- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冯兆东主编;马玉贞副主编
- 出 版 社:兰州:甘肃科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787542422064
- 页数:359 页
第一章 蒙古高原现代花粉—植被—气候的关系&马玉贞 王维 孙爱芝 1
第二章 蒙古高原表土有机质碳同位素与气候的关系&王丽霞 郭兰兰 冯兆东 33
第三章 蒙古国北部夏马尔(Shaamar)风积剖面记录的过去近40000年来植被与气候的变化&马玉贞 王维 49
第四章 蒙古国西部阿奇特湖(Achit Nuur)湖芯记录的过去20000多年来植被与气候的变化&孙爱芝 冉敏 68
第五章 蒙古国北部岗湖(Gun Nuur)湖芯记录的过去10000年植被与气候的变化&冯兆东 马玉贞 82
第六章 蒙古国中部优贵湖(Ugii Nuur)湖芯记录的过去近9000年来植被和气候的变化&王维 马玉贞 100
第七章 中国内蒙古中部柒盖淖尔(Qigai Nuur)湖芯记录的过去10000年以来植被与气候的变化&孙爱芝冯兆东 117
第八章 中国新疆北部湖芯记录的过去8000年气候与水文的变化&冉敏 冯兆东 136
第九章 哈萨克斯坦东部巴尔喀什湖(Balkhash Lake)湖芯记录的过去2500年气候与水文的变化&冯兆东 冉敏 153
第十章 蒙古高原及其周边地区全新世湿度演化及其机制研究&王维 冯兆东 166
后序 蒙古高原与地中海全新世气候的可能联系&冯兆东 209
附录一 Feng,Z.-D.And Khosbayar,P.,2004.Paleosubarctic Eolian environments along the southern margin of the North American Icesheet and the southern margin of Siberia during the Last Glacial Maximum.Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology,212:265-275 213
附录二 Feng,Z.-D.,Ma,Y.Z.,Zhang,H.C.,Narantsetsega,Ts.and Zhang,X.S.,2013.Holocene climate variations retrieved from Gun Nuur lake-sediment core in the nortern Mongolian Plateau.The Holocene,23(12):1721-1730 224
附录三 Feng,Z.-D.,Wang,L.X.,Ji,Y.H.,Guo,L.L.,Lee,X,Q.and Dworkin,S.I.,2008.Climatic dependency of soil organic carbon isotopic composition along the S-N Transect from 34°N to 52°N in central-east Asia.Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology,257:335-343 234
附录四 Feng,Z.-D.,Zhai,X.W.,Ma,Y.Z.,Huang,C.Q.,Wang,W.G.,Zhang,H.C.,Khosbayar,P.,Narantsetsega,Ts.,Liu,K.-B.and Rutter,N.W.,2007.Eolian environmental changes in the Northern Mongolian Plateau during the past~35,000 yr.Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology,245:505-517 243
附录五 Feng,Z.-D.,Wu,H.N.,Zhang,C.J.,Ran,M.,and Sun,A.Z.,2013.Bioclimatic change of the past 2500 years within the Balkhash Basin,eastern Kazakhstan,Central Asia.Quaternary International,311:63-70 256
附录六 Ma,Y.Z.,Liu,K.-B.,Feng,Z.-D.,Meng,H.W.,Sang,Y.L.,Wang,W.and Zhang,H.C.,2013.Vegetation changes and associated climate variations during the past 38,000 years reconstructed from the Shaamar eolian-paleosol section,northern Mongolia.Quaternary International,311:25-35 264
附录七 Ma,Y.Z.,Liu,K.-B.,Feng,Z.-D.,Sang,Y.L.,Wang,W.and Sun,A.Z.,2008.A survey of modern pollen and vegetation along a south-north transect in Mongolia.Journal ofBiogeography,35:1512-1532 275
附录八 Ran,M.,Zhang,C.J.and Feng,Z.-D.,2014.Climatic and hydrological variations during the past 8000 years in northern Xinjiang of China and the associated mechanisms.Quaternary International,Quaternary International,358:21-34 296
附录九 Sun,A.Z.and Feng,Z.-D.,2013.Holocene climatic reconstructions from the fossil pollen record at Qigai Nuur in the southern Mongolian Plateau.The Holocene,23(10):1391-1402 310
附录十 Sun,A.Z.,Feng,Z.-D.,Ran,M.and Zhang,C.J.,2013.Pollen-recorded bioclimatic variations of the last 22,600 years retrieved from Achit Nuur core in the western Mongolian Plateau.Quaternary International,311:36-43 322
附录十一 Wang,W.,Ma Y.Z.,Feng Z.-D.,Ts Narantsetseg.,Liu K.-B.and Zhai X.W.,2011.A prolonged dry mid-Holocene climate revealed by pollen and diatom records from Lake Ugii Nuur in central Mongolia.Quaternary International,229:74-83 330
附录十二 Wang,W.and Feng,Z.-D.,2013.Holocene moisture evolution across the Mongolian Plateau and its surrounding areas:A synthesis of climatic records.Earth-Science Reviews,122:38-57 340
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