“他者”的声音 吉恩·瑞斯西印度小说中的抵抗日语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张峰著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:7560088211
- 页数:264 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Counter-discourse 12
Ⅰ.Interrogating Colonial Discourse 13
A.History as Discourse:A New Historical View 13
B.Colonial Discourse:A Critical Review 19
Ⅱ.Exploring Postcolonial Counter-discourse 25
A.Counter-discursive Strategies:A General Review 25
B.Mimicry as Camouflage 31
C.Cultural Hybridity as a Double-edged Sword 35
1."Cultural Hybridity"Reexamined 35
2.Cultural Creolization:The West Indian Version 42
Chapter Two West Indian"Other"in the British Colonial Discursive Field 47
Ⅰ.West Indian"Other"in"History" 52
A.West Indian Historiography:A General Review 52
B.Colonial Discourse Implied in the Carlyle-Mill"Negro Question"Debate 56
C."Morant Bay Revolt"in"History" 61
Ⅱ.West Indian"Other"in"Science" 62
Ⅲ.West Indian"Other"in Literature 69
A.Victorian Literature and the West Indies:A General Review 70
B.Colonial Discourse in Jane Eyre 75
Chapter Three Colonial Encounter on the Imperial Periphery 83
Ⅰ.An Alternative History:Wide Sargasso Sea 85
A."There Is Always the Other Side" 86
B.Wide Sargasso Sea as Postcolonial Subversion 90
1.From Jane Eyre to Wide Sargasso Sea:An Intertextual Dialogue 90
2.Wide Sargasso Sea and the Politics of Mimicry 95
C."Englishness"in the Imperial Space 106
D.Antoinette on the Borderland 119
1.Caught in between 120
2.Crossing the Borders 131
3.Voicing the White Creoles 140
E.Voices of Other Creoles 142
1.Sameness and Difference 144
2.Articulating Themselves 147
Ⅱ.Colonial Confrontation and Condensed Anxiety 163
A.Identity Crisis:"The Day They Burned the Books" 164
B.The Battle of Discourse:"Again the Antilles" 172
C.The Cost of Boundary Transgression:"Pioneers,Oh,Pioneers" 178
Chapter Four Colonial Encounter in the Imperial Center 183
Ⅰ.England through West Indian Eyes:Voyage in the Dark 187
A.Anna Morgan:Exile in the"Mother Country" 189
1."Alien"in the Metropolis 189
2.Outcast in between Two Worlds 195
B.Resistance from the Margin 208
1.A Gaze Back at the"Heart of Darkness" 208
2.The Art of Appropriation 215
3.The Politics of the Carnival 221
Ⅱ.The Rhythm of"english":"Let Them Call It Jazz" 228
Conclusion 240
Works Cited 247
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