- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程慕英,范红,高捷,何胜福,罗立胜,吕中舌,王敬慧,杨永林编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7302010315
- 页数:516 页
Ⅰ.Teaching and Learning Strategies 1
Teaching Strategies Based on the Nature of Language Learning&CAO Jinghua 1
More Emphasis on the Passage Translation in Teaching Engineering Students&MA Ling 12
Language Learning Beliefs and Strategies of High and Low Achievers&FAN May Yung 19
"International Communication-oriented"(ICOJ)Approach of English Teaching and Learning&HU Gengshen,GAO Xinman,SHEN Yunzhen 32
Learning Strategies Associated with English Proficiency by EFL Students in Taiwan&KU Pei-yu 44
Success in Language Learning:How to Promote Student Motivation in the Classroom&LIU Yuping 65
The Current Semantic Research and Its Implications for English Vocabulary Teaching at Tertiary Level in the Chinese Context&SUN Xiao-e,ZHAO Chunxia 75
TEM Ⅳ and Verb Teaching in Comprehensive Reading Lessons&WANG Jinghui 84
Classroom Language Learning Strategies&ZHOU Baoguo 93
An Effective Approach to FLT:Chinese Zhang Si-zhong Method&HUANG Jin,WANG Chu-an 102
The Individual differences in Second Language Acquisition&LIU A-ying 108
Improving Non-English Major Students'Communicative Competence Through Classroom Group Discussion&LIU Ruihong 121
Affirmative in Form,Negative in Meaning&LIU Weihong 129
Five Skills English&John McRae 137
Ⅱ.Listening and Speaking 150
Using Controlled Spoken Practice Activities at Lower Levels&FAN Hong 150
Adjacency Pairs and the Teaching of Spoken English&GUO Hongyi 158
Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension&LI Ruifang 170
Cultivating College Students'Learning Strategies in Spoken English Through the Approach of Audio-visual Teaching&PU Dongmei,WANG Jian 182
The Realization of Activating Schema:Pre-listening Activities&ZHENG Min 192
Ⅲ.Reading,Writing and Translation 203
Reading Strategies&BAO Yun 203
The Linguistic Particularities of Business Contracts in English&FENG Xie 215
On the Role of Reader's Background Knowledge in EFL/ESL Reading Comprehension&GAO Jie 227
Vocabulary Inference in Reading Comprehension:An Empirical Research&GUO Li 239
The Reform of the Business Correspondence Course for Senior Students&HE Cong,HE Cencheng 251
Teaching Policies on Reading Comprehension&LI Jingping 263
Problems in Learning and Teaching Reading&LI Li 273
Whole Language Approach:Motivating and Enabling Students in the ESL Reading Class&WANG Jian,ZHANG Yi 283
Native and Non-native Writing of Abstracts for Academic Papers&FAN Wenfang 291
Writing as a Method in the Study of English&LI Zhengshuan,SUN Jianmin 300
The Teaching of Writing as a Process&SUN Yunmei 306
Writing Freely to Communicate—A Method to Teach Writing&ZUO Yingjuan 314
On Translation Course for Doctoral Students&JIN Jinhong 321
Reflections on Some Translation Principles Applied to Classroom Teaching&XU Jianping 329
Ⅳ.Testing,Corpus and Multimedia 337
The Relationship Between Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension in CET4&JI Kangli,WU Xia,LUO Chengli 337
Multimedia:A Means of Three-dimensioned Display in TEFL&LI Yi 352
The Necessity and Possibility of Testing Oral English in CET4 and CET6&LUO Chengli 358
Mini-Corpus Building and Analysis by Students:Combining Corpus Linguistics with Data-driven Learning&XU Xunfeng 364
Using a Corpus of Intercultural Spoken English as a Learning and Teaching Resource:The Case of the Discourse Marker Well&Winnie Cheng,Martin Warren 374
Ⅴ.General Topics 392
Globalization and the Teaching of English in China&CAO Li 392
"The Long Dragon"of TEFL in China:Linking up TEFL at all levels of schooling&CHENG Musheng,CHEN Jieling 403
Trends of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics:China&the West&GAO Yihong,LI Lichun,Lü Jun 413
English as an International Language&HE Fusheng 428
The Implications of the Findings of the Inter-language Theorists for the Teaching of Foreign Languages&LI Junru 436
Facilitating"Best Practice"in Language Teaching:What Teachers Tell Us&Liz Hamp-Lyons,Sue Hood,Carol Maclennan,Zhang Wenxia 447
Reflections on the Syllabus for English Teaching of Non-English Major Graduates in China&LUO Lisheng 455
A Call for Continuity in College English&Lü Zhongshe 465
New Birth out of the Tecahing Roforms:"Visible and Invisible Curriculum"Research&XU Aiping 474
Building up a Favorable Language Environment for the Chinese EFL Learners&WANG Aifen,WEI Shuili,LI Jianli 485
ESP and Its Relationship with Adult English Study in China&WANG Lina 495
Standard English at the Tertiary Level in the Chinese Context&YANG Zhaohe 509
Contributors 514
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《培生高级英语语法 练习册》培生教育 2019
- 《365奇趣英语乐园 世界民间故事》爱思得图书国际企业 2018
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《幼儿英语游戏活动指导与实训》苏小菊,任晓琴主编;颜晓芳,覃静,谢恬恬,钟博维副主编 2020
- 《剑桥国际英语写作教程 段落写作》(美)吉尔·辛格尔顿(Jill Shingleton)编著 2019
- 《林下养蜂技术》罗文华,黄勇,刘佳霖主编 2017
- 《高等教育双机械基础课程系列教材 高等学校教材 机械设计课程设计手册 第5版》吴宗泽,罗圣国,高志,李威 2018
- 《绅士阶层与中国现代文学》罗维斯著 2019
- 《公共关系》胡杏菁,罗永全,连伟文主编 2018
- 《近代以来中国大众话语的生成与流变》罗崇宏著 2019
- 《高分子材料与加工实验教程》刘昕责任编辑;(中国)胡扬剑,舒友,罗琼林 2019
- 《我的同时代人的故事 第1卷》(俄)符拉季米尔·加拉克齐昂诺维奇·柯罗连科著;丰子恺,丰一吟译 2020
- 《资本积累论 汉译名著本 17》琼·罗宾逊 2018
- 《管理者的思维工具》(美)詹姆斯.曼特罗(JamesManktelow)朱利安·伯金肖(JulianBirkins 2019
- 《良渚文化》罗晓群,黄莉著 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019