英语名篇阅读精选 短文集锦 初级版 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶秀芳,曾颖,朱葆红编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学普及出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7110081631
- 页数:124 页
1. I, You, He... 1
2. Mary and the Ball 2
3. On a Bus 3
4. Joe and Joe 5
5. A Clock and a Watch 6
6. I'm "My Father" 7
7. A Chinese Girl 8
8. Planting Trees 8
9. A Letter 10
10. An Old Cat 11
11. A Happy Family 11
12. The Crow and the Fox 12
13. What Is Five Minus three? 14
14. Where Is My Bag? 15
15. The Cock and the Fox 15
16. A Present 17
17. How Old Are You? 18
18. An American Girl 19
19. The Little House 20
20. Saying Goodbye 22
21. I Don't Speak English 23
22. We Are Young Pioneers 23
23. How Many People Are There in Your Family? 24
24. Two Holes 25
25. A Long Name 26
26. How Many Apples Do I Have? 27
27. Make Other People Happy 28
28. Ten Children with the Same Clothes 28
29. The First Question 29
30. Sam's Dog 30
31. This Man Wants to See You 31
32. Lui Hua and His Papers 31
33. Eat, Coat! 32
34. Jim and His Drum 33
35. The New School Year 34
36. What Are You Going to Be 35
37. Two Farms 37
38. Animals in the Zoo 38
39. What Are They Doing? 39
40. The Seasons 40
41. Christmas Day 43
42. Favorite Food 45
43. Never Give Up Your Dream 46
44. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 47
45. The Man and the Apples 49
46. The Cat and the Bell 50
47. Mr. Sparrow and Mr. Fox 51
48. Mr. Rabbit Kills a Wolf 54
49. Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Wolf 57
50. Mr. Tortoise and Mr. Rabbit 59
51. A Naughty Boy 62
52. Hermes and the Wood-Cutter 63
53. The Ant and the Dove 65
54. An Old Scientist Speaks 67
55. Bill Goes to Beijing 68
56. Our Town 69
57. A Page from Li Ping's Diary 71
58. A Page from Lin Feng's Diary 72
59. Who Was Here? 73
60. Lenin and the Guard 75
61. The Artist 77
62. "The Moving Blackboard" 79
63. Two Friends and a Bear 80
64. The Fox and the Grapes 82
65. The Dog and His Piece of Meat 83
66. The Queue Jumper 85
67. My Father 86
68. In Class with Miss Zhao 87
69. A Man's Trouble 89
70. Mr. Jackson Saves Mrs. Beet 90
71. The Man Upstairs 91
72. A List of the Things 92
73. The Dog Barks All the Way Home 94
74. An Australian Boy in Beijing 95
75. The English Language 97
76. The Shirt of a Happy Man 99
77. Standing Room Only 101
78. The Story of Little Gauss 102
79. The Piano Concert 104
80. The Rails Sing 106
81. Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant 108
82. I Have Sung Already 110
83. A Question of Pronunciation 112
84. Computers 114
85. Edison's Boyhood 115
86. Mark Twain 118
87. A=X+Y+Z 120
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