- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡皓主编;周妮娜,王亚云参编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787560630403
- 页数:320 页
Part 1 Fundaments of Electric Circuit 1
1.1 Electrical Network and Basic Elements 1
1.1.1语言现象 1
1.12 Specified English Words 5
1.1.3 Text: Electrical Network and Basic Elements 5
1.1.4 Reading Materials: Nonlinear Resistors 9
1.1.5 Homework 10
1.2 Electrical Engineering 10
1.2.1语言现象 10
1.2.2 Specified English Words 12
1.2.3 Text: Electrical Engineering 13
1.2.4 Reading Materials: Sub-disciplines of Electrical Engineering 15
1.2.5 Homework 18
1.3 Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws 18
1.3.1语言现象 18
1.3.2 Specified English Words 20
1.3.3 Text: Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws 20
1.3.4 Reading Materials: Transformer 24
1.3.5 Homework 26
1.4 Three-Phase Circuit 26
1.4.1语言现象——专业英语的词汇特点 26
1.4.2 Specified English Words 27
1.4.3 Text: Three-Phase Circuits 28
1.4.4 Reading Materials:Y-△Transform 31
1.4.5 Homework 34
1.5 Electromagnetic Field 34
1.5.1语言现象——理解与表达 34
1.5.2 Specified English Words 35
1.5.3 Text: Electromagnetic Field 36
1.5.4 Reading Materials: RLC Circuit and Filter 39
1.5.5 Homework 41
Part 2 Analog and Digital Electronic Technology 42
2.1 The Operational Amplifiers 42
2.1.1语言现象——长句的翻译 42
2.1.2 Specified English Words 44
2.1.3 Text: Transistor and Its Application 44
2.1.4 Reading Materials: Op-amps Characteristics (1) 49
2.1.5 Homework 51
2.2 The Operational Amplifiers 52
2.2.1语言现象——否定句的翻译 52
2.2.2 Specified English Words 53
2.2.3 Text: The Operational Amplifiers 54
2.2.4 Reading Materials: Op-amp Characteristics (2) 57
2.2.5 Homework 59
2.3 Digital Electronic Technique 59
2.3.1语言现象——被动句的翻译 59
2.3.2 Specified English Words 62
2.3.3 Text: Digital Electronic Technique 62
2.3.4 Reading Materials: Logic Gate 66
2.3.5 Homework 68
2.4 Data Registers and Counters 68
2.4.1语言现象——名词的翻译 68
2.4.2 Specified English Words 71
2.4.3 Text: Counters and Data Registers 72
2.4.4 Reading Materials: Hardware Description Language 76
2.4.5 Homework 77
2.5 Application-specific Integrated Circuit Design 78
2.5.1语言现象——动词的翻译 78
2.5.2 Specified English Words 80
2.5.3 Text: Application-specific Integrated Circuit Design 80
2.5.4 Reading Materials: Advances in Integrated Circuits 84
2.5.5 Homework 86
Part 3 ControlTheory 87
3.1 Control Engineering 87
3.1.1语言现象——形容词的翻译 87
3.1.2 Specified English Words 88
3.1.3 Text: Control Engineering 89
3.1.4 Reading Materials:Typesof Feedback 93
3.1.5 Homework 93
3.2 Basic Control Actions 94
3.2.1语言现象——定语从句的翻译 94
3.2.2 Specified English Words 96
3.2.3 Text: Basic Control Actions 97
3.2.4 Reading Materials: Types of Controlling System 101
3.2.5 Homework 103
3.3 Time Response Analysis of Control Systems 104
3.3.1语言现象——词性转换 104
3.3.2 Specified English Words 107
3.3.3 Text: Time Response Analysis of Control Systems 107
3.3.4 Reading Materials: Impulse Response 111
3.3.5 Homework 112
3.4 Nonlinear Models and Non-linear Phenomena 113
3.4.1语言现象——增词译法 113
3.4.2 Specified English Words 115
3.4.3 Text: Nonlinear Models and Non- linear Phenomena 116
3.4.4 Reading Materials: System Design and Compensation Techniques 120
3.4.5 Homework 122
3.5 State-Space Analysis of Control Systems 122
3.5.1语言现象——减词译法 122
3.5.2 Specified English Words 125
3.5.3 Text: State-space Analysis of Control Systems 125
3.5.4 Reading Materials: State Space Representation 128
3.5.5 Homework 129
3.6 Controllability, Observability and Stability 130
3.6.1语言现象——语法成分的转换 130
3.6.2 Specified English Words 133
3.6.3 Text: Stability, Controllability and Observability 134
3.6.4 Reading Materials: Controllability 137
3.6.5 Homework 138
Part 4 Computer Control Theory 139
4.1Microcomputer 139
4.1.1语言现象——论文的标题 139
4.1.2 Specified English Words 140
4.1.3 Text: Microcomputer 141
4.1.4 Reading Materials: Networked Control System 144
4.1.5 Homework 145
4.2 Sample-and-Hold Amplifier 146
4.2.1语言现象——摘要和关键词 146
4.2.2 Specified English Words 147
4.2.3 Text: Sample-and-hold Amplifier 148
4.2.4 Reading Materials: PLC Compared with Other Control Systems 151
4.2.5 Homework 152
4.3 Microcontroller 152
4.3.1语言现象——广告 152
4.3.2 Specified English Words 154
4.3.3 Text: Microcontroller 154
4.3.4 Reading Materials: Interrupt Latency 158
4.3.5 Homework 159
4.4 Embedded System 159
4.4.1 语言现象——科技应用文 159
4.4.2 Specified English Words 161
4.4.3 Text: Embedded System 162
4.4.4 Reading Materials: Digital Signal Processors 165
4.4.5 Homework 167
4.5 Temperature Control Experiment 168
4.5.1语言现象——简历(resume, curriculum vitae) 168
4.5.2 Specified English Words 169
4.5.3 Text: Temperature Control Experiment 170
4.5.4 Reading Materials: What is Simulink 175
4.5.5 Homework 176
Part 5 Process Control 177
5.1 Introductions to Process Control 177
5.1.1语言现象——面试(personal interview) 177
5.1.2 Specified English Words 179
5.1.3 Text: Introductions to Process Control 180
5.1.4 Reading Materials: Types of Control Systems 182
5.1.5 Homework 183
5.2 Sensor and Its Characteristics 184
5.2.1语言现象——科技文献检索 184
5.2.2 Specified English Words 186
5.2.3 Text: Sensor and Its Characteristics 186
5.2.4 Reading Materials: Photoelectric Sensors 189
5.2.5 Homework 190
5.3 Standard Thermocouples Types 191
5.3.1语言现象——电气信息类专业信息检索 191
5.3.2 Specified English Words 191
5.3.3 Text: Standard Thermocouples Types 192
5.3.4 Reading Materials: Sensors and Transmitter 196
5.3.5 Homework 198
5.4 PID Controllers 198
5.4.1语言现象——国内电气信息类专业主要期刊 198
5.4.2 Specified English Words 200
5.4.3 Text: PID Controllers 200
5.4.4 Reading Materials: Tuning of the PID Controller 205
5.4.5 Homework 207
5.5 Intelligent Control 207
5.5.1语言现象——国外英文电气信息类专业主要期刊 207
5.5.2 Specified English Words 208
5.5.3 Text: Intelligent Control 209
5.5.4 Reading Materials: Fuzzy Controllers 214
5.5.5 Homework 216
Part 6 Electrical Automation Synthetic Technology 217
6.1 Wireless Lighting Control Systems 217
6.1.1语言现象——科技英语新词(sci-tech neologism) 217
6.1.2 Specified English Words 219
6.1.3 Text: Wireless Lighting Control Systems 219
6.1.4 Reading Materials: Solid-State Lighting 223
6.1.5 Homework 225
6.2 Wind Power 225
6.2.1语言现象——图题 225
6.2.2 Specified English Words 226
6.2.3 Text: Wind Power 227
6.2.4 Reading Materials: Solar Energy and Its Applications 230
6.2.5 Homework 232
6.3 Power System Automation 232
6.3.1语言现象——省略句 232
6.3.2 Specified English Words 234
6.3.3 Text: Power System Automation 235
6.3.4 Reading Materials: High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Systems 239
6.3.5 Homework 241
6.4 Introductions to Optimal Control Systems 242
6.4.1语言现象——缩略词 242
6.4.2 Specified English Words 244
6.4.3 Text: Introductions to Optimal Control Systems 244
6.4.4 Reading Materials: Computer Simulation 248
6.4.5 Homework 250
6.5 Intelligent Robots 250
6.5.1语言现象——参考文献(References) 250
6.5.2 Specified English Words 253
6.5.3 Text: Intelligent Robots 253
6.5.4 Reading Materials: Vision Guided Robot Key to Lug Nut Fastening 257
6.5.5 HomeWork 259
课文参考译文 260
第一部分 电路基础 260
1.1电路和基本电气元件 260
1.2电气工程 262
1.3基尔霍夫电路定律 263
1.4三相电路 265
1.5电磁场 266
第二部分 模拟与数字电子技术 268
2.1晶体管及其应用 268
2.2运算放大器 270
2.3数字电子技术 272
2.4计数器和数据寄存器 274
2.5专用集成电路设计 275
第三部分 控制理论 277
3.1控制工程 277
3.2基本控制作用 279
3.3控制系统的时域响应分析 281
3.4非线性模型和非线性现象 284
3.5控制系统的状态空间分析 286
3.6稳定性、可控性和可观测性 288
第四部分计算机控制 290
4.1微型计算机 290
4.2采样和保持放大器 291
4.3微控制器 293
4.4嵌入式系统 294
4.5电阻加热器温度控制实验 297
第五部分 过程控制 300
5.1过程控制简介 300
5.2传感器及其特点 300
5.3标准热电偶 302
5.4 PID控制器 304
5.5智能控制 306
第六部分 电气自动化综合技术 309
6.1照明控制系统 309
6.2风力发电技术 310
6.3电力系统自动化 312
6.4最优控制系统简介 315
6.5智能机器人 317
参考文献 319
- 《管理信息系统习题集》郭晓军 2016
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《信息系统安全技术管理策略 信息安全经济学视角》赵柳榕著 2020
- 《“十三五”规划教材 中药鉴定学实验 供中药学 药学及相关专业使用 第2版》吴啟南 2018
- 《广西近代专业音乐研究》李昂责任编辑;(中国)杨柳成 2019
- 《国家执业药师考试历年真题试卷全解 2015-2019 中药学专业知识 1》黄坤主编 2020
- 《全国学前教育专业(新课程标准)“十三五”规划教材 简谱手风琴教程 第2版》(中国)杨克勤,王宝庆 2019
- 《全国普通高等中医药院校药学类专业十三五规划教材 第二轮规划教材 分析化学实验 第2版》池玉梅 2018
- 《高等院校保险学专业系列教材 保险学原理与实务》林佳依责任编辑;(中国)牟晓伟,李彤宇 2019
- 《ESG指标管理与信息披露指南》管竹笋,林波,代奕波主编 2019