阅读幽默 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙植荣,郝杰编著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东经济出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:780677680X
- 页数:158 页
系列主题一:Topics About Inventions and Machines 关于发明和机器的话题Why do golf balls have dimples? 2
Did Thomas Edison really invent the light bulb? 3
Why does a newspaper tear smoothly up and down but not side to side? 7
How did coins get their names? 8
How do mirrors work? 11
How does a battery produce electricity? 12
How does a thermometer tell the temperature? 15
How does a sundial tell time? 18
If nothing sticks to Teflon-how does Teflon stick to the pan? 20
Whatis an X-Ray? 23
What makes a boat foat? 26
What do you call the @ symbol used in e-mail addresses? 27
Whatis dryice? 30
Who invented the zipper?Why do most Zippers have the letters YKK on them? 32
Where did Aspirin come from? 35
How were shoes first made? 38
Where did Band-Aids come from? 40
How did playing cards get their names? 43
Where did the Brassiere come from? 44
Where did the dollar sign come from? 48
Where did the idea for Kitty Litter come from? 50
Where did the idea for Vaseline Petroleum Jelly come from? 52
Where did the Microwave Oven come from? 54
Where did the Piggy Bank come from? 57
Where did the song'Happy Birthday to You'come from? 58
Where did the Yo-Yo come from? 60
Where does a compass really point? 63
Which is correct:12 Midnight A.M.or 12 Midnight P.M.? 65
Who invented matches? 66
Who invented the pencil? 70
Why are Blue Jeans traditonally sewn with Orange thread? 72
Why are manhole covers round? 75
Why are most Glow-in-the-Dark items green? 76
Why are stoplights Red,Yellow and Green? 78
Why are the rows on a calculator arranged with the lowest numbers at the bottom,and why are telephone keypads arranged the other way,with the lowestnumbers at the top? 81
Why do clocks run clockwise? 82
Why do halogen light bulbs last longer? 83
Why do we get a shock from electricity? 85
Why does a room illuminated by a television appear blue? 87
Why are there lines in the sidewalk? 89
系列主题二:Topics About The Environment,Space and Science 关于环境、空间和科学的话题How does a helium balloon float? 91
Why do bubbles attract? 93
What would happen if there was no dust? 95
What are sunspots? 97
Why are there 5,280 feet to a mile? 99
Why is the sky blue? 101
What are germs? 103
Can plants eat insects? 105
What are falling stars? 107
What is a rainbow? 109
Why is snow white? 111
What is quicksand? 112
What is the smallest country? 113
Why is the color of a flame usually orange? 115
Why do leaves change color? 117
Why do the stars twinkle? 119
Why do we have daylight saving time? 121
Why does it actually get warmer when it snows? 123
Why does the moon shine? 124
Why doesn't an igloo melt inside? 126
系列主题三:Topics About Food,Drinks and Snacks 关于食品饮料的话题Why is Milk white? 129
Why is it called a "hamburger" when there is no ham in it? 130
What are hot dogs made of? 132
Why do doughnuts have holes? 134
Why do Onions make us cry? 136
Why does caffeine keep me awake? 138
How does caffeine affect us? 140
How is chewing gum made? 143
Why do we eat turkey for Thanksgiving? 146
How is chocolate made? 148
What is a PEZ?And where did they come from? 150
What makes popping corn pop? 153
Why do bananas get bruised as they age? 154
Why do carbonated drinks seen to bubble more in plastic cups? 156
Why do Wintergreen Life Savers make little blue sparks when you crunch them with your teeth? 158
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