实用英语教学法 少儿英语篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:DavidNunan主编;CarolineT.Linse编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787302308881
- 页数:216 页
Chapter One The child as a language learner 1
1. Introduction 2
2. What is developmentally appropriate instruction? 2
3. Learning about children's development and interests 6
4. Children's language learning and acquisition 12
5. Making input meaningful to learners 13
6. Supporting children's language acquisition and learning 14
7. Conclusion 16
Further Readings 17
Helpful Websites 17
References 18
Chapter Two Teaching listening to young learners 21
1. Introduction 22
2. What is listening? 22
3. Background to the teaching of listening 25
4. The development of listening skills 27
5. Classroom techniques and activities 29
6. Listening in the classroom 40
7. Conclusion 43
Further Readings 43
Helpful Websites 43
References 44
Chapter Three Teaching speaking to young learners 45
1. Introduction 46
2. What is speaking? 46
3. Background to the teaching of speaking 47
4. The development of speaking skills 49
5. Classroom techniques and activities 52
6. Managing speaking activities 62
7. Speaking in the classroom 63
8. Conclusion 66
Further Readings 66
Helpful Websites 66
References 67
Chapter Four Teaching reading to young learners 68
1. Introduction 69
2. What is reading? 69
3. Background to the teaching of reading 71
4. The development of reading skills 75
5. Classroom techniques and activities 78
6. Reading in the classroom 90
7. Conclusion 94
Further Readings 94
Helpful Websites 94
References 95
chapter Five Teaching writing to young learners 97
1. Introduction 98
2. What is writing? 98
3. Background to the teaching of writing? 99
4. Development of writing skills 101
5. Classroom techniques and activities 110
6. Writing in the classroom 114
7. Conclusion 117
Further Readings 118
Helpful Websites 118
References 119
Chapter Six Teaching vocabulary to young learners 120
1. Introduction 121
2. What is vocabulary? 121
3. Background to the teaching of vocabulary 122
4. Principles for teaching vocabulary 123
5. Classroom techniques and activities 128
6. Vocabulary in the classroom 132
7. Conclusion 134
Further Readings 135
Helpful Websites 135
References 135
Chapter Seven Assessing young learners 137
1. Introduction 138
2. What is assessment? 138
3. Background to assessing young learners 141
4. Formal assessment 143
5. Classroom-based assessment 145
6. Assessment in the classroom 157
7. Conclusion 162
Further Readings 162
Helpful Websites 163
References 163
apter Eight Working with parents of young learners 165
1. Introduction 166
2. Why are parents important? 166
3. Ways that parents can be involved and connected 167
4. Creating a teacher-parent partnership 170
5. Conclusion 184
Further Readings 184
Helpful Websites 184
References 185
Chapter Nine Key issues in teaching young learners 186
1. Introduction 187
2. Classroom management 187
3. Special needs 192
4. Multiple intelligences 197
5. Tutoring 198
6. Technology 199
7. Professional support 200
8. Conclusion 201
Further Readings 201
Helpful Websites 201
References 203
Children's songs and finger-plays 204
Glossary 207
Index 211
Credits 216
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