心声与价值观 大学英语读写训练PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)JanetM.Goldstein,(美)BetbJobnson著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:781095170X
- 页数:579 页
Becoming a Better Reader 1
Becoming a Better Writer 10
Unit One:Overcoming Obstacles 27
1 Bird Girl&Clark DeLeon 29
2 The Scholarship Jacket&Marta Salinas 42
3 Life Over Death&Bill Broderick 53
4 A Small Victory&Steve Lopez 62
5 Joe Davis:A Cool Man&Beth Johnson 73
6 Migrant Child to College Woman&Maria Cardenas 85
7 He Was First&John Kellmanr 99
Unit Two:Understanding Ourselves 111
8 Night Watch&Roy Popkin 113
9 Thank You&Alex Haley 121
10 Winners,Losers,or Just Kids?&Dan Wightman 132
11 Responsibility&M. Scott Peck 141
12 Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name&James Lincoln Collier 149
13 The Bystander Effect&Dorothy Barkin 159
14 Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments&Robert L. Heilbroner 170
15 Dealing with Feelings&Rudolph F. Verderber 180
Unit Three:Relating to Others 191
16 All the Good Things&Sister Helen Mrosla 193
17 The Yellow Ribbon&Pete Hamill 202
18 What Do Children Owe Their Parents?&Ann Landers 211
19 Shame&Dick Gregory 223
20 Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
21 Bullies in School&Kathleen Berger 243
22 Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
Unit Four:Educating Ourselves 269
23 Dare to Think Big&Dr. Ben Carson 271
24 A Change of Attitude&Grant Berry 280
25 From Nonreading to Reading&Stacy Kelly Abbott 292
26 Reading to Survive&Paul Langan 301
27 Flour Children&Lexine Alpert 315
28 In Praise of the F Word&Mary Sherry 324
29 The Professor Is a Dropout&Beth Johnson 332
30 Learning Survival Skills&Jean Coleman 346
Unit Five:Examining Social Issues 361
31 Tickets to Nowhere&Andy Rooney 363
32 An Electronic Fog Has Settled Over America&Pete Hamill 371
33 The Quiet Hour&Robert Mayer 380
34 Rudeness at the Movies&Bill Wine 389
35 My Daughter Smokes&Alice Walker 398
36 Here's to Your Health&Joan Dunayer 408
37 A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
38 Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
39 Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Additional Writing Assignments 457
Narration 29
Bird Girl&Clark DeLeon 29
The Scholarship Jacket&Marta Salinas 42
Life Over Death&Bill Broderick 53
A Small Victory&Steve Lopez 62
Joe Davis:A Cool Man&Beth Johnson 73
Migrant Child to College Woman&Maria Cardenas 85
He Was First&John Kellmayer 99
Night Watch&Roy Popkin 113
Thank You&Alex Haley 121
All the Good Things&Sister Helen Mrosla 193
The Yellow Ribbon&Pete Hamill 202
Shame&Dick Gregory 223
Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
A Change of Attitude&Grant Berry 280
From Nonreading to Reading&Stacy Kelly Abbott 292
Reading to Survive&Paul Langan 301
Flour Children&Lexine Alpert 315
The Professor Is a Dropout&Beth Johnson 332
Tickets to Nowhere&Andy Rooney 363
A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
Description 301
Reading to Survive&Paul Langan 301
Flour Children&Lexine Alpert 315
Rudeness at the Movies&Bill Wine 389
My Daughter Smokes&Alice Walker 398
A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Examples 99
He Was First&John Kellmayer 99
Thank You&Alex Haley 121
Winners,Losers,or Just Kids?&Dan Wightman 132
Responsibility&M. Scott Peck 141
Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name&James Lincoln Collier 149
The Bystander Effect&Dorothy Barkin 159
Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments&Robert L. Heibroner 170
Dealing with Feelings&Rudolph F. Verderber 180
All the Good Things&Sister Helen Mrosla 193
What Do Children Owe Their Parents?&Ann Landers 211
Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
Bullies in School&Kathleen Berger 243
Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
Dare to Think Big&Dr. Ben Carson 271
From Nonreading to Reading&Stacy Kelly Abbott 292
Reading to Survive&Paul Langan 301
In Praise of the F Word&Mary Sherry 324
The Professor Is a Dropout&Beth Johnson 332
Learning Survival Skills&Jean Coleman 346
An Electronic Fog Has Settled Over America&Pete Hamill 371
The Quiet Hour&Robert Mayer 380
Rudeness at the Movies&Bill Wine 389
My Daughter Smokes&Alice Walker 398
Here's to Your Health&Joan Dunayer 408
A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Proccss 149
Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name&James Lincoln Collier 149
Dealing with Feelings&Rudolph F. Verderber 180
Bullies in School&Kathleen Berger 243
Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
From Nonreading to Reading&Stacy Kelly Abbott 292
Flour Children&Lexine Alpert 315
Learning Survival Skills&Jean Coleman 346
Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Definition 121
Thank You&Alex Haley 121
Winners,Losers,or Just Kids?&Dan Wightman 132
Responsibility&M. Scott Peck 141
Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name&James Lincoln Collier 149
The Bystander Effect&Dorothy Barkin 159
Dealing with Feelings&Rudolph F. Verderber 180
Shame&Dick Gregory 223
Dare to Think Big&Dr. Ben Carson 271
Division and Classification 180
Dealing with Feelings&Rudolph F. Verderber 180
What Do Children Owe Their Parents?&Ann Landers 211
Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
Comparison and Contrast 132
Winners,Losers,or Just Kids?&Dan Wightman 132
Responsibility&M. Scott Peck 141
Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
Dare to Think Big&Dr. Ben Carson 243
A Change of Attitude&Grant Berry 280
Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Cause and Effect 53
Life Over Death&Bill Broderick 53
A Small Victory&Steve Lopez 62
He Was First&John Kellmayer 99
Thank You&Alex Haley 121
The Bystander Effect&Dorothy Barkin 159
Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments&Robert L. Heilbroner 170
All the Good Things&Sister Helen Mrosla 193
Shame&Dick Gregory 223
Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
Bullies in School&Kathleen Berger 243
Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
A Change of Attitude&Grant Berry 280
From Nonreading to Reading&Stacy Kelly Abbott 292
Reading to Survive&Paul Langan 301
F1our Children&Lexine Alpert 315
In Praise of the F Word&Mary Sherry 324
The Professor Is a Dropout&Beth Johnson 332
Tickets to Nowhere&Andy Rooney 363
An Electronic Fog Has Settled Over America&Pete Hamill 371
The Quiet Hour&Robert Mayer 380
Rudeness at the Movies&Bill Wine 389
Here's to Your Health&Joan Dunayer 408
A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
Staying Power&Jennifer Lin 442
Argumentation and Persuasion 29
Bird Girl&Clark DeLeon 29
Life Over Death&Bill Broderick 53
Thank You&Alex Haley 121
Responsibility&M. Scott Peck 141
Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name&James Lincoln Collier 149
The Bystander Effect&Dorothy Barkin 159
Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments&Robert L. Heilbroner 170
What Do Children Owe Their Parents?&Ann Landers 211
Rowing the Bus&Paul Logan 233
Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home&Daniel Sugarman 254
Dare to Think Big&Dr. Ben Carson 271
Flour Children&Lexine Alpert 315
In Praise of the F Word&Mary Sherry 324
The Professor Is a Dropout&Beth Johnson 332
Learning Survival Skills&Jean Coleman 346
An Electronic Fog Has Settled Over America&Pete Hamill 371
The Quiet Hour&Robert Mayer 380
Rudeness at the Movies&Bill Wine 389
My Daughter Smokes&Alice Walker 398
Here's to Your Health&Joan Dunayer 408
A Drunken Ride,A Tragic Aftermath&Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson 417
Living the Madison Avenue Lie&Joyce Garity 432
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