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新剑桥英语教程  第2册  练习册
新剑桥英语教程  第2册  练习册

新剑桥英语教程 第2册 练习册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)斯旺(Swan·M·)等著
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1994
  • ISBN:7533615808
  • 页数:128 页
《新剑桥英语教程 第2册 练习册》目录

Lesson 1 May I introduce myself? 4

Lesson 2 Who's who? 5

Lesson 3 My mornings usually start fairly late 7

Lesson 4 How people live 8

Lesson 5 There's a strange light in the sky 9

Lesson 6 Things are changing 10

Summary A 10

Revision A 12

Lesson 7 A true story 15

Lesson 8 I was getting ready to come home 16

Lesson 9 People are different 17

Lesson 10 Things are different 19

Lesson 11 Stuff for cleaning windows 20

Lesson 12 I haven't got anything to wear 21

Summary B 22

Revision B 24

Lesson 13 Have you ever...? 25

Lesson 14 Things have changed 27

Lesson 15 What do you say when you...? 28

Lesson 16 Here is the news 29

Lesson 17 USA holiday 31

Lesson 18 Knife-thrower's assistant wanted 33

Summary C 35

Revision C 36

Lesson 19 Their children will have blue eyes 38

Lesson 20 A matter of life and death 40

Lesson 21 If you see a black cat, 41

Lesson 22 We don't get on well 43

Lesson 23 If I were you, 44

Lesson 24 How about Thursday ? 46

Summary D 47

Revision D 48

Lesson 25 From tree to paper 51

Lesson 26 Who?What?Where? 52

Lesson 27 Probability 53

Lesson 28 Somebody with blue eyes 55

Lesson 29 Things 57

Lesson 30 Self and others 58

Summary E 60

Revision E 62

Lesson 31 Before and after 64

Lesson 32 I hadn't seen her for a long time 65

Lesson 33 All right,I suppose so 66

Lesson 34 If he had been bad at maths, 68

Lesson 35 Travel 69

Lesson 36 Shall I open it for you? 71

Summary F 72

Revision F 74

Mini-grammar 76

Additional reading 105

Key to Exercises 112
