新剑桥英语教程 第3册 教师用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Michael Swan 和Catherine Walter编著
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7533615867
- 页数:144 页
Block A A1 Something in common 12
A2 Focus on systems:present and past tenses;hearing unstressedsyllables;word-families 14
A3 Would you like to have...? 16
A4 Skills focus:Who should be paid most? 18
A5 Language:what matters most 19
A6 Focus on systems:words for games and leisure;infinitive anding;/?/ 21
A7 Could you do me a favour? 22
A8 Skills focus:I told you a bit of a lie 24
Summary A 26
Revision and fluency practice A 26
Test A 27
Block B B1 Emergency 29
B2 Focus on systems:/θ/and/?/;tenses of there is;building sentences;words for motoring and everyday objects 31
B3 How honest are you? 32
B4 Skills focus:No trousers 33
B5 Small talk(1) 35
B6 Focus on systems:question tags;prepositions in questions;/?/;unstressed syllables;words for common actions 37
B7 Small talk(2) 38
B8 Skills focus:What's a hamburger? 40
Summary B 42
Revision and fluency practice B 43
Test B 43
Block C C1 I wander round the kitchen 45
C2 Focus on systems:words for electrical appliances;two-word verbs;should(n't)and must(n't);consonant groups;unstressed syllables 46
C3 How to do it 48
C4 Skills focus:Quick thinkers 49
C5 It doesn't work 50
C6 Focus on systems:passives;situational language;contrastive stress;weak forms 52
C7 Love and other problems 53
C8 Skills focus:Government 55
Summary C 57
Revision and fluency practice C 57
Test C 58
Block D D1 Danger-little old ladies! 60
D2 Focus on systems:past modals;words for buildings;pronunciation of o;word stress 61
D3 Families 63
D4 Skills focus:Having an amazing time 65
D5 Places 67
D6 Focus on systems:Present Perfect Simple and Progressive;(don't)have to and mustn't;words for games-playing;/?:/and/e?/ 68
D7 Where does it hurt? 70
D8 Skills focus:...drove off without stopping 71
Summary D 73
Revision and fluency practice D 73
Test D 74
Block E E1 Another good day 76
E2 Focus on systems:reported speech with would and had;punctuation;contractions;words for everyday objects 77
E3 A dream 79
E4 Skills focus:Nice woman,42 81
E5 This is great 82
E6 Focus on systems:adverb position;words for clothes and parts of the body;pronunciation of vowel letters 84
E7 Every hour 85
E8 Skills focus:'A shock' 86
Summary E 87
Revision and fluency practice E 87
Test E 88
Grammar revision section 90
Tapescripts and answers 104
Index(structures,notions,functions and situations) 110
Introduction 115
Entry Test 116
Test 1 120
Test 2 124
Test 3 128
Test 4 134
Test 5 138
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