- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏啸飞编著
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787301139158
- 页数:381 页
Chapter 1 The Discovery of America 1
1.1 Native American Civilization 3
1.2 Discovery of America (1492) 5
1.3 Spanish Adventures in the Americas (1500s) 8
1.4 The Spanish American Empire 10
1.5 The English Reformation (1534) 13
1.6 Raleigh’s Roanoke Venture (1585) 16
1.7 Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) 18
Chapter 2 The British American Society 23
2.1 The First British American Colony (1607) 24
2.2 Mayflower Compact (1620) 27
2.3 A City Upon a Hill (1630) 30
2.4 Halfway Covenant (1662) 32
2.5 Founding of the Carolinas (1663) 36
2.6 Development of New York (1664) 38
2.7 The Holy Experiment of Pennsylvania (1681) 40
Chapter 3 The American Nationality 45
3.1 Dominion of New England (1686—1689) 46
3.2 Witchcraft Trials in Salem (1692) 49
3.3 The Great Awakening (1730s—1740s) 51
3.4 The French and Indian War (1754—1760) 55
3.5 The Proclamation of 1763 58
3.6 Repeal of the Stamp Act (1766) 60
3.7 A Distinctive American Nationality 62
Chapter 4 The Declaration of Independence 67
4.1 The Boston Massacre (1770) 68
4.2 The Boston Tea Party (1773) 71
4.3 Benjamin Franklin Dressed Down (1774) 73
4.4 The First Continental Congress (1774) 76
4.5 Common Sense (1776) 78
4.6 Declaration of Independence (1776) 80
4.7 American Advantages and Disadvantages 83
Chapter 5 The U.S.Constitution 87
5.1 The American Revolutionary War (1776—1783) 88
5.2 State Constitutions (1780s) 91
5.3 The Articles of Confederation (1781) 93
5.4 Shays’s Rebellion (1786—1787) 95
5.5 The Federal Constitution (1787) 97
5.6 The Federalist v.Antifederalist Debate (1787—1788) 101
5.7 The First Secretary of the Treasury (1789—1795) 103
Chapter 6 Manifest Destiny 109
6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803) 111
6.2 The War of 1812 (1812—1814) 113
6.3 The Missouri Compromise (1820) 116
6.4 The Monroe Doctrine (1823) 118
6.5 The Indian Removal Act (1830) 121
6.6 Transcendentalism (1836) 123
6.7 The Annexation of Texas (1845) 126
Chapter 7 A House Divided 131
7.1 The Mexican War (1846—1848) 132
7.2 California Gold Rush (1848—1850) 134
7.3 The Compromise of 1850 137
7.4 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) 139
7.5 The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) 141
7.6 The Dred Scott Decision (1857) 144
7.7 The Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858 146
Chapter 8 The Civil War 151
8.1 The Secession (1861) 152
8.2 Causes of the Civil War 155
8.3 Emancipation Proclamation (1862) 157
8.4 Gettysburg Address (1863) 159
8.5 The Beginning of the Reconstruction (1863) 161
8.6 The End of the Civil War (1865) 163
8.7 The 14th Amendment (1868) 165
Chapter 9 The Gilded Age 169
9.1 The First Transcontinental Railroad (1869) 170
9.2 The End of Reconstruction (1877) 173
9.3 The First Great Trust (1882) 176
9.4 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 178
9.5 Dawes Severalty Act (1887) 180
9.6 Plessy v.Ferguson (1896) 183
9.7 The Spanish-American War (1898) 186
Chapter 10 The First World War 191
10.1 Roosevelt Corollary (1904) 193
10.2 World War I (1914—1919) 195
10.3 Treaty of Versailles (1919) 198
10.4 Prohibition (1919) 201
10.5 The 19th Amendment (1920) 203
10.6 The Roaring 20s (1920s) 205
10.7 The Monkey Trial (1925) 208
Chapter 11 The Great Depression 213
11.1 The Great Depression (1929) 214
11.2 Hoover’s Remedies (1932) 217
11.3 FDR’s New Deal (1933) 219
11.4 Roosevelt’s Alphabet Soup (1933) 221
11.5 The Second New Deal (1935) 223
11.6 Opposition to the New Deal 226
11.7 End of the New Deal (1938) 228
Chapter 12 The Second World War 233
12.1 Neutrality Acts (1935—1937) 235
12.2 The Blitzkrieg (1939) 237
12.3 Pearl Harbor Air Raid (1941) 239
12.4 The Manhattan Project (1942) 241
12.5 D-Day (1944) 245
12.6 Hiroshima&Nagasaki (1945) 247
12.7 Legacy of WW Ⅱ 250
Chapter 13 The Cold War 253
13.1 The Iron Curtain (1946) 255
13.2 The Korean War (1950—1953) 257
13.3 Army—McCarthy Hearings (1954) 260
13.4 Brown v.Topeka (1954) 263
13.5 Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) 265
13.6 Students for a Democratic Society (1962) 267
13.7 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) 270
Chapter 14 The Vietnam War 275
14.1 I Have a Dream (1963) 276
14.2 The Beginning of the Vietnam War (1964) 279
14.3 The Woodstock Festival (1969) 282
14.4 D6tente with China (1972) 284
14.5 Roe v…Wade (1973) 287
14.6 The End of the Vietnam War (1973) 290
14.7 The Resignation of Nixon (1974) 292
Chapter 15 The End of the Cold War 297
15.1 Bakke v…Regents of the UC at Davis (1978) 299
15.2 Iran—Contra Affair (1986) 301
15.3 The End of the Cold War (1990) 305
15.4 The Impeachment of Clinton (1998) 308
15.5 9.11 Terrorist Attacks (2001) 310
15.6 The Iraq War (2003) 314
15.7 Hurricane Katrina (2005) 316
Vocabulary 321
Postscript 362
Bibliography 366
Index 370
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