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泛读教程  4
泛读教程  4

泛读教程 4PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王守仁主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787544631822
  • 页数:276 页
《泛读教程 4》目录

UNIT 1 Language Testing 1

TEXT Ⅰ: Types of Test 2

TEXT Ⅱ: Language Testing 11

UNIT 2 E?ploration 15

TEXT Ⅰ: A Letter to Beagle 16

TEXT Ⅱ: A History of South Pole Exploration 25

UNIT 3 Refugee 31

TEXT Ⅰ: Refugees 32

TEXT Ⅱ: Home Is Where the Hurt Is 42

UNIT 4 Cigarettes 47

TEXT Ⅰ: The Marlboro Man Has Found Greener Pastures 48

TEXT Ⅱ: A Brief History of the Cigarette 58

UNIT 5 Globalization 63

TEXT Ⅰ: Why Civilizations Will Clash 64

TEXT Ⅱ: In 2,000 Years,Will the World Remember Disney or Plato? 74

UNIT 6 Tmmigrants 79

TEXT Ⅰ: Why They Came 80

TEXT Ⅱ: Toward the Promised Land 90

UNIT 7 Ecology 94

TEXT Ⅰ: The Sixth Extinction 95

TEXT Ⅱ: Ecology 106

UNIT 8 Holocaust 112

TEXT Ⅰ: The Holocaust 113

TEXT Ⅱ:Holocaust Memorials in America 123

UNIT 9 Diplomatic Practice 127

TEXT Ⅰ: Speech by British Prime Minister Mrs.Margaret Thatcher 128

TEXT Ⅱ:China-US Shanghai Communique 138

UNIT 10 Christianity 143

TEXT Ⅰ: The Reformation 144

TEXT Ⅱ:Pentecostal Churches 153

UNIT 11 Politics 158

TEXT Ⅰ: The Meaning of Politics 159

TEXT Ⅱ: Parties and Party Systems:United States and United Kingdom 169

UNIT 12 Art 174

TEXT Ⅰ: Revolution in Art 175

TEXT Ⅱ: Modern Art 185

UNIT 13 Genetics 190

TEXT Ⅰ: Blueprint for Life 191

TEXT Ⅱ: Behavioral Genetics 202

UNIT 14 Society and ?alues 207

TEXT Ⅰ: Why All the Celebrity Worship? 208

TEXT Ⅱ: White Collar 218

UNIT 15 Economics 222

TEXT Ⅰ: Monetarism 223

TEXT Ⅱ: What Do Economists Have to Contribute to Policy Decision-Making? 233

UNIT 16 Technology 238

TEXT Ⅰ: New Technologies 239

TEXT Ⅱ:Should You Jump on the Technology Bandwagon? 249

UNIT 17 Philosophy 254

TEXT Ⅰ : Philosophy of Logical Analysis 255

TEXT Ⅱ :Book Ⅶ of Republic 265

UNIT 18 Essay 270

TEXT Ⅰ : Of Negotiating 270

TEXT Ⅱ: Nature 272
