- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨珏,刘育文主编
- 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7502919104
- 页数:252 页
第一部分:单词辨析 1
Ⅰ.同义、近义动词辨析 1
1.Abandon Dersert Discard Forsake Quit 1
62.Bake Roast Stew Toast 22
86.Calculate Compute Count Estimate Evaluate Reckon Value 33
138.Dash Plunge Rush 52
173.Elevate Heave Lift Raise 63
186.Fade Perish Wither 67
191.Gaze Glance Glare Glimpse Peep Peer Stare 68
198.Happen Occur Take place 71
203.Induce Tempt 72
206.Lay Lie Place Put Set 73
209.Menace Threaten 74
213.Object Oppose Protest Rebel Resist Revolt 75
215.Penetrate Pierce 76
219.Quiver Shake Shiver Tremble 78
220.Ramble Roam Stroll 78
231.Shake Sway Swing Wag Waver 81
Ⅱ.同义,近义形容词辨析 83
1.Able Capable 83
31.Barren Poor 94
48.Calm Peaceful Quiet Silent Still Tranquil 100
84.Damp Humid Moist Wet 114
100.Economical Frugal Thrifty 116
113.Fair Impartial Just 119
130.Gaunt Lank Lean Thin 125
138.Hard Stiff 127
145.Idle Lazy 129
153.Latest New Novel Original Unfamiliar 131
162.Male Manly Masculine 134
171.Neat Orderly Tidy Trim 137
173.Obvious Outstanding Remarkable Striking 137
176.Personal Private 138
181.Rare Scarce 139
187.Safe Secure 140
196.Unfortunate Unhappy Unlucky 143
195.Troublesome Tiresome Ugly Weary 143
198.Visible Visual 144
200.Worth Worthwhile Worthy 144
Ⅲ.同义、近义名词辨析 145
1.Ability Capability Capacity Competence Faculty Talent 145
14.Base Basis Foundation 150
19.Chance Occasion Opportunity 152
25.Defect Demerit Fault Flaw Shortcoming 155
28.Evidence Proof 156
30.Factory Mill Plant Works 156
33.Grief Sadness Sorrow Woe 157
36.Location Place Site Situation SpOt 158
34.Harbour Port 158
35.Income Pay Salary Wage 158
37.Material Matter Stuff Substance 159
38.Origin Root Source 159
39.Proportion Rate Ratio 160
40.Reaction Reply Response 160
41.Scene Scenery Sight Spectacle View 160
Ⅳ.形近词辨析 162
1.Aboard Abroad Board Broad 162
49.Badge Bandage Brigade Budget 178
56.Cause Coarse Course 181
85.Deduce Induce Reduce Seduce 191
99.Efficient Proficient Sufficient 195
105.Faction Fiction Fraction Friction 196
108.Gamble Grumble Mumble Ramble Scramble 197
113.Habit Inhabit Inhibit 198
119.Idea Ideal Idle Idol 200
127.Late Lately Later Latter 203
130.Marvellous Masculine Massive Maximum 204
133.Negate Neglect Negociate 205
135.Obscure Obstacle Obstinate Obstruct 205
136.Parish Perish Polish 206
147.Quality Quantity 209
150.Receipt Receiver Reception Recipe 210
155.Scar Scarce Scare Scarlet 211
159.Tired Tireless Tiresome Tiring 212
161.Wander Wonder 213
第二部分:短语 214
1.above all 214
42.back down 218
58.call forth 219
83.deal with 222
89.economical of 222
97.face up to 223
119.gain an advantage over 225
178.had ratherthan 230
187.in a hurry 231
205.knock down 233
221.1ag behind 234
247.make a(the)difference 237
261.neithernor 238
271.off and on 239
284.pass throuth 240
313.rather than 243
342.scrape through 246
365.take a chance 248
390.wait on/upon 250
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