末代皇帝溥仪 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王庆祥著;倪娜译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787508524511
- 页数:281 页
1 Special Amnesty 1
1.Date to Start a New Life 1
2.Leaving for Beijing 8
3.Arrival in Beijing 12
4.The Happy Reunion of the Aisin-Gioro Clan 23
5.Opening to a New Page 35
2 Gardener 40
1.The First Job 40
2.Joining the Cause to Construct a Socialist Society 45
3.Learning to Live the Life of a Citizen 49
4.A Chinese Person's Pride 51
5.Pujie Coming Back 54
3 A Historical Researcher 71
1.Becoming a Commissioner of Historical Research 71
2.Working as a Historical Researcher 75
3.Puyi's New Colleagues 79
4.Writing and Publishing His Autobiography 87
4 Puyi and His Five Wives 96
1.The Marriage Tragedies in the First Half of his Life 96
2.Love,in the Twilight of Puyi's Life 107
3.Honeymoon 110
4.A Painful Topic 116
5 Home Life 122
1.Food,Clothing and Shelter 122
2.Puyi's Interests in Culture 126
3.Puyi's Differences from Ordinary People 132
6 Delightful Tours around China 138
1.Revisiting Familiar Places 138
2.Tour to Southeast China 144
3.Tour of Northwest China 158
7 A Private Citizen 167
1.Dragon returning to a Man's World 167
2.Voting for Representatives for the People's Congress 171
3.Changing Way ofThought 172
4.Concerning State Affairs 174
5.Never Forgetting Reformation 176
6.Caring for Others 178
8 Political Life 181
1.Attending a Session of the CPPCC as a Non-Voting Delegate 181
2.Mounting the Stand of Tian'anmen Square 183
3.Commemorating the Incident of September 18th 185
4.Shaking Hands with Former Political Opponents 187
5.Speech at Congress Session of the CPPCC 190
6.1962 to 1964,the Happiest Period in Puyi's Life 191
7.Becoming a Member of the CPPCC 195
8.The Last Emperor and the Last President Shaking Hands in Beijing 198
9.Celebrating National Day 1965 202
10.Twin Reappearances on Public Occasions during the Cultural Revolution 203
9 Receiving Foreign Friends 207
1.Receiving Foreign Friends at Beijing Botanical Garden 207
2.Receiving Congressman Abefumio 210
3.Talking with a Correspondent from Uruguay 213
4.A Record of Puyi's Interview with Foreign Friends 216
5.Responses in Illness to Visitors'Questions 224
10 In the Cultural Revolution 229
1.From Earnest Belief to Suspicion 229
2.In the Time of"Drawing Fire on Themselves" 232
3.In"Red August"of 1966 236
4.The Torrents of the Cultural Revolution Finally Reach Puyi 241
5.The First Half of My Lifr Denounced 248
6."Imperial Concubine Rebelling" 251
7.The Denunciation of"The Inside Story of the Qing Imperial Palace" 256
11 Suffering from Cancer and Passing Away 256
1.Kidney Cancer,Which Failed to be Diagnosed Promptly 259
2.In the Peking Union Medical College Hospital 262
3.Complicated Treatment 264
4.The Peking Union Medical College Hospital Turned into"The Opposing Imperialism Hospital" 265
5.The Last Words 270
6.Puyi's Memorial-Thirteen Years Late 275
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