人权研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(印)B.乔度里主编
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513008327
- 页数:259 页
1.Anthropology and Human Rights&Buddhadeb Chaudhuri 1
2.The UN and Minorities—Minorities in the UN 6
3.Moral Dimension in Peace Building 27
4.Communal and Religious Politics in South Asia&Mohiuddin Ahmad 42
5.The Right to Health:a Study on"the Birhor" a Primitive Tribal Groups in West Bengal,India 51
6.Indigenous Rights and Folk Medicine:the Toto Context 67
7.Empowerment of the Tribal Women Through Micro-Finance Programme:A Study on the Santals in Bangladesh 83
8.Towards Gender Equality:A Critical Analysis of Social Movements for Muslim Women's Rights in India 99
9.Development at the Cost of Displacement:A Study on Human Rights Perspective 116
10.Displacement Due to River Erosion and Flood Causing Violations of Human Rights:A Case Study of Malda District,West Bengal,India 134
11.Environmental Degradation and Its Impact on Human Society with Special Reference to Suicide&Dr.Samar Kumar Biswas 150
12.Gender and HIV/AIDS:The Situation of Thailand and India&Dr.Chandreyee Roy 161
13.Situation Analysis of Local Conflicts in Bangladesh:A Study on Acid Violence&Dalem Ch.Barman 178
14.Social Impact of Communication Technology:the Situation of Call Center Workers 195
15.Disadvantaged People and Development:Low Income Urban Residents Relocated to a High Rise Building in Palembang City,Indonesia&Syaifudin Zaki r 205
16.From State to People-Defined Security in Indonesia:A New Approach to Security and Peace in a Multi-Ethnic State&Abubakar Eby Hara 223
17.Human Security,Indigenous People and Development&Buddhadeb Chauduri 246
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