- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑莉,胡湘辉编著
- 出 版 社:兰州:甘肃教育出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787542317971
- 页数:203 页
Unit 1 Introduction 1
Warm-up Activities 1
Language and Culture 4
Communication 9
Intercultural Communication 9
Exercises 12
Unit 2 Verbal Communication Ⅰ 15
Warm-up Activities 15
Form of address 16
Compliments 19
Greetings 24
Formal and Informal Invitation 25
Visiting 26
Parting 29
Initiating Conversation and Conversation Topics 30
Exercises 32
Unit 3 Verbal Communication Ⅱ 36
Warm-up Activities 36
Culturally Loaded Words 37
Cultural Reflections on Proverbs 40
Taboos and Swear Words 43
Euphemisms 45
Slang 47
Idioms 47
Exercises 51
Unit 4 Nonverbal Communication 57
Warm-up Activities 57
Defining Nonverbal Communication 60
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication 60
Study Areas of Nonverbal Communication 61
Functions of Nonverbal Communication 62
Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication 64
Time Language 65
Space Language 67
Body Language 70
Posture 70
Gestures 71
Facial Expressions 72
Paralanguage 75
Exercises 77
Unit 5 Cultural Influence on Education 84
Education and Culture 84
The Education System in the UK 85
Coming of Age in the United States 87
Classroom Expectation 88
Exercises 90
Unit 6 Work Values and Business Attitudes 94
Warm-up Activities 94
You are What You Do 95
Employee Turnover 97
Exercises for Work Values 98
Business Attitudes 101
Other Cultures Are Not Like Yours 102
Advertising Styles 103
Exercises 104
Unit 7 Cultural Variations in Negotiation Styles 106
Warm-up Activities 106
Top Ten Ways Culture Affects Negotiating Style 111
Cultural Variations in Conducting Business 115
Cultural Variations in Selecting Negotiators 119
Cultural Variations in Decision-making 120
Conclusion 123
Exercises 123
Unit 8 Cultural Reflections on Family Values 128
Warm-up Activities 128
The American Family 129
Family Structure in Britain 130
The Elderly in America 132
Youngster in America 132
Exercises 135
Unit 9 Leisure and Sports 139
Warm-up Activities 139
How People Relax in the UK 139
American Holidays 140
Sports in Britain 143
The Meaning of Football in the United States 145
Exercises 147
Unit 10 Food and Healthcare 150
Warm-up Activities 150
Healthcare and Culture 150
Fast Food and American Culture 151
Food and Perception 154
Culturally Competent in Healthcare 155
Fundamental Asian Health Concept 157
Exercises 159
Unit 11 Intercultural Personhood 165
Universe and Nature 165
Knowledge 166
Time 168
Communication 169
A Synthesis 171
Complementarity 173
Toward Intercultural Personhood 174
Exercises 175
Appendices 177
Appendix Ⅰ Social-cultural Test Paper 177
Appendix Ⅱ Teaching Syllabus for Intercultural Communication 184
Appendix Ⅲ Key for Reference 190
Bibliography 197
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- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
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- 《Photoshop CC 2018基础教程》温培利,付华编著 2019
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- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
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