中国经济改革发展之路 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:厉以宁著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787513500890
- 页数:377 页
1.The role of education in economic growth(1980) 1
2.Effective and rational investment under socialism(1982) 31
3.Basic thoughts on economic restructuring(1986) 53
4.A tentative study of socialist ownership strcture(1987) 67
5.Two types of disequilibrium and the mainstream of current economic restructuring(1988) 87
6.Relationship between economic reform,growth and industrial restructuring(1988) 105
7.Laying a solid foundation for new culture(1989) 119
8.Cultural economics:a tentative study(1990) 137
9.Environmental protection and compensation 147
to victims of environmental damage(1990) 147
10.Coordinating economy and environment in less developed regions(1991) 167
11.Comparative economic history and the modernization of China(1993) 189
12.Growth and fluctuations in economic disequilibrium(1993) 215
13.Property rights reform of rural enterprises(1994) 245
14.Rationality and proportionality in income distribution(1994) 267
15.Meshing fiscal policy with monetary policy(1997) 285
16.The dual foundations of efficiency(1998) 305
Postscript:A Profile of Li Yining 319
Glossary 345
Index 365
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