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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:林子清,刘金川编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7810091107
  • 页数:366 页

Level Ⅰ 1

Lesson 1 1

Reading skills 泛读和精读(Extensive reading andintensive reading) 1

Text They Had to Kill to Eat(narra-tion,171words) 2

Lesson 2 8

Reading skills 猜测词义(Guessing at word mean-ing) 8

Text Whales Communicate(exposition,162words) 9

Lesson 3 15

Text A Nation’s Joy(narration,194words) 15

Lesson 4 20

Reading skills 认识同义词和反义词(Recognizingsynonyms and antonyms) 20

Text A Clever Old Lion(narration,224words) 21

Lesson 5 27

Reading aloud 1.朗读的目的(The aim of read-ing aloud) 27

2.掌握意群进行朗读(Reading aloud in sense groups) 27

Text Finding the Treasure(narration,261words) 28

Lesson 6 36

Reading skills 应用构词技巧(Applying word-building skills)(1) 36

Text Daedalus and Icarus(narration,293words) 38

Lesson 7 44

Reading skills 应用构词技巧(Applying word-building skills)(2) 44

Text A Class Visitor(narration,307words) 45

Lesson 8 51

Reading skills 应用构词技巧(Applying word-building skills)(3) 51

Text A Roman Slave and a Lion(nar-ration,307words) 51

Lesson 9 58

Reading skills 找句子核心(Looking for the coreof the sentence)(1) 58

Text Whale Hunting(exposition,323words) 59

Lesson 10 65

Reading skills 找句子核心(Looking for the coreof the sentence)(2) 65

Reading aloud 用读说结合法训练流利朗读(Using the read-and-look-up technique for oral fluency) 66

Text A Report of the Accident(narra-tion,273words) 67

Lesson 11 74

Reading skills 认识标点符号的功能(Recognizing the function of punctuation) 74

Text An Exciting Incident(narration,281words) 75

Lesson 12 81

Text A Letter to Parents(narration,243words) 81

Lesson 13 87

Reading skills 认识连接用语的用法(Recognizing the use of connectors) 87

Text Tom Sawyer(narration,279words) 88

Lesson 14 95

Text Secrets(narration,312words) 95

Lesson 15 100

Text The Wizard of Menlo Park(nar-ration,227words) 100

Level Ⅱ 103

Lesson 1 103

Reading skills 认识散文的四种基本形式(Recog-nizing the four basic types of prose) 103

Text Mother Love(narration,294words) 104

Lesson 2 111

Reading skills 认识描写文(Recognizing descrip-tion) 111

Text On the Bus(description,212words) 111

Lesson 3 117

Reading skills 认识说明文(Recognizing exposi-tion) 117

Text Skin-Diving(exposition,297words) 117

Lesson 4 124

Text What Helicopters Do for Us(ex-position,303words) 124

Lesson 5 132

Reading skills 认识论说文(Recognizing argu-mentation)(1) 132

Text Homework—A Necessary Evil(argumentation,194words) 133

Lesson 6 138

Reading skills 认识论说文(Recognizing argu-mentation)(2) 138

Text Learning Language Is Easy—OrIs It?(argumentation,252words) 139

Lesson 7 144

Reading skills 认识文章结构——段落分析(Rec-ognizing the organization of a text—paragraph analysis) 144

Text Style(argumentation,209words) 146

Lesson 8 151

Text The First Man in Space(narra-tion,309words) 151

Lesson 9 158

Reading skills 认识时间次序(Recognizing chron-ological order) 158

Text An Excellent Hit(narration,310words) 158

Lesson 10 165

Reading skills 认识空间次序(Recognizing spatial order) 165

Text The Lorelei(description,279words) 165

Lesson 11 171

Reading skills 认识比较和对比(Recognizing com-parison and contrast) 171

Text Australia and the United States:A Comparison(exposition,296words) 171

Lesson 12 180

Reading skills 认识原因和结果(Recognizing cause and effect) 180

Text The Population Explosion(expo-sition,231words) 180

Lesson 13 185

Reading skills 认识辩论(Recognizing argument) 185

Text An Argument(narration and ar-gumentation,258words) 185

Lesson 14 190

Text Weather Forecasting(narration and exposition,298words) 190

Lesson 15 194

Text Problem-Solving(exposition,364words) 194

Level Ⅲ 198

Lesson 1 198

Reading skills 预测(Predicting) 198

Text Judo(argumentation,244words) 199

Lesson 2 206

Reading aloud 描写文的朗读(Reading aloud of a description) 206

Text Morning on the Mountains(de-scription,453words) 207

Lesson 3 212

Reading skills 预阅(Previewing) 212

Text A Dream Come True(narration,265words) 214

Lesson 4 223

Reading skills 预期(Anticipating) 223

Text Computers in the Modern World(exposition,294words) 223

Lesson 5 231

Reading skills 提高阅读速度(Improving reading speed) 231

Reading aloud 对话的朗读(The reading of a dialogue) 232

Text Bike for a Better City(argumen-tation,291words) 233

Lesson 6 244

Reading skills 速读(Skimming) 244

Text Rockets(narration and exposition,354words) 245

Lesson 7 256

Reading skills 查阅(Scanning) 256

Text Taishan(narration and exposition,340words) 257

Lesson 8 266

Reading skills 写摘要(Summarizing) 266

Text The Long ChainofEvolution(ar-gumentation,382words) 270

Lesson 9 279

Reading skills 写笔记(Note-making) 279

Text A Rich Archaeological Seam(nar-ration,380words) 282

Lesson 10 290

Reading skills 对文章的评价(Assessing the text) 290

Text Why Early Bird?(narration and exposition,341words) 292

Lesson 11 301

Text Transport in the Future: Air or Sea? (argumentation,469words) 301

Lesson 12 310

Text A Pound of Flesh(narration and argumentation,630words) 310

Lesson 13 318

Text The Old Man and the Sea (nar-ration and description,489words) 318

Lesson 14 326

Text A Christmas Letter(narration,395words) 326

Lesson 15 334

Text Galileo(narration and description,472words) 334

Key to Exercises 339

Bibliography 365
