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高职英语综合教程  下
高职英语综合教程  下

高职英语综合教程 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:许海兰,韩芹主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:河南科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787534953163
  • 页数:400 页
《高职英语综合教程 下》目录

Unit 1 Language 1

Part One Focus Listening 2

Part Two Oral Practice 6

Part Three Read and Explore 7

Text A English as a Universal Language 7

Text B The Status of World Major Languages 18

Basic Reading Skill Ⅺ—Avoiding Vocalization and Inner Speech 25

Passage 1 Oh Chinese, This Torturing Language 26

Passage 2 Varieties of English 28

Passage 3 The Characteristics & Development of English 30

Part Four Writing 34

Basic Writing Skills:Sentence Writing — Relative Clauses 34

Theme-based Essay Writing: Introduction to CET Writing 35

Part Five Further Studying 37

Body Language 38

How English Became a Modern Language 39

Unit 2 Cultural Differences 43

Part One Focus Listening 44

Part Two Oral Practice 49

Part Three Read and Explore 50

Text A Time-conscious Americans 50

Text B Culture Shock 57

Basic Reading Skill Ⅻ—Skimming 63

Passage 1 Adjustment to a New Culture 63

Passage 2 Cross-culture Awareness in International Business 66

Passage 3 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture 68

Part Four Writing 71

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Writing — Adverbial Clauses 71

Theme-based Essay Writing: Title-Given Composition 72

Part Five Further Studying 74

Table Manners: a Cultural Difference 75

Cultural Differences & International Business Communication 76

Unit 3 Computer and Internet 79

Part One Focus Listening 80

Part Two Oral Practice 85

Part Three Read and Explore 87

Text A Web — My Main Source of Information 87

Text B Don't Be the Weakest Link 94

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅢ — Reading Between the Lines 102

Passage 1 Internet Communication 102

Passage 2 The Internet, a Boon (恩恵) or a Bane (祸根)? 104

Passage 3 The Evolution of Personal Computers 107

Part Four Writing 109

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Writing — Unreal Conditions 109

Theme-based Essay Writing: Writing a Composition According to Tables and Graphs (图表作文) 110

Part Five Further Studying 113

The Importance of Computers and the Internet in a Teenager's Life 114

Protect Against Computer Viruses 115

Unit 4 Famous People 118

Part One Focus Listening 119

Part Two Oral Practice 124

Part Three Read and Explore 125

Text A Winston Churchill —His Other Life 125

Text B Mother Teresa 133

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅣ — Understanding Figurative Language 140

Passage 1 Li Na, China's Unlikely Champion 141

Passage 2 Helen Keller 144

Passage 3 Bill Gates in His Boyhood 146

Part Four Writing 148

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Writing — Participles 148

Theme-based Essay Writing: Key Words Composition (关键词作文) 150

Part Five Further Studying 152

A Man from Stratford — William Shakespeare (Ⅰ) 153

William Shakespeare (Ⅱ) 154

Unit 5 Science and Technology 157

Part One Focus Listening 158

Part Two Oral Practice 162

Part Three Read and Explore 163

Text A Public Attitudes toward Science 163

Text B Make Sense out of Science 172

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅤ — Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions 177

Passage 1 Smart Machines 178

Passage 2 All Play and No Work? 180

Passage 3 I Have His Genes But Not His Genius 182

Part Four Writing 184

Basic Writing Skills: Omission (省略) and Emphasis (强调) 184

Theme-based Essay Writing: Topic Sentence Composition (主题句作文) 186

Part Five Further Studying 187

The Importance of Science and Technology 188

Cloning Humans 189

Self-Healing Plastic 190

Unit 6 Environment 192

Part One Focus Listening 193

Part Two Oral Practice 201

Part Three Read and Explore 202

Text A Worldwide Awareness of Environmental Protection 202

Text B Green Spaces in Cities 214

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅥ — Lexical Repetition 220

Passage 1 Global Warming 221

Passage 2 Eco-environment and Economic Development in Tibet 223

Passage 3 Frog Story 225

Part Four Writing 228

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Writing — Punctuation, Capitalization and Abbreviation 228

Theme-based Essay Writing: English Letter Writing 229

Part Five Further Studying 232

Environmental Pollution 232

Going Green Ideas 234

Unit 7 Wealth and Money 236

Part One Focus Listening 237

Part Two Oral Practice 239

Part Three Read and Explore 241

Text A Wealth Gap Widens on Campus 241

Text B Wealth and Power: Gratitude Is an Open Door 249

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅦ—Denotation and Connotation 254

Passage 1 The Wealth of a Country 255

Passage 2 What Is Money? 256

Passage 3 China on Track of Deeper Reform to Tackle Wealth Gap, Income Disparity 259

Part Four Writing 262

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Writing — Avoiding Grammatical Errors 262

Theme-based Essay Writing: Improve Your Writing — Adding Emphasis by Special Forms (Ⅰ) 262

Part Five Further Studying 265

Wealth, Success and Love 266

Time Spent Agonizing over Money 266

The Truth About Money and Happiness 268

Unit 8 Life-style and Stress 271

Part One Focus Listening 272

Part Two Oral Practice 279

Part Three Read and Explore 280

Text A How to Lighten Your Load 280

Text B Advice to Workaholics 289

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅧ — Recognizing Paragraph Patterns 295

Passage 1 Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads 296

Passage 2 Heavy Body, Not Heavy Heart 298

Passage 3 What Youngsters Expect in Life 300

Part Four Writing 302

Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Functions in Paragraph Development 302

Theme-based Essay Writing: Improve Your Writing — Adding Emphasis by Special Forms (Ⅱ) 303

Part Five Further Studying 305

What Life Like When Out of Work 306

There's a Lot More than a Job 308

Unit 9 Mass Media 311

Part One Focus Listening 312

Part Two Oral Practice 317

Part Three Read and Explore 318

Text A Television Standards: Trained? Who Cares as Long as You're Cheap 318

Text B Incredible Claims 327

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅨ—SQ3R: A Great Reading and Studying Technique 332

Passage 1 Will Newspapers Survive? 334

Passage 2 What's New? The Media 336

Passage 3 Different Methods of Advertising 339

Part Four Writing 341

Basic Writing Skills: Paragraph Writing — Organization 341

Theme-based Essay Writing: Improving Your Writing — Transitions (Ⅰ) 342

Part Five Further Studying 344

The Role of Journalism 345

Readings About Newspaper 346

Unit 10 Success Happiness 349

andPart One Focus Listening 350

Part Two Oral Practice 356

Part Three Read and Explore 357

Text A Stevie Wonder: Sunshine in the Shadow 357

Text B The Root of Happiness 365

Basic Reading Skill ⅩⅩ— Overview 370

Passage 1 We Are What We Think We Are 372

Passage 2 The Happiest Man in the World 375

Passage 3 We Can Change Ourselves for the Better 377

Part Four Writing 379

Basic Writing Skills: Paragraph Writing — Three Features of a Good Paragraph 379

Theme-based Essay Writing: Improving Your Writing — Transitions (Ⅱ) 380

Part Five Further Studying 382

Happiness and Success 383

Some Straight Talk About Your Success and Happiness 384

Glossary 386

Bibliography 400
