an people the moral model 398
广安市2013年度十大最美人物Guang'an 2013 annual ten most beautiful people 399
附录Appendix 402
2013年广安市国民经济和社会发展统计公报Statistical Communique of 2013 national economic and social development of Guang'an City 402
广安市主要旅游景区景点简介The main scenic spots in Guang'an city attractions introduction 407
重要文存An important library 416
四川省人民政府关于同意调整广安市部分行政区划的批复Reply of the people's government agreed to Sichuan Province on the part of the adjustment of administrative divisions of Guang'an City 416
国家发展改革委关于四川广安承接产业转移示范区实施方案的批复Reply of the State Development and Re-form Commission on the Sichuan Guang'an to undertake the transfer of industry demonstration zone implementation plan 416
中共广安市委关于在全市广泛开展“实现伟大中国梦、建设美丽繁荣和谐广安”主题教育活动的实施意见The CPC Guang'an Municipal Committee on extensive"to realize the great China dream,beautiful building prosper-ous harmonious Guang'an"implementation of the views of the thematic education activity in the city 422
中共广安市委关于努力走在全省改革开放前列为迈入全省发展第一方阵全面建成小康社会而奋斗的决定The CPC Guang'an Municipal Committee on efforts to walk in the province of reform and opening up to the fore-front of the province's development into the first matrix of a comprehensive well-off society and struggle of the de-cision 425
中共广安市委广安市人民政府关于进一步扩大和深化对外开放合作的实施意见The CPC Guang'an Munici-pal Committee,Guang'an Municipal People's Government on further expanding and deepening the implementation of the views of opening-up and cooperation 429
中共广安市委广安市人民政府关于实施创新驱动发展战略增强广安经济转型发展动力的意见The CPC Guang'an Municipal Committee,Guang'an Municipal People's Government on the implementation of the strate-gy of innovation driven development and enhance Guang'an economic transformation development dynamic views 431
广安市人民政府关于大力扶持现代畜牧业发展的意见Guang'an City People's Government opinions on vigorous-ly support the development of modern animal husbandry 433
广安市人民政府印发广安市征地补偿安置办法的通知Guang'an Municipal People's government issued notice Guang'an city land acquisition compensation measures 434
中共广安市委办公室广安市人民政府办公室关于促进旅游产业跨越发展的意见Office of the CPC Guang'an Municipal Committee,Guang'an Municipal People's Gov-ernment Office on promoting the development of the tourism industry views 445
广安市人民政府关于进一步促进民办教育快速健康发展的意见Guang'an Municipal People's government the opinions on further promoting rapid and healthy develop-ment of private education 447
广安市人民政府关于实行最严格水资源管理制度的实施意见Implementation of the views of the Guang'an Mu-nicipal People's Government on the implementation of the most strict water resources management system 450
广安市人民政府关于进一步深化行政审批制度改革的意见Guang'an City People's government views on further deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system 452
广安市人民政府关于加快发展养老服务业的意见Guang'an City People's government views on accelerating the development of pension service industry 455
广安市人民政府关于印发《广安市保护和奖励见义勇为办法》的通知Circular of the Guang'an Municipal People's Government on the issuance of"Guang'an protection and reward do boldly what is righteous way" 458
索引Index 462
A—Z 462
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