罪犯心理咨询话语研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭晶英著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787308142069
- 页数:235 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the study 1
1.1.1 Prisons in slave society 3
1.1.2 Prisons in feudal society 3
1.1.3 Prisons after Opium War 4
1.1.4 Prison after the founding of the People's Republic of China 5
1.2 Research motives 9
1.3 Research objectives 13
1.4 Overview—chapters breakdown 13
1.5 Key concepts 14
2 Prison Counseling:Developments and Reflections 16
2.1 What is prison counseling 16
2.1.1 The definition of prison counseling 16
2.1.2 Prison counseling:historical development 17
2.1.3 Prison counseling:forms and features 20
2.1.4 Prison counselors:qualifications and roles 22
2.1.5 Prison counseling:goals and conflicts 22
2.2 Literature review 24
2.2.1 Prison counseling studies 24
2.2.2 Prison discourse studies 29
2.3 Summary 32
3 Methodologies 33
3.1 Theoretical framework 33
3.1.1 By saying X,the speaker is doing Y,but also doing Y1,Y2,Y3... 34
3.1.2 Saying X and doing Y are determined by the context 34
3.1.3 Both speakers 1 and 2 are playing a discipline game 35
3.1.4 Saying X and how X is said are discourse evidence 36
3.2 Methods 36
3.2.1 Discursive psychology 36
3.2.2 Cultural approach to discourse 41
3.3 Discursive analytic model of prison counseling 44
3.4 Research questions 46
3.5 Collection of data 46
3.5.1 Types of data 46
3.5.2 Participants 47
3.5.3 Size of data 48
3.5.4 Transcription of data 50
3.6 Limitations 50
3.6.1 Gender differences 50
3.6.2 Ethical issues 51
3.6.3 Other than words 51
3.6.4 Size of sample 51
4 Opening Prison Counseling 53
4.1 Your secrets are safe with me 53
4.1.1 Counseling is a talk based on voluntary participation 54
4.1.2 Counseling is a talk based on confidentiality 56
4.1.3 Counseling is a talk based on equality 60
4.1.4 Counseling is a talk based on self-help 62
4.2 Counseling claimed vs.counseling done 64
4.2.1 Whether greeting is necessary is decided only by the police counselors 65
4.2.2 Criminal history might be enquired into no matter whether you like it or not 66
4.3 One-way lecturing or two-way interaction 71
5 Talking Troubles Ⅰ—Problem Presentation 73
5.1 My problems are worthy of your attention 73
5.1.1 I might not be good at expressing 74
5.1.2 Do you believe in fairness and justice 77
5.1.3 I am not used to seeing it 83
5.1.4 I feel living is meaningless 90
5.2 X is y,and y is beyond my ability 97
6 Talking Troubles Ⅱ—Problem Negotiation 100
6.1 Who is responsible 100
6.1.1 What have you done 100
6.1.2 What you can change is only yourself 103
6.1.3 The prison is no exception 113
6.1.4 What if you couldn't realize your plan 121
6.1.5 You should see it from a different viewpoint 127
6.2 Deviant cases 140
6.3 You should do z1,and if doing z1 is not possible,do z2 147
6.3.1 The police counselors' reformulations at work 149
6.3.2 The police counselors' questions at work 149
7 Closing Prison Counseling 151
7.1 Orienting to the closing 151
7.2 Deviant cases 158
7.2.1 You go ahead with your business 158
7.2.2 I will not get myself into troubles 163
7.3 Ending smoothly vs. ending problematically 170
8 Individual Talk 171
8.1 What is individual talk 171
8.2 The process of individual talk 172
8.2.1 The opening and the closing 173
8.2.2 To what ends 180
8.3 Two-way talking or one-way precaution-taking 198
8.3.1 Topic control 198
8.3.2 Tag questions 198
8.3.3 Role attribution 199
9 Dialogue between Prison Counseling and Individual Talk 201
9.1 Features that are culturally specific 201
9.1.1 Highly goal-targeted 201
9.1.2 Implicitly discipline-constrained 202
9.1.3 Harmony-oriented 203
9.2 What makes prison counseling different from individual talk 204
9.2.1 Topic control 205
9.2.2 Responsibility negotiating or placing 205
9.2.3 Indirectness at play 207
10 Conclusion 209
10.1 Prison counseling:the ideal and reality 209
10.1.1 Prison counseling as a complaint box 211
10.1.2 Prison counseling as an old wine bottle 211
10.2 Implications for future prison counseling 212
10.2.1 Implications for prison counseling research 212
10.2.2 Implications for intervention at the decision-level 214
10.2.3 Implications for training and practice of prison counseling 215
10.3 Implications for future prison study 217
10.3.1 Discourse study of prison 217
10.3.2 Discourse evidence:a qualitative evaluation method in prison studies 217
10.3.3 Discourse study of the image of China 218
10.3.4 Discourse study of counseling 218
Appendix Transcription Symbols 219
Tables 220
Abbreviations 221
Keywords Indexes 222
References 223
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