- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈志南主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509178065
- 页数:546 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
陈志南院士简介 3
锲科学之难题而不舍 持学术之精神以永恒 5
陈志南院士主要学术职务 8
第二部分 学术贡献 9
一、陈志南院士的主要学术论文 11
Randomized Trial of[131I] Metuximab in Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation 11
HAb18G/CD147 Promotes Cell Motility by Regulating Annexin Ⅱ-Activated RhoA and Rac1 Signaling Pathways in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells 17
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Licartin for Preventing H epatoma Recurrence After Liver Transplantation 31
HAb18G/CD147 Promotes Activation of Hepatic Stellate Cells and is a Target for Antibody Therapy of Liver Fibrosis 41
CD147 Induces UPR to Inhibit Apoptosis and Chemosensitivity by Increasing the Transcription of Bip in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 52
HAb18G/CD147 Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition through TGF-β Signaling and is Transcriptionally Regulated by Slug 67
Leukocyte Telomere Length Predicts Overall Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Transarterial Chemoembolization 87
Hypoxia Upregulates CD147 through a Combined Effect of HIF-1α and Spl to Promote Glycolysis and Tumor Progression in Epithelial Solid Tumors 97
GWAS-Identified Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility Locus Associates with Disease Prognosis 111
Characterization of Basigin Isoforms and the Inhibitory Function of Basigin-3 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Proliferation and Invasion 121
Crystal Structure of HAb18G/CD147 139
Overexpression of HAb18G/CD147 Promotes Invasion and Metastasis via α3β1 Integrin Mediated FAK-Paxillin and FAK-PI3K-Ca24Pathways 151
A Protein Chip Approach for High-Throughput Antigen Identification and Characterization 161
Extracellular Membrane Proximal Domain of HAb18G/CD147 Binds to Metal Ion-dependent Adhesion Site(MIDAS)Motif of Integrin β1 to Modulate Malignant Properties of Hepatoma Cells 172
Comprehensive Pathway-Based Interrogation of Genetic Variations in the Nucleotide Excision DNA Repair Pathway and Risk of Bladder Cancer 189
Longer Leukocyte Telomere Length Predicts Increased Risk of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma 200
Involvement of HAb18G/CD147 in T Cell Activation and Immunological Synapse Formation 210
RNA-Seq Analyses Generate Comprehensive Transcriptomic Landscape and Reveal Complex Transcript Patterns in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 223
A Meta-Analysis of Array-CGH Studies Implicates Antiviral Immunity Pathways in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 239
HAb18G/CD147 Functions in Invasion and Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 250
The Differential Expressions of 78-kDa Glucose-Regulated Protein of Infiltrating Plasma Cells in Peripheral Joints with the Histopathological Variants of Rheumatoid Synovitis 262
Construction of RecombinantNewcastle Disease Virus Italien Strain for Oncolytic Virotherapy of Tumors 272
Promoter Hypomethylation Up-Regulates CD147 Expression through Increasing Sp1 Binding and Associates with Poor Prognosis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma 284
Expression of CD147 on Monocytes/Macrophages in Rheumatoid Arthritis:Its Potential Role in Monocyte Accumulation and Matrix Metalloproteinase Production 299
Genetic Polymorphisms in Pre-microRNA Genes as Prognostic Markers of Colorectal Cancer 311
HAb18G(CD147),a Cancer-associated Biomarker and Its Role in Cancer Detection 324
HAb18G/CD147 Inhibits Starvation Induced Autophagy in Human Hepatoma Cell SMMC7721 with an Involvement of Beclin 1 Down-Regulation 335
Annexin Ⅱ Promotes Invasion and Migration of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells in vitro via its Interaction with HAb18G/CD147 345
Transcription Factor Sp1 Regulates Expression of Cancer-Associated Molecule CD147 in Human Lung Cancer 356
CD147 in Human Lung Cancer 356
Upregulation of HAb18G/CD147 in Activated Human Umbilical vein Endothelial Cells Enhances the Angiogenesis 367
Contribution of Cyclophilin A to the Regulation of Inflammatory Processes in Rheumatoid Arthritis 377
Optimal Design of Ig 5′Primers for Construction of Diverse Phage Antibody Library Established to Select Anti-HAb18GEF and Anti-DOTA-Y Fabs for Hepatoma Pretargeting RIT 387
Targeting Radioimmunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Iodine(131I)Metuximab Injection:Clinical Phase Ⅰ/ⅡTrials 406
Radioimmunotherapy of H umancolon Cancer Xenografts by Using 131I Labeled-CAb F1(ab′)2 417
A Novel Antibody Fragment Targeting HAb18G/CD147 with Cytotoxicity and Decreased Immunogenicity 425
HAb18G/CD147 Cell Cell Contacts Confer Resistance of a HEK293 Subpopulation to Anoikis in an E-Cadherin-Dependent Manner 436
Dimerization is Essential for HAb18G/CD147 Promoting Tumor Invasion via MAPK Pathway 449
Characterization of the Genome Sequence of an Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus Strain Italien 457
High Efficiency Reconstitution of a Human Mouse Chimeric Fab of CAb-1 Antibody Specific to Human Colon Cancer 467
New Strategy for Large-scale Preparation of the Extracellular Domain of Tumor-Associated Antigen HAb18G/CD147(HAb18GED) 478
抗人肝细胞癌单克隆抗体的产生及其相应抗原P60的免疫组化定位研究 487
二、陈志南院士的主要学术著作 491
抗体分子与肿瘤 491
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜技术 499
重组抗体 500
细胞工程 502
工程细胞生物学 504
三、陈志南院士学术年表 509
陈志南院士学术论文目录 509
陈志南院士主要著作目录 532
陈志南院士的专利授权目录 533
陈志南院士主要获奖目录 535
第三部分 人生风采 537
科研教学 539
学术交流 542
珍贵留影 545
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