

万象英语 小百科 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:丛丽君编著;奚荣茗,赵志刚,于杰,丛云鹏,陈泽文编委
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7887421438
- 页数:155 页
Anything goes! 9
A couch potato 10
and so on and so forth and so fifth! 11
Anyone can do that 12
Are you kidding? 13
An apple a day keeps the doctor away 14
Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do for your country 15
Are you on-line? 16
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 17
Bad news travels fast 18
Believe it or not 19
Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down 20
Be your age! 21
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 22
Better a big fish in a little pond than alittle fish in a big pond 23
Better late than never 24
Bachelor's wife 25
Behind every great man there is a great woman 27
Better luck next time 28
Bless you! 30
Cold hands,warm heart 31
Cool it! 32
Don't add insult to injury 33
Don't call us,we'll call you 34
Do others before they do you! 35
Don't bite off more than you can chew 36
Don't give me that! 37
Don't worry,be happy 38
Do you mind! 39
Everything's coming up roses 40
Everything is under control 41
Feed a cold and starve a fever 42
French leave 43
Give me a break! 44
Go ahead£?make my day 45
Go dutch 46
Go for it! 47
Go for the gold! 49
Good for you! 50
Good to the last drop 51
Go with the flow 52
Hang in there! 53
He could sell ice to an Eskimo 54
He broke his pick 55
Having a wonderful time.Wish you were here 56
Heads I win,tails you lose 57
Hold your horses! 58
He has drive 59
He's history 60
He is loaded 61
Here goes! 62
Here's looking at you,kid 63
How was your flight? 64
I couldn't care less 65
If anything can go wrong,it will 66
If at first you don't succeed,try,try again 67
If you can't beat'em,join'em 69
If you know what I mean 70
If you want something done right,do it yourself 71
I have a dream 72
I made it! 75
It adds up 77
It goes in one ear and out the other 78
It is better to have loved and lost,than never to have loved at all 79
It's a dream come true 80
It's all over and done with 81
It's a piece of cake 82
It's a small world 83
It's lonely at the top 84
It's none of your business 85
It will all come out in the wash 86
I will teach him a lesson 87
Keep out of this!And stay out of this! 88
keep still about it.And keep quiet about it 89
Keep this to yourself 90
Keep your chin up 91
keep your mouth shut(about someone or something) 91
Keep your shirt on! 92
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage,half shut afterwards 93
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open 94
Laughter is the best medicine 95
Let's face it 96
Leave it to me 97
Let me have it!And le's have it! 98
Like father,like son 99
Long time no see 100
Let bygones be bygones! 102
Let's keep our fingers crossed 103
Life is what you make it 104
Love is blind 105
Love means never having to say you are sorry 106
Man does not live by bread only 107
Marry in haste,repent at leisure 108
Men/Women—you can't live with them,you can't live without them 109
Miller time? 110
Money talks 111
Never say never 112
Nice guys finish last 113
No excuses! 114
No sweat 116
No way! 117
Opposites attract 118
Penny-wise and Pound-foolish 119
Read my lips 120
She can dish 121
She was naive 122
Shit or get off the pot 123
There's no place like home 124
There's no such thing as a free lunch 125
The cobbler should stick to his last 126
The more the merrier 127
The more you have,the more you want 128
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach 129
To be or not to be---that is the question 130
To boldly go where no one has gone before 133
Travel broadens the mind 134
Welcome to the club! 135
What will be,will be 136
What a fire drill! 137
What you don't know can't hurt you 138
When in doubt,do nothing 139
When in Rome,do as the Romans do 140
Where's the beef? 142
Who did it? 143
Why don't you concede? 145
You can say that again 146
You can't have your cake and eat too 147
You can't take it with you 148
You can't win them all.(You)can't win'em all 149
You could have fooled me 150
You('d)better believe it! 150
You'll get onto it 151
You make me laugh! 152
You(really)said a mouthful 152
You're(just)wasting my time 153
You deserve a break today! 154
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