中国百姓生活记忆 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈煜编著;刘晓霜,李娜,刘燕译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787508528946
- 页数:305 页
Memories of Chnese Life1949 1
Many things needed to be done 1
Memories of Chnese Life 1950s 5
Chinese tunic suit replaced the western-style clothes and chi-pao 5
Fashionable"Lenin Coat" 7
Girls keen on bib overall 9
Little swallow wearing color clothes:"platye" 10
Food coupon starts the coupon era 11
Residence booklet to control influxes into the urban area 14
Free public eateries 15
Dusky and greasy"row houses" 16
Water supply station in Shanghai lanes 18
Walking-based transportation 20
"Dangdang Bus"reminds pedestrians to keep away from cars with bells 21
Cartoon dance needs a"big brother" 22
A divorce is hereby granted as mediation failed 23
Rural women have a bath in the bathhouse for the first time 25
Transferring Shanghai haircutters to open Silian in Beijing 26
National steelmaking movement 27
Wronged sparrow 29
Women were bashful when doing radio calisthenics 30
Merit students 32
The first national salary reform 33
Memories of Chnese Life 1960s 37
The tood substitute movement:Man-made meat essence and appeasing hunger with chlorella 37
Lying-in women provided with a lump sum subsidy of 1kg of eggs 39
Quota supply ofvegetable,shallot,ginger and garlic 42
Umbrella and alarm clocks were also supplied with coupon 44
"Three years in new,three years in old and three years in patched" 46
No white buttons for white suit in Beijing 49
Red Guard hairstyle 52
State Council cuts sales of lipstick in China 53
Renovating Fangua Lane 54
Nine-storey Anhua Building nicknamed"high-ranking official building" 56
From honeycomb briquette to gas tank 58
Forever,Phoenix and Flying Pigeon 59
First Beijing subway built secretly 60
We don't accept tips 62
Hundred Thousand Whys 63
Learn from Daqing Oilfield for industrial production and learn from Dazhai for agricultural production 64
Follow the good example ofLei Feng 66
RMB4 as cash gift and 1 kilogram of candies as betrothal present 68
Newly-married couples bowed to the portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong 69
Each family has the Little Red Book 71
Badge bearing Chairman Mao's profile worn on the chest 74
Loyalty dance 75
The Red Guards take public transportation for free across the country to exchange revolutionary ideas 76
Open-door schooling:Leaming industrial production,agricultural production and military affairs 78
Educated youth go and work in the countryside and mountainous areas 80
"Barefoot doctor"helps the local people 83
Eggs as"cash" 85
Memories of Chnese Life 1970s 87
"With Dacron inside" 87
Police officers chase young people wearing bell-bottoms 89
Pierre Cardin and 12 models debuts at Beijing Cultural Palace of Nationalities 90
A hubbub ofvoices in the tube-shaped apartments 92
Earthquake shelter-tents set up by making use ofevery single space 93
The"Stone Gate"residence,not a"new horizon" 95
The Bund,the dimly-lit paradise for couples 96
First 3,000 boxes of bottled Coca-Cola delivered to Beijing 98
Eight model operas entertain 800 million people in eight years 99
Chinese movies are like news summaries 101
Sandakan 8,Proof of the Man and Kimi Yo Funme No Kawa O Watare 103
Popular but not vulgar picture-story books 105
36"legs"and"three betrothal presents with wheels and one with sound" 107
Shanghai products sell well 109
The first TV commercial for ginseng tonic wine broadcasted at the first day of tbe Lunar Year 110
Resumption of university entrance examination with an application fee of RMB0.5 111
Overseas Chinese students make a stir in the United States 114
Villagers of Xiaogang Village fingerprint for all-around contract 115
Watching CCTV News becomes a habit 117
All Chinese people listen to the Legend of Yue Fei told by Liu Lanfang 117
Fragrance of puffed rice on the street 118
Memories of Chnese Life 1980s 121
Red dresses are in fashion 121
Chinese models get attention 122
Bikini tells us the best thing in life is freedom 124
City Beauties Pageant,the beginning of beauty contest 125
Suits for rent 127
Fake collar,production of the"face" 129
Jeans closed the door to college 131
Warm and light military coat 132
Five stresses and four points of beauty 134
Say goodbye to dark yellow face 135
Short curly hair and wavy hair 136
Noodles in Yuebin Restaurant fascinated foreign reporters 138
"If I can open a Maxim's in Beijing,then I can also open it on the Moon!" 140
Yili Fast Food Restaurant:Cups,spoons and straws of cold drinks were all disposable 141
People even hold wedding ceremony in KFC 142
I want good wine with coffee 144
Bars there are quiet 146
Garrulous Zhang Damin faces housing tension 147
Urban residents can buy houses 149
"I would rather have a bed in Puxi than own a room in Pudong" 152
In the Great Wall Hotel,only the dust outside the window was made in China 153
Tour guide borrowed a khaki Zhongshan suit 153
Riding a motorcycle is cool 155
Individuals can also buy cars 156
Cassette recorder invigorates family dancing party 158
Disco in vogue 160
Karaoke"changed the night of Asia" 162
Unforgettable"decadent sound" 163
The release of Cui Jian's song-I Have Nothing 164
The Shaolin Temple causes Kung Fu fever 166
Someone could not bear the"Misty Poems" 167
Chinese were proud of the women's volleyball team 169
The road of life becomes narrower and narrower 170
With high paraplegia,Zhang Haidi learns four foreign languages by herself 172
The frog sunglasses from Atlantis 173
"Palm phones"as big as a brick 175
Civilians had the right to buy gold rings and gold necklaces 176
Panic purchasing 178
The villages owning televisions 181
Girls asking for too many things for the marriage 182
"Honeymoons"and"marriage trips" 185
"The firstborn is allowed,while the other babies are forbidden" 187
"Incompatibility"was a legal reason for divorce 189
Divorce agreement for a merry parting 191
The passionate prediction of The Third Wave 192
No.001 Doctor Ma Zhongqi 193
People were afraid of telling others that they were RMB10,000 a year household 194
The first group of individual households 195
Township enterprises,a new force suddenly rising 197
Suspension from duty without pay 198
"Let's go into business" 199
Follow Me:the fever of learning foreign languages in China 201
Never stopped talking with a foreigner at the English comers 203
The pencils and erasers used by TOEFL candidates came from America 204
Time is money,efficiency is life 205
It is convenient for people to carry resident identity cards 206
Memories of Chnese Life 1990s 209
The deliberate holes on jeans 209
The brand apparel shop 210
Cultural T-shirt-with slogan printed on the chest 211
Underwear-style dress 213
Fashionable casual clothing 214
Cosmetics&skin-care products 215
Japanese fashion fans 216
The Korean fashion mania 217
Food coupons quit historical stage 219
The"vegetable basket project" 221
"Fried bean curd and beefwith cayenne pepper" 222
Fresh seafood becomes common air freight 223
Buffet made many people"hungry in,full out" 224
The event of Starbucks in the Forbidden City 225
The night market 226
Articles ofluxury 226
"Did you buy a house?"becomes a common greeting 227
Property management company and owner committee 229
The state encouraged individuals to buy cars 230
Wedding in the air 231
Parents hate the Internet cafe 232
Personal handy-phone system(PHS) 233
QQ and MSN-keeping the secrets of work offices 234
China becomes the 145th country with five-day workweek 235
White-collar and petty bourgeois 236
In the 1990s,the petty bourgeois became very popular 237
DINK 237
The foreign blockbuster vs the New Year movie 239
The"Adam and Eve"sex shop 240
Stock exchanges return 242
The supermarket revolution 244
The hard life ofnon-local female job-seekers 246
China's first directly elected township head 247
Essay Revival 249
Chinese Football League A 250
Memories of Chnese Life 21st Century 253
Bellyband on the street 253
APEC Summit makes Tang suit famous 255
Xiushui Street in the north,Xiangyang Road in the south 255
Residence permit replaces temporary residence permit 258
From 3G telecommunications to 4G 259
SOHO,BOBO,or IF:Which group are you in? 261
Property income structures an olive shaped society 262
Artificial beauty 262
"Harvard Girl"moving parents holding high hopes for children 263
Who moved my cheese 265
Homosexuality is no longer seen as a mental illness 266
The lawsuit for sexual harassment 267
New marriage law limits"having a concubine" 268
Marriage without unit proof 269
"Super Girl",sing as my pleasure 270
Plastic limit an order against"white pollution" 272
900 million farmers bid farewell to 2,600 year old tax on grain 273
High-speed rail:Maximum speed up to 486.1km per hour 274
"Golden Week"lets people play 276
Enhancement of individual income tax exemption 277
Credit cards have altered the tradition of"no pay,no goods" 278
Watching Wang Zhizhi,Yao Ming and the Chinese NBA 279
WTO helps China realize its auto dream 281
Strongest nail house:real estate rights shall not be infringed 283
Huawei incident and the new Labor Contract Law 284
SARS,let us live another way 286
We are all Wenchuan People:May 12,2008 287
"Bird's Nest"feast 290
Narrow dwelling 293
China during the Financial Crisis 294
"Better City,Better Life" 295
From Weibo To WeChat 295
Outbound tourism for ordinary people 297
The era of leftover women 298
PM2.5 299
Mo Yan 301
Two-Child 302
Running towards the"Chinese Dream" 303
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