新视界大学英语 长篇阅读 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪士彬主编;吕晨副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513542326
- 页数:194 页
Unit 1 A working life 1
Guided reading Using the Internet to help college students with career planning 1
Timed reading 1 We overvalue college 9
Timed reading 2 Nine ways to ace a job interview 14
Timed reading 3 Eight essential soft skills for leadership for changing and challenging times 19
Unit 2 Talking books 25
Guided reading Why reading is so important for children 25
Timed reading 1 How to learn speed reading 32
Timed reading 2 Why women read more than men 36
Timed reading 3 Age-by-age guide to reading to your baby 40
Unit 3 Passing fashions 45
Guided reading How to seize the China opportunity,beyond store openings 45
Timed reading 1 The skinny model debate—when thin becomes dangerous 52
Timed reading 2 Global fashion sense 57
Timed reading 3 Fashion's dark side 61
Unit 4 Money matters 67
Guided reading The three reasons money brings satisfaction but not happiness 67
Timed reading 1 Can business evolve in a green world? 74
Timed reading 2 The history of money:From barter to banknotes 79
Timed reading 3 An introduction to stock market indexes 83
Unit 5 The gender gap 89
Guided reading An introduction to Why Mars and Venus Collide 89
Timed reading 1 In college dorms,a"post-gender world" 96
Timed reading 2 Women in the workforce of the United States 100
Timed reading 3 At colleges,women are leaving men in the dust 105
Unit 6 Make yourself at home 113
Guided reading Real estate bubble 113
Timed reading 1 How the Internet can help you buy a house 121
Timed reading 2 Will housing take another hit as boomers sell? 125
Timed reading 3 How I lost my middle class life 131
Unit 7 A love of language 137
Guided reading A probe into the nature of language 137
Timed reading 1 Why study foreign languages? 144
Timed reading 2 Saving languages 149
Timed reading 3 Why major in linguistics? 153
Unit 8 Enquiring minds 159
Guided reading Nature's gift:The economic benefits of preserving the natural world 159
Timed reading 1 Living on the edge:Extreme sports and their role in society 167
Timed reading 2 Exploring nature with children 171
Timed reading 3 Seven incredible natural phenomena you've never seen 176
Answer keys 183
网络教学管理平台使用指南 193
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