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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:郭泽民,黄遵编著
  • 出 版 社:济南:山东教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7532800504
  • 页数:413 页

(七)动词 1

一、词类 1

(一)冠词 1

(1)缩略词前面不定冠词的用法 1

目录 1

(八)动词 2

(2)应该说to be appointed the President,还是to be appointed President呢? 4

(3)四季名称前的冠词用法 5

(4)应该说at university,还是at the university呢? 6

(5)while,when,after,as,because和since引导的从句能否都能缩略成短语? 8

(二)连词 8

(6)when的用法 11

(7)什么条件句才能省去if? 15

(8)although与though的区别 19

(9)so long as与as lon g as的区别 21

(三)介词 24

(10)as of的语法作用和用法 24

(11)at与in表示时间时的用法区别 28

(12)between与among的区别 32

(13)for与because of的区别 34

(14)from与of的区别 35

(15)into与in的区别 37

(16)下面句子中的介词in一定要重复吗?—John is interested in English and in other modern lan guages. 38

(17)to be fed on与to be fed with的区别 39

(18)sit on与sit in的区别 40

(19)over的用法 42

(20)the walls of stone与the walls in stone的区别 44

(21)cock-eyed的意义 46

(四)形容词 46

(22)education system与educational system的区别 48

(23)能不能说more an d more dear? 50

(24)priceless的意义 53

(25)so-called的意义 56

(五)名词 59

(26)a deal与a big deal 59

(27)headquarters何时用作单数何时用作复数? 64

(28)是否可以把“祝您1987年万事如意”译成“Wishing you every happiness for 1987”? 67

(29)means何时用作单数何时用作复数? 70

(30)sir与madam的用法 72

(31)应该说0.3937inches还是0.3937inch 74

(六)代词 77

(32)any与some的区别 77

(33)someone与anyone的区别 78

(34)it的用法 84

(35)to seize me by the collar与to seize me by my 86

collar 86

(36)在一个句子中指同一个人为什么单、复数都可以用? 89

(37)可不可以说Who is it? 93

(38)下面句中的your可以用you代替吗?—it’s no use your telling me not to worry 95

(39)dare的用法 99

(40)如何解释Kin g Charles had his head cut off? 102

(41)must在过去时态中的用法 105

(42)must have thought的意义 107

(43)主语是第三人称单数,后面的动词need是否都要加‘s’? 111

(44)I’d rather与I’d better的用法 113

(45)Shall I与Will I的区别 119

(46)I should like与I would like的区别 121

(47)should have与would have的区别 123

(48)aim to do something与aim at doing something的区别 126

(49)to be found与to find的区别 128

(50)to work与of working的区别 132

(51)to ask the man washing his car与to ask the man who is washing his car的区别 137

(52)think to do something与think of doing some-thing的区别 139

(53)change的用法 141

(54)let的用法 145

(55)to let与to be let的区别 147

(56)send的用法 149

(57)to start与to begin的区别 154

(58)mute与muted的区别 157

(59)schedule与scheduled的区别 160

(60)如何使用过去完成时? 162

(61)在the first time引导的从句中可以使用过去时吗? 166

(62)wan ted的委婉用法 169

(63)He said that he was ill是否说明他现在已经病愈了? 173

(64)可不可以说where was the tape recorder made? 176

(65)since I sat here与since I have been sitting here的区别 178

(66)to be going to do something与to be on the point of doing something的区别 181

(67)I wish I was与I wis h I were的区别 185

(68)were to leave与were leaving的区别 186

(69)If I were,与If I was和If I would be的区别 189

(九)同义词辨析 192

(70)act与action 192

(71)alone与lonely 193

(72)born与borne 194

(73)clever与wise 196

(74)clothes,cloth,clothing和dress 199

(75)childish与childlike 202

(76)edible与eatable 206

(77)factory与works 208

(78)ill与sick 209

(79)meddle与intervene;remember与remind 212

(80)pretty,beautiful和handsome 216

(81)shade与shadow 218

(82)shut与close 220

(83)small与little 221

(84)steal与rob 225

(85)at home与at home in 228

二、短语及句子 228

(十)短语辨析 228

(86)crash a car与smash up a car 230

(87)different to与different from;speak with与speak to 236

(88)different than与different from 241

(89)can’t help but do与cannot help doing 244

(90)a half day与half a day 247

(91)a new pair of scissors与a pair of new scis-sors;a good piece of advice与a piece of good advice 249

(92)nothing but与anything but 252

(93)one another与each other 254

(94)have a wash与have a bath 255

(95)wash up the dishes与wash the dishes up 256

(十一)句义辨析 261

(96)She was afraid of irritating…与She was afraid to irritate rather than answer与rather thananswering 261

(97)No sooner had I sat…与No sooner did Isit 266

(98)Mary is asleep now与Mary will be asleep now 270

(99)S ee you tomorrow,I’ll see you tomorrow和I’ll be seein g you tomorrow 274

(100)when she wanted to…与If she wan ted to 279

(十二)习语 283

(101)if you like是什么意思? 283

(102)OK的来源和写法 287

(103)Putting two and two together 289

(104)Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of them selves 291

(105)That’ll do 297

(106)the thin end of the wedge 298

(十三)惯用法 301

(107)English by radio与English through radio的区别 301

(108)“I forget my book at home.”正确吗? 302

(109)可不可以说“Imay have left it on t he train yesterday” 303

(110)可不可以说“Susan is six years elder than Jane.” 305

(111)He is no good at tennis与He is not good at tennis 306

(112)have,have got和do have 308

(113)Lucille has got no social sense的意思 311

(114)I hive a que stion与I’ve got a guestion: 314

I have to…与I’ve got to 314

(115)as follows还是as follow? 317

(116)下列三种表达方式是否都正确? This and the following two sections This section and the two following This section and the next two 318

(117)能否说the last line but three? 320

(118)“ … few opportunities of hearing English spoken”,“…few opportunities for hearing English spoken”和“…few opportunities to hear English spoken”这三种说法哪一种最好? 322

(119)可不可以说I am teaching English in Ger-many since some years? 325

(120)He see s his father through different eyes的意思 327

(121)应该说to the exhibition,还是at the exhibiti-on? 328

(122)如何使用very many? 329

(123)对“The children are playing in the gar-den.”是否可以这样提问:“Who are playing in the garden?” 331

(十四)句型 337

(124)I’m afraid句型的用法 337

(125)Mary works as best she can是否少了一个as? 341

(126)as far as…is concerned,as for和as to 343

(127)“He is considered an authority”是否对? 346

(128)I can hardly praise this film too highly 347

的意思 347

(129)I regret having to tell you to leave是否等于I’m sorry to have to tell you to leave? 351

(130)Here I come,Here comes Charlie以及Here lies love和Here is our enginc driver 354

(131)There’s no excuse…的用法 357

(132)There is,There are句型中there的省略现象 359

(133)There is a pen and a pencil…和There are a pen and a pencil 360

(134)Among the guests there were two young children与Among the guests were Meg and Tom Burton 364

(135)usually等频度副词在句中的位置 366

(136)I wish that…与If only引导的从句的区别 370

(137)判别非限制性定语从句的方法 374

三、其他 378

(十五)俚语和生活用语 378

(138)可否把because,please和them写成becos,plize和em? 378

(139)俚语cop,guy等 380

(140)听到好消息和坏消息后的正确回答 384

(141)英语中“上厕所”该怎么说? 389

(142)如何称呼一位陌生的女士? 393

(十六)读音与书写形式等 398

(143)阿拉伯数字0的读法 398

(144)英国货币改为十进位制后价格的读法 400

(145)电话号码的读法 402

(146)缩略词Rd,Mr和Rd.,Mr.哪种写法正确? 405

(147)标题及书名的大写规则 407

(148)为什么What’s On没有问号? 408

(149)怎么给学生的英语作业写评语? 410

(150)英语中师范学生的“实习课”该怎么说? 412
